Obviously, Fujimiya can't be counted on, he is not good at this, Lei Xu simply got to the point:

"Please say hello to Renlong for us, we want to meet with it...for an interview."

Kuroda Megumi showed shock, she obviously did not expect the visitor to make such a request.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were…"

"Since we found you, we must be sure!"

Lei Xu interrupted:

"The one next to me is the Guardian of the Sea."

Fujimiya's face is not very good-looking, obviously he has no experience in such things as falling off a horse.

He stretched out his left hand without saying a word, and showed Kuroda Kei the sapphire bracelet on the back of his wrist.

"If you're looking for the Guardian of the Earth... I'm sorry he's not here today, but he'll be with us to visit Renlong."

I dreamed that I was learning to fly a plane for the past two days, but I didn't see him in the water.

"If that's the case, I'll try to convey it for you."

It's still a light voice, but it no longer has the alienation that rejects people thousands of miles away.

Hearing this, Lei Xu was immediately refreshed—as expected!

"Then—" Kuroda Kei raised her eyebrows, her voice was gentle:

"Excuse me, Mr. Lei, what is your identity?"

"my words......"

As for Megumi Kuroda, a small reveal is fine.

"Probably the same as the two of them...although I don't know how the light of the earth is stuffed into me."

The intellectual woman in front of her once again showed surprise, she didn't even see Lei Xu's real body.

"Renlong...does it have anything to eat?"

When asked this question, Lei Xu hesitated for a moment, thinking that he should not lose his courtesy.

Although it is definitely not enough to feed such a big nine-headed dragon, it is also good to bring some snacks to appetize Renlong.

The habitual etiquette of the people of Rabbit Country belongs to yes.

Kuroda Megumi lightly covered her red lips, and slightly curved her brows:

"This... I really don't know, why don't you ask Mr. Renlong, and then come back and tell me."

Lei Xu: ...

"Then I will trouble you. If there is no accident, we will visit the urban redevelopment project in Marunouchi tomorrow night...in that temple."

Finally repeating the time and place, Lei Xu and Lei Xu bid farewell to Kuroda Hui.

"By the way, order a cow, a sheep, and a pig separately before tomorrow night. They should be roughly roasted, and there is no bloody smell. By the way, prepare wine and fruit."

Fujimiya suddenly looked over strangely:

"Are you really going to bring food for the monster?"

"You know a P!"

Lei Xu rolled his eyes and emphasized:

"Renlong is not a monster, he is a dragon!"

"Three animals and six animals are expensive food, and they have been common sacrificial offerings since ancient times. There is nothing wrong with being courteous, trust me!"

12 奥特演戏~

Guardian of the Earth: [Is there nothing going on recently?Fragmented meteorites from the heavens...I have already found a reason to seal off the Yokohama Coastal Building for a few days...have you already...]

Oops, Lei Xu said that it seems that he forgot to ventilate the chewing gum, so he quickly threw the pot away——

L77 Survivor: [Ah this——, didn’t Fujimiya tell you? 】

Ocean Light: [? ? ? 】

Fujimiya, who was busy in front of the computer, looked over with an unfriendly expression, and Lei Xu was embarrassed when he saw it.

L77 Survivor: [Ahem, sorry, I forgot... just wait a moment. 】,

Guardian of the Earth: […]

Looking at Lei Xu's inquiring eyes, Fujimiya turned his head angrily, and a faint voice came:

"According to Li, he has preliminarily analyzed the system control unit of the heavens according to the structure diagram, and the plan is feasible..."

In the next second, the dazzling blue light pierced the sky...


"Speaker Daniel, the star of alchemy, sent a communication."

XIG Air Base——

Just finished work and was about to leave the command room, the group of people who clocked out of get off work simply stopped.

"Commander, our people have detected an abnormal typhoon phenomenon."

Shishi looked serious:


It's just a typhoon, the communication will not come here, Shishi is very clear about this.

"There is evidence that the typhoon is purifying the atmosphere, but its wind power is increasing at an unimaginable speed. If this continues, its wind power will reach level 20 or above before it lands in Japan!"


"Received satellite cloud image data."

On the screen, a clear satellite cloud image flashed, and the large storm clouds caught everyone's eyes like a devil laughing.

Daniel's narration continues:

"Our companions have discovered that there is something hidden in the eyes of the typhoon that we don't know...Commander, it's time for you to attack!"

Shishi turned sideways and looked at Daniel with obvious surprise:

"Do you have a battle plan?"


"Team Lightning——, attack!"


Guardian of the Earth: [Daniel's news, found an abnormal typhoon suspected to be in the heavens, Captain Kajio has already attacked! 】

L77 Survivor: [You can always trust Kajio, as long as he is not allowed to hold a gun. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [? ? ? 】

The Light of the Ocean: [The plan has begun, I dream, let's play a game. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Plan?Seniors are you?Typhoon... Heaven! !What is the plan? ? 】

L77 Survivor: [Don’t ask anything, gather in Tokyo tomorrow night, I’ll take you to the pier first. 】

Guardian of the Earth: 【...I see. 】

I dreamed to switch screens contentedly, and the actions of my friends took me with me, so happy~.

"Commander, the blue Ultraman appeared, and the missile launched by Kajio was intercepted."

I dream:? ? ?

On the screen, a blue-and-black giant emerged from the distorted gray-black storm clouds, easily destroying the two missiles into meaningless fireworks.


Switching back to the chat interface on the personal computer, the words "let's play a game" are extremely eye-catching.

Guardian of the Earth: [Senior, I want to fight with Fujimiya...]

L77 Survivor: [Information sent to you... that's right, let's fight first——

Remember not to ruin the heaven... This is a performance, play harder, don't miss the show! 】

Guardian of the Earth: 【...I will do my best. 】

"Commander, I will go to the scene to re-analyze the things in the eye of the wind."

Glancing at the shared information, I knew that I, who had been staying at the air base, would not be able to explain the source of the information and intelligence no matter what, I Meng left a sentence and trotted away from the command room.

Stone Chamber:  …

Ten minutes later—

"Commander, the blue Ultraman is still preventing the fighter planes from entering the eye of the storm, requesting an attack."

Shi Shi bowed his head and pondered for a while, then nodded slightly.


Kajio manipulated the plane below him to avoid the blue-black giant that suddenly appeared in front of his body, feeling powerless in his heart.

Several attempts to re-enter the eye of the storm were blocked. Although the blue-black giant did not launch an attack, none of their missiles could hit.

Even with this anti-gravity fighter that symbolizes the crystallization of the highest technology of mankind, the gap between humans and Ultraman is simply...

In the next moment, a dazzling red light suddenly flashed in Kajio's vision.

Standing proudly in the air, the blue giant that made him unable to enter fell into the clouds below in an instant and disappeared.

Instead, there was a burly figure of red and silver.

"Kajio, now is the time!"

Almost in sync with Director Di's order, the blue and white anti-gravity fighter plane slid into the eye of the wind without hesitation.

A photo of a top-wide and bottom-pointed black shadow swirling in the pitch-black ink cloud appeared on the screen.

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