"That's right, it's Renlong!"

"Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the two Ultramans wake up and join forces to fight against the enemy." Lei Xu added.

The pickup truck stopped beside a golden arch that opened early, and Lei Xu stuck out the window to greet the waiter who hadn't entered yet:

"Please give me burgers and drinks for 20 people. Try to have different tastes, thank you."

"The ancients paid attention to the taboo of being a venerable, and the ancients who mastered the power of Ultraman must have an extraordinary status. It is not impossible to become a general emperor and be regarded as a god.

Especially in the era when murals are still used to record major historical events, human beings may have just escaped the barbarism of ruthless hair and blood.

So even if Renlong repelled Zuolim, it would not be recorded on the mural—that would be disrespectful to the gods. "

I Meng looked over in admiration, and Lei Xu felt guilty for a while.

In fact, if you think about it a little deeper, it is not difficult to deduce these.

"I think that the last time the destructive body attacked the earth until the giant beast Zolim was repulsed, there was no follow-up in the plots I told you-the enemy's offensive strength must have been strengthened after each failure. .”

"Otherwise, it is impossible for the murals not to record the scene of the demonic insects covering the sky and the earth during the decisive battle.

It is also possible that it was recorded that it was not discovered, and you can ask Renlong next time about this. "

Lei Xu glanced at the Golden Arches, the hamburger hasn't arrived yet.

"As the guardian of the ancient existence and the command tower of the monsters of the earth, Renlong's power surpasses that of Ultraman.

Renlong can compete with the behemoth Zolim, and the shattered summoning body will definitely be fully prepared for this attack. "

"The attack of the light heat magic stone seems to be attacking Tokyo and destroying the city, but in fact it is targeting Renlong!"

I dreamed of disbelief, he couldn't connect the two.


Lei Xu gave a succinct reminder:

"There is also the dragon vein of Tokyo."

Mezzard is a monster of the spirit system. When Lei Xu arrived, he had already missed the first appearance of the model worker jellyfish monster.

Without Lei Xu's interference, Mezad successfully read the thoughts and memories of many people.

Furthermore, the entity of destruction has also succeeded in having a relatively in-depth understanding of the new overlord that is being bred on the earth of human beings.

The light and heat magic stone is aimed at the natural gas pipeline in Tokyo. Once it is detonated, the whole of Tokyo will be affected.

Dragon veins are the source of Renlong's power.

In ancient times, without the development of large-scale industrialization by human beings, it is unlikely that the light-heat magic stone will really destroy the dragon veins of Renlong.

Combined with Lei Xu's previous knowledge, the impact of human development and urban construction on the dragon veins of Renlong.

The natural gas pipeline is related to people's livelihood. Once it is destroyed, the human government is bound to repair it, which will affect the dragon vein again.

This wave, this wave is called killing... dragons with a knife.

In fact, the shattered summoning body in the original plot did succeed——

The Renlong dragon vein was destroyed, the dragon jade was destroyed, and it was double weakened.

So much so that Renlong didn't even have the strength to fight against Zolim when the giant beast appeared, so he didn't appear at all and rested until the finale.

If it wasn't for the collapsed Fujimiya who bestowed the light of Aguru on my dream, I would imitate Sun Dasheng and come up with a strange trick of 'sister-in-law, I'm in your belly'.

I'm afraid that the time Zollim appeared, the Destroyer summoned body had already established the victory.

After all, at that time, there was no existence on earth that could stop the giant beast Zolim.

Gaia SV is simply a bug that should not have appeared!

Combined with the Gaia plot that Lei Xu knows——

The optical quantum computer Chrysis was invaded, and someone in the Alchemy Star was instigated, and the two Ultraman were separated from each other.

Throughout the plot, heart attack emerges endlessly.

Fujimiya was particularly persecuted.

Until the end, Angel Zog, who had been painting makeup for several years and finally appeared on the stage, was still playing the trick of attacking the heart.

It can be seen from this that the overall layout of the disintegration is grand and far-reaching, its actions are secretive, and it has been planned for a long time.

After careful calculation, Lei Xu was shocked to find out, where the fuck is the subcontractor?

Isn't Yuangu's filming for adults a long time ago successful?

Ahem, just kidding.

When special photography becomes reality, the so-called plot can only be used as a reference.

Lei Xu had already been mentally prepared for this point, and the surprise last time was more of an impact on himself than a belief in the plot.

"Hi, 20 burgers and drinks for [-] people, please take it."

Handing over two [-] yuan bills casually, Lei Xu took the convenience bag full of hamburgers, took out one and handed it to Meng Meng.

"I made a decision!"


I looked up blankly while I was tearing down the hamburger, just in time to meet Lei Xu's determined eyes.

"Give me the structural diagram of the air base. I want to find some time to talk to Commander Shishi."

"Eh—? Eh——!!!"

20 heart-to-heart~

L77 Survivor: [Fujimiya, I dreamed, I've made up my mind. 】

Light of the Ocean: [Confess to Akio Ishimuro? 】

Guardian of the Earth: […]

L77 Survivor: [I can do it alone, you two are still the same as before. 】

Ocean Light: [reason. 】

L77 Survivor: [The reaction of the shattered body is faster than expected. It is more like a well-planned military organization that has some scruples. It is afraid of being exposed and dare not make big moves. 】

[My appearance has aroused the vigilance of the enemy, and the action against Renlong Longmai is proof of that. 】

[The original plan was to fully spread out after defeating Zollim, but now it seems that relying solely on us is still insufficient. 】

【Alchemy Star is just a scientific research organization after all. It lacks in influence and organization, especially in military and high-level influence. 】

The Light of the Ocean: [...What should I do with my dream? 】

L77 Survivor: [Leaving aside the high-level officials, Shishi is still credible. 】

【I'm a loner, even if something happens, Shishi can't do anything about me... He probably has already guessed a little bit about my dream identity. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [? ? ? 】

Ocean Light: [So fast? 】

L77 Survivor: [I didn't appear in the original drama, and the stone room after the heaven is already testing my attitude towards Meng.

Before Zulim came, and after the decisive battle between you two, he even covered my dream, Fujimiya, he didn't reveal your identity. 】

[The scheming of you two scientists is incomparable to these old foxes who are mixed up in the military and political high-level. 】

Guardian of the Earth: […]

Light of the Ocean: [...Indeed!when are you going 】

L77 Survivor: [The sooner the better. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Let me introduce you. 】

L77 Survivor: 【No!Even if each other is tacit, the two of you must never disclose your Ultraman identity, I am enough. 】

[Humans are not as bad as imagined, but not as good as imagined, remember! 】

Pressing off the phone, Lei Xu let out a breath of turbid air slowly, and just about to relax and lie down, a suspicious question came from behind him:

"what are you worried about?"


Lei Xu turned his head suddenly, and sure enough, he caught the darkness.

This person's clothing has always been in black, making one wonder if Fujimiya's wardrobe is full of the same suit.

"What are you worried about, and what are you anxious about?" He repeated his question again.


Lei Xu sighed and rubbed his temples as if he had a headache, "As a scientist, isn't Fujimiya Ameng's EQ a bit high?"

Fujimiya didn't speak, just stared into his eyes.

"I reorganized it...not only the plot of Gaia, but also the process of my coming to this earth."

Lei Xu lowered his head, his vision blurred.

"The offensive configuration of the shattered recruits against the earth is very streamlined, so streamlined that it does not leak, even human engineering construction destroys the dragon's veins, which easily weakens the power of Renlong.

Attacking the heart, instigating rebellion——

The core tactical goal in the early and mid-term is to let the two of you conflict, and use your power to create enough wormholes for Zolim to appear. Why? "

Fujimiya looked thoughtful.

"You can say that the enemy is afraid of Ultraman's power and Renlong, but I don't think that the shattered body can't open a wormhole of sufficient scale-the later stage of your name...It was reflected in the targeted solution to my dream. "

"Aiming at my dream, at the XIG air base, and even at ordinary people, in the later stage, the shattered recruits became more and more unscrupulous, which shows that they can only engage in small-scale small actions-this time the enemy's determination is great, and it is inevitable Row."

Fujimiya's face was serious, he suddenly understood what Lei Xu meant.

"There was an accident in the complete battle plan-there was an extra Ultraman on the earth side, and the original plan was not enough to complete the set goal. What do you think should be done if you think that the disillusionment brings experience?"

This is the unanswered question--

From the perspective of the historical process, the disillusioned body will not give up, and it is not pedantic.

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