"Commander, the analysis report of my dream—the object in the eye of the typhoon is suspected to be man-made!"


Even though Shi Shi was mature and prudent, he couldn't help being a little confused by this news.

"Commander, according to my dream report, the core of the man-made objects inside is quite similar to the atmospheric purification system that our Celestial Dynasty companion Li is researching."

Daniel's communication screen is connected again:

"If we can penetrate its interior, we have a considerable chance of mastering this machine."

"How sure are you?"

Daniel shook his head slightly:

"If you can't stop it, there's no point in being confident."

"Gaia and Blue Ultraman are fighting!"

The screen switched, and in the wide wilderness, the figures of two giants, one red and one blue, crossed.

"The typhoon still has an hour to hit mainland Japan."

Correspondent Qiao Ji reported:

"The red giant has appeared and has intervened in the battle between Gaia and the blue Ultraman!"

In less than 2 minutes, the successive unexpected developments are dizzying.

On the contrary, Shishi smelled an unusual smell...

on site--

【Senior Lei Xu, Fujimiya, what are your plans? 】

Because I knew in advance that it was acting, I couldn't beat Fujimiya because I was a bit restrained during the battle.

—Aguru didn't even flash the lights.

[This is not even as good as your usual level, I dream, you are a third-rate level! 】

Fujimiya's sarcasm followed his fists as well.


Gaia flew out with a long scream——

The simple fist and kick between Gaia and Aguru, or the physical collision does not reach a certain level.

For example, before the speed is fast enough to cause an air compression nuclear explosion, there is no need to worry about creating a space wormhole for Zollim to pass through.

deflated streamline——

I hid it carefully in my dream, and Fujimiya, who pretended to avoid it, ate a weak Quantum Streamline firmly, and the timer on his chest began to flicker falsely.


In the air base, Commander Shishi looked at what happened in front of him, and always felt that he had caught something, but he still couldn't catch that flash of inspiration...

13 Change the script~

"The heat source disappears——the updraft stops!"

As the battle on the ground continues, twisting storm clouds in the sky dissipate.

The hits of the two missiles caused the heavens to temporarily stop their activities and lost their source. The violent storm that was originally created quickly subsided under the tearing of the earth's overall tidal force.

On the screen, the fuzzy black shadow in the photo was replaced by an ancient giant machine with eye-catching red text engraved on it.

This is......


Shishi's whispers were heard by the two correspondents, but they had no time to ask questions——

On the screen, several thick scarlet electric currents visible to the naked eye rolled across the surface of the jet-black copper-like mechanical body full of antiquity.

The instantly generated powerful electric potential field even spread to the Mir not far away, causing the latter's magnetic field stabilizer to flicker.

"Heaven, it's falling...Trajectory prediction—Minato-ku, Tokyo!"

"What!!? Team Flash!"

Too late!

On the side, Lei Xu, who was distracted to pay attention to the situation in the heavens and was ready to take action at any time, could see clearly.

In the plot, the place where the heaven lands is the Boso Peninsula Scenic Area.

The current location change is undoubtedly the butterfly effect brought about by his own intervention.

Not to mention that Kajio has just experienced two high-intensity overload maneuvers exceeding 10G. Even if he is in his prime, it will be difficult to hit a giant free-falling machine at this height.

Besides, with the mass tonnage of Tianjie, can the impact of the Fight thermal missile really change its falling trajectory?

You don't need to think about this question.

The heavenly realm is 84000 tons, and its mass far exceeds that of a monster of the same size, even though its height is only a few kilometers.

If you drop it with this quality...

Lei Xu seems to have seen the brutal scene of Mezard's surprise attack on Tokyo.

It was originally just a building in Yokohama, but now it has become... Is this the consequence of my appearance?

Never allow it!

At this time, someone in the city seemed to have noticed the slender black shadow falling in the sky.

Some people pointed, some were careless, and some were making fun of it. They didn't think it was a terrible thing at all.


The shadow in the sky is faster than the streamer, descending from the sky with a terrifying momentum.

Finally, more and more lenses reflected the messenger who seemed to bring destruction.

People started to panic, screaming and running away, the cries and cries suddenly boiled over, and panic and fear spread.

But in the next second-

The bright rainbow light pierced the sky, and the red figure pulled a long, terrifying air howl pierced through the sky above the bustling city, embracing the huge falling copper-duo-like machine.

Under the sudden impetus of a huge external force, the trajectory of the fall from the heavens was undoubtedly deflected.

One black and one red, two meteor-like lights and shadows crashed into the only spacious green area in the city with lightning speed.

——It seemed to be a park, Lei Xu only had time to make sure that there was no one there.


The moment it touched the ground, smoke and dust all over the sky suddenly rose several kilometers high with the sound of a terrible explosion

A ring of eye-catching impact airflow mixed with gravel and dust spread out for several kilometers before slowly dissipating.

The dazzling red light sphere suddenly flashed, and the warm radiance weaved a huge human-shaped phantom, which finally condensed into a crimson giant squatting on the ground.

The soft earthy ground is the best buffer, but Lei Xu is not that stupid, planted in the ground with the heavens and buried in the soil.

The moment before touching the ground, he escaped by turning into a ball of light, thereby avoiding the most direct wave of impact.

In the dense smoke and dust not far ahead that has not dissipated, in the center of the ring-shaped impact crater, there is still a rotating blade base exposed in the sky.

OK, different process, same result.

Lei Xu is not entangled either. According to the plot flow, Tianjie should be transformed into a rammer next, and a sandstorm will be set off after a few bangs.

Speaking of which, there are quite a lot of working modes for this thing.

The sky storm purifies the atmosphere, the tamping machine breaks up the ground, and the sandstorm cleans up debris, forming a surface washing machine.

Combined with the cloud image of the devil face in the plot, it is conceivable that this thing can even DIY customize the shape of the satellite cloud image.

Tsk tsk tsk, people in the future will really know how to play.

Maybe it's a single dog in the future who hopes to use this thing to confess to being single.

It's no wonder that among the three natural control machines, only the heavenly realm cannot transform, and there is no special combat mode.

No, why don't you play your cards according to the routine?

Lei Xu felt that he was being targeted——

In front of him, the pitch-black copper-like machinery got rid of the state of being buried in the soil and slowly entered the deep space. Lei Xu stared straight at the heaven that had not changed into a tamping machine.

The scarlet electric current rolled past, the huge fan-shaped blades under the celestial body began to rotate again, and the pitch-black clouds slowly gathered.

There was a slight vibration under his feet, and Lei Xu turned his head, just in time to see the red and silver giant landed on the ground, not to mention aiming at the heavens, posing in a dumb-ass-killing posture.

In the next second, a bright blue ball of light fell from mid-air, and precisely hit Gaia, who was already raising pink light stripes on his head.

Hiss——, it hurts to look at it.

Lei Xu glanced at the chewing gum that flew far away again, and Fujimiya Ameng was really merciless in his strikes.

[Don't look, it's useless! 】

The angry Otto read the words:

【Will you fight? 】

Lei Xu almost spat out a mouthful of old blood:

【Fujimiya Ameng, are you making a mistake?In the script, you and I are on the same side! 】

【Oh--?Do you still remember that you are with me? 】

Hearing these words, Lei Xu seemed to be able to see the indifferent face of Fujimiya Ameng:

[Then how did you do it? 】

Uh——, it seems that I am... impulsive.

Lei Xu sneered:

[Mistake, mistake. 】

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