I Meng raised his left hand, trying to ask about the situation, Lei Xu silently moved away two steps, he is not stupid enough to expose here.

The meeting of the three of them with Renlong is a matter of absolute confidentiality, Fujimiya is in no way suitable to appear here——

He was sent by Lei Xu to find Megumi Kuroda, the Renlong Miko who was still waiting at the Marunouchi construction site.

"I dream, where have you been?"

"The communicator is out of order, I just rushed to the scene."

In terms of muddling through, my dream is professional, and the professional group loves it.

"The natural gas removal in the E7 area is completed, and that thing can expand the gravity field centered on its own body. I dream that you have any suggestions?"

Shishi's voice was a little anxious, and the liquid nitrogen missile could only solve the urgent need.

"Gio base is equipped with anti-gravity missiles, let the lightning team change immediately."

Knowing the relevant plots by heart, I Meng made arrangements without hesitation, and did not forget to explain:

"This allows the target to generate negative mass, disrupting the gravitational field, but also causing fierce resistance from the target."

Two FightSS painted in red and white disappeared into the night.

Before destroying the gravitational field, even Gaia had no choice but to obtain the light-heat magic stone Lesaat weighing 400 million tons.

Fortunately, this time it was not like ordinary civilians were trapped in the plot, Lei Xu was relieved but at the same time he couldn't help but feel puzzled.

In the E7 area, he could hear it clearly.

Is it a coincidence?

"Senior, what are you thinking about?" I dreamed very keenly, "Are you thinking about El Robpa?"

"Or...butterfly effect?"

Lei Xu shook his head, "I'm thinking about the enemy's purpose."


"Tokyo's E7 area, this is the case in the plot, and now the light and heat magic stone has arrived in advance and landed in the E7 area. I don't think it's a coincidence."

"..." My dream's IQ is mainly focused on scientific research, and I can't understand Lei Xu's expression.

Even after experiencing the eye Q incident, this talented boy who dropped out of the ivory tower has not yet possessed the complex thinking mode of an adult-there is a full 7-year age difference between the two.

"Remember the accident that happened when we communicated with Renlong?"

Lei Xu half explained and half analyzed to himself:

"Renlong looked up... If I'm not mistaken, Renlong had already discovered the magic stone at that time."

"The light-heat magic stone Lesaat appeared suddenly, without the iconic wormhole, but now I assume that it is also sent by the shattered summoning body, so what is the enemy's purpose?"

"E7 area, natural gas pipeline, Renlong..."

Lei Xu murmured and changed these key words, always feeling that some key elements were missing.

So far, the attacks of the hosts caused by the destruction of the roots have only been minor.

Not counting the earth monsters and eye Q, which are similar to monsters, there are Gob and Mezad on the root side, and at most a heaven.

Gob is the vanguard of the greeting, and the Mezzards are the partners.

The heavenly world is a tool that pretends to be beneficial to the earth's environment, but at the same time brings great economic losses and casualties to human beings.

No, Fujimiya should be taken into consideration—

In the eyes of the disillusioned recruiter, Fujimiya has been fooled into limping.

The heavens are good for Earth, and Fujimiya, who represents Aguru, will just stand by and see that Gaia doesn't match his beliefs.

Heaven is one of the tools to separate Gaia and Aguru!

——The shattering move is aimed at the two Ultramans!

In the night, the two FightSSs went back and forth, and the missiles mounted under the belly of the aircraft were particularly eye-catching.

"Senior, I'm going!"

The missile exploded in the blazing high-temperature gravity vortex, and the warm light briefly illuminated Lei Xu's face, and the burly giant representing the earth crashed to the ground.

The red and silver giant majesticly crashed into the silver and white magic stone with its scarlet tentacles stretched out. During the contact and battle between the two giants, the streets and cities that had been reduced to half ruins were like sand castles in the hands of children, easily disintegrated .

The loud and chaotic violent airflow made Lei Xu's clothes flutter, and the fierce battle that was almost close to his face could not shake Lei Xu who was in deep thought.

In my mind, several clues are colliding fiercely, and it seems that something is about to come out.

Gas pipeline, Tokyo, magic stone...

The unconsciously raised eyes reflected the figure of the giant whose limbs were tightly bound by scarlet tentacles——

At some point, Gaia was already at a disadvantage, and the timer in the center of her chest was flickering rapidly.

Severe burning pain came from the back, causing the giant representing the earth to let out a painful battle cry.

Suddenly, as if a blessing came to his heart, the conversation with Renlong not long ago came to Lei Xu's mind.

[I can't remember how many times, beat back. 】

and also--

The recent water shortage in Tokyo is very serious.

This is what Lei Xu himself explained to Fujimiya. Renlong's anger is not only aimed at...

I understand!

Lei Xu's godless eyes burst into bright rainbow light, and with his raised hands, golden lion's pupils shone with brilliant golden light.

Under the pitch-black night, before the sky-piercing rainbow light dissipated, several white light wheels flew out like lightning, cutting off the scarlet tentacles binding Gaia's limbs with incomparable precision.

【I understand! 】

The muscles on the slender red giant's body swelled slightly for a moment before disappearing in place.

The long, distorted red shadow slammed into the arms of the silver-white magic stone that had been tortured by the negative quality to less than 3W tons, and hit it hundreds of meters into the air.

Accompanied by the long-overdue vacuum return gust and the shrill howling that pierced the eardrums, Lei Xu pulled out a posture he was no longer familiar with.

Beside him, the pink photon blade on the head of the red and silver giant is ready.

The next moment-

The torrent of red light and the sharp photon skate converged at one point, and instantly disappeared into the midair of the magic stone's body surface.


Debris splash...

19 Lei Xu's decision!

Gaia's Austrian special film is rare, with fewer units, and it develops like a serial drama.

This means that there is a fixed order in which each enemy will appear.

The debut of Eye Q is an important medium for Lei Xu to determine the timing.

Affected by Lei Xu's interference, the heaven behind the eye Q was discovered in advance and completely preserved.

Lei Xu remembered quite clearly——

After the heavens, it should be the undead who does not want to die on the earth - Anaimos.

The light heat magic stone has to be delayed, there must be a reason for its early appearance!

Unknowingly, the butterfly effect produced by Lei Xu's appearance has become so great that it can interfere with the outside of the universe, or to the extent that it can be said that shattering invites attacks from entities.



In the slowly rising morning sun, I dreamed of grabbing Lei Xu's outstretched hand, panting heavily and slowly getting up.

"Senior Lei Xu, you just said, what do you understand?"

"Of course it is the strategic purpose of the root cause to destroy the recruiting entity!"

Lei Xu, who had sorted out the enemy's logic, was in a good mood, even temporarily ignoring his stomach's protests.

"Strategic purpose?"

My eyes widened, and I couldn't wait to ask:

"What is it?"


Lei Xu turned around and walked towards the pickup, saying as he walked:

"You also know that this is not the first time that the destructive body has attacked?"

I Meng nodded, he also heard those few words of Renlong.

From ancient times to the present, Renlong has experienced countless attacks, which can be seen from the persistence of destroying the recruited body.

Fortunately, there was no problem with the pickup truck. My dream was not in good condition, so Lei Xu sat in the driver's seat.

"What do you mean by aiming at...?" I dreamed with doubts on my face.

"The Destroyer is a very cunning enemy. It has fought against Renlong many times, and it has also fought against Gaia and Aguru countless times, but it has never been able to get what it wanted."

Lei Xu steered the steering wheel. There was no one on the road early in the morning, and he was driving very fast.

"If I were the destroyer, I would try my best to weaken the resistance of the two Ultraman and the earth, such as Renlong."

I Meng nodded slightly to show approval.

"For this reason, the enemy modified Chrysis, instigated Fujinomiya, and caused you two lights of the earth to conflict.

Using the huge energy generated by the two Ultramans to open a super-large wormhole that is enough for the giant Zolim to pass through, and this is not the first time-the murals can prove it! "

These are known information, my dream still looks confused.

"The ancients recorded the conflict between the Ultraman and the appearance of the giant beast Zolim on the murals, but have you ever thought about who repelled the giant beast Zolim after the Ultraman lost his fighting power? ?”

"..." I suddenly realized the dream.

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