On the contrary, Shattering invites a despicable and indecent body, omnipotent, extremely proficient in double standards, and shameless.

Since Mezad can be brought in, the Shattered Invitation Body can bring in more allies, as long as it feels it is necessary.

It's the same for human beings - a piece of cake is placed in front of you, if you can't eat it, you will find more existences of the same level to unite and start together, and no one will be willing to quit.

The earth in the Gaia universe is just that delicious cake.

Lei Xu raised his head, there seemed to be a faint rainbow light in the depths of his eyes, and Fujimiya felt a trace of regret from it.


Fujimiya had a cold face:

"Are you blaming yourself? Thinking you might as well not show up? It's all your fault?"

"you are wrong!"

The rainbow light in Lei Xu's eyes disappeared, and he was stunned for a moment.

"Without you, I would have gone further and further in my mistakes, lost Dr. Inamori, lost my faith, watched the monster tempt me in the doctor's face, and then shot the doctor."

"Without you, Renlong's power will be weakened, more earth monsters will suffer, and the environmental pollution caused by underground penetrating missiles will create a series of tragedies. The meaningless sacrifices will even be repeated a few years after defeating the shattered monsters. On and on."

"Without you, we wouldn't even know that there is an empire, and it would be impossible to make targeted plans and prepare in advance. Now you come and tell me that you think it would be better if you didn't show up?"

There seemed to be flames burning in Fujimiya's eyes, and the sapphire bracelet on his left wrist shone brightly with his emotional ups and downs.

"Why don't you ask Renlong why it calls you mother's child.

Go ask the earth why the earth is willing to entrust you with the power of Gaia and Aguru, eh—? "

Lei Xu was silent.

"The enemy is very strong and terrifying, and it may be even more terrifying in the future. The earth and mankind will face greater challenges, that's right!"

"But—, who said that we, human beings, and the earth cannot become stronger?"

Fujimiya turned around abruptly, stepped to the window, looked up at the clear and bright blue sky outside the window, and said in a high-spirited and confident voice:

"It doesn't matter if the destruction of the root causes the body, or Mezad, or the tremblingly powerful empire you mentioned."

"Let them come!"

"Together, let them come and go!"

"at last--"

The vine standing in front of the window... Aguru turned his head slowly, exuding milky white radiance, staring at him with the sharp and unique eyes of Otto:

[After everything is over, let me help you! 】


"I'll go find the stone room with you."

Hearing this, Lei Xu raised his head abruptly, but the black figure was no longer in front of the window...


21 石室章雄

Fujimiya's mobility is not weak, and Lei Xu received a notification at noon the next day——

Light of the Ocean: [Tomorrow, Daniel and Lee are going to the air base, and we will go to Akio Ishimuro together. 】

L77 Survivor: [...Okay. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [? ?What happened? 】

L77 Survivor: [It's nothing, I dream that you have to think about your parents, don't reveal your identity easily. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [...Okay. 】

At first, Lei Xu imagined that he would transform into the bedroom at night and fly directly into the bedroom of the stone room. For this reason, he also asked me for the structural diagram of the air base.

Who knows that the plan can't keep up with the changes——

Fujimiya is determined to have a showdown with him.

Even for the sake of Fujimiya's wife, Lei Xu can't act too much - in human society, rules are very important.


"...In short, according to the current textual research, the natural control machine 'Heaven Realm' is indeed made by human beings, and many supporting factories for application parts already exist..."

In the command room of the air base, a group of people are listening attentively to Li explaining the research progress of the heaven.

Lei Xu raised his eyebrows at Womeng, who was facing sullenly, and felt that the chewing gum seemed to be unable to hold on.

Although I was prepared, I never expected Lei Xu and Fujimiya to act so quickly and so decisively.

My dream: Two of my little friends are going to have a showdown with my immediate boss to announce their identity, and it seems that there is something hidden from me, so angry!

Fujimiya beside him was not stage-frightened at all, and could interject a few sentences from time to time, attracting the attention of Shishi and others.

"I heard from Daniel that the member of the Alchemy Star who suggested that the heavens come from the future is serving as a scientific analyst on your ship. I would like to have an in-depth exchange with him."

Li asked Shishi.

Shi Shi glanced at Wo Meng, who seemed to be preoccupied, and nodded slightly.

"Er... eh—?"

I didn't come back to my dream for a while, and pointed to my nose and exclaimed.

Then Li enthusiastically pushed his shoulders away, with reluctance written all over his face.

"Then, let's go too..."

Several researchers of the Fengbo project followed quickly, and Fujimiya Leixu and Daniel were left alone in the command room.

"These two are..." Director Di took the initiative to chat.

"Fujinomiya Hiroya."

Daniel introduced to Fujimiya with a smile on his face:

"It used to be a member of our Alchemy Star, leading the absolute core of the optical quantum computer Chrysis project."

"Ever?" Shi Shi captured the key words that people care about.

"Quitting Alchemy Star is my personal reason."

Fujimiya put on a poker face, a little cold.

"This one..." Daniel got stuck—he had met Lei Xu quite a few times in the communication, and he always thought it was Fujimiya's assistant and didn't pay much attention.

Apparently, Fujimiya would not introduce Lei Xu's origins to the former - it was too late for him to cover up.

"Lei Xu."

Lei Xu briefly introduced himself, "The rabbit... comes from the Celestial Dynasty."

"Crissis helped us a lot, thank you very much."

Shishi walked slowly to Fujimiya and stretched out his right hand.

Fujimiya: ...

Fujimiya, who was stuck for a moment, raised his arms belatedly, and clasped Ishimuro's palms.

"The two of us—"

When saying this, Fujimiya paused for a while, waiting for Lei Xu to take the initiative to take a step forward.

Afterwards, he stared at the man in front of Lei Xu who was one of the best commanders of the Austrian system, and said expressionlessly:

"I hope to talk to you alone, Commander Akio Ishimuro."


Captain's room—

There are a few family portraits on the side of the office area, a tea ceremony reception room, and a simple bed inside.

Lei Xu looked at the somewhat simple layout with curiosity, and lamented that Yuangu could always restore the real scene in unexpected places.

"You two, do you have anything to say?"

The three of them sat down, the slightly hot tea in front of them steamed into a white mist, and Shi Shi took the lead to ask.

"Before the official start, I must emphasize—"

Lei Xu looked at the stone room with a meaningful look:

"We hope it will be a private conversation, Mr. Ishimuro."

The word 'secret' is heavily bitten.

Shi Shi was silent for a moment, got up and went to the desk, reached under the table, and said loudly:

"I am Shishi, turn off the surveillance in the captain's room."

[The command has been confirmed, and the monitoring is turned off. 】

The electronic notification tone looped three times before falling silent.

"this is okay......"

Shi Shi turned around and asked, his curiosity had reached its peak at this time.

If it hadn't been introduced by the chairman of Alchemy Star, he would never have agreed to meet with the two unknown people who had met for the first time.


Rao Shishi asked himself that he had experienced many strong winds and waves, and he couldn't help standing still when he saw the scene in front of him.

One red and one blue, two unfamiliar yet familiar figures sat in the reception room of the tea ceremony.

The brilliant azure blue fades away, and the warm iridescent rings converge.

Lei Xu calmly picked up the steaming tea in front of him, took a sip, and his face suddenly wrinkled into a bitter gourd shape.

How can it be so bitter?

"I'm sorry to meet you this way."

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