In the cramped closet, Reiko Yoshii's exquisite face looked a little dazed.

She looked out of the door through the gap, holding up the phone, like a colleague walking dead, not understanding what happened.

At this moment, she only knew that she must not be found.


The sound of the door opening was like knocking on the center of Reiko's heart. She covered her mouth and nose with trembling hands, but her eyes unconsciously gathered at the only gap for observation.

Reiko saw the figure of the visitor as she wished, her eyes widened, it was not in the desert...

In the next second, the indifferent male voice almost from in front of her made her heart stop suddenly——

"If you don't come out again, I don't guarantee that I will be able to rescue you."


It was only after Lei Xu returned to the air base that he learned about the large number of Anaimos——

Theoretically speaking, neither he nor Fujimiya should appear outside the air base at this time.

L77 Survivor: [My dream, share with me all the locations where Anaimos appears. 】

Guardian of the Earth: 【... Received, wait a moment. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Senior, why are there so many...]

L77 Survivor: [The resurrection of Anaimos is dominated by human consciousness. The more people who are aware of its existence, the greater the energy. 】

[The hijacked KCB TV signal... I am afraid that the shattering recruiter has made full use of this energy. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [appearing all over the world? 】

L77 Survivor: [Probably not wrong, I am afraid that many places in the world have received the KCB signal...Satellite TV is responsible. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Eh——? 】

L77 Survivor: [I have time to chat... Can the combat forces of XIG be arranged? 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Order from superiors, XIG will deal with Vasette in an all-round way, and the combat mission of Anaimos is temporarily handed over to GUARD branches and ground forces. 】

L77 Survivor: [Understood, I'll go first. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Senior Lei Xu, it's too much to rely on you alone, Fujimiya can't make a move, it's me...]

L77 Survivor: 【No!Vasette's side is not necessarily much better than the current situation on the ground. 】

[More than 100 gobs, including all the power of the current human beings, cannot be destroyed. You must kill them before the gobs grow up! 】

[Remember, never leave half a step before making sure Vasette and Gob are dealt with. 】

L77 Survivor: [Don't worry, I have a plan, and I have a hole card...probably. 】

Guardian of the Earth: 【...I understand, senior! 】

The iridescent brilliance streaked across the clear blue sky again, and fell indomitably towards the earth that gradually slipped from the world to purgatory...

Returning from the long history of demise, the mere existence itself is enough to cause infinite fear. The huge and ugly undead Animos "enchanting" twists its rough cylindrical body.

The smelly and sticky, disgusting purple pheromone liquid was sprayed wantonly.

The river passing through the city was quickly stained with an ominous purple, calling back the terrible existence in the ocean from the extremely microscopic quantum state world.

The strange and terrifying sound was so huge that it could easily crush the body of the city, like a crayfish walking on the ground with its tail after being magnified countless times, holding up the black and shiny chitin double pincers, slowly stepping into the city made of reinforced concrete. forest.


Like anaimos, it is also a species that has been eliminated due to its inability to resist the brutal competition for survival in the long period of the past 46 billion years.

Klaboga completely ignored the despair and howling city in front of him, and walked unswervingly to the other end of the block.

The building crumbled under its strong double pincers, and the scattered boulders and debris crushed the fleeing people on the street, and the bright red that represented blood was everywhere.

Screams, wailing, and cries for help intertwined. People ran desperately and aimlessly, but they couldn't escape the slow landing of the huge monster behind them.

In front of huge monsters, human beings are just creatures like ants,

The soles of Klaboga's feet, which were covered with slender fuzz, were already covered with scarlet, sticky blood.

Every time it takes a next step, these flesh and blood representing fresh life will be heavily pressed under the surface.

Tens of thousands of tons of heavy trampling touched the dust-covered ground, and the blood-red muscle tissue that was still bouncing was instantly dyed meaningless black by the dust. With the giant feet that were raised again, they flew up for a while and then scattered downward.

Black and gray flesh and blood messily cluttered the ground, walls, and roofs, scattered in this already fragmented city.

Every step forward of Klaboga is filled with infinitely beautiful fresh life, but its footsteps never stop.

No matter how many lives are lost, no matter how loud the wail, no matter how fierce the artillery fire is, it cannot shake its determination to seek symbiosis from Anaimos.

It has to live!

It will stand erect on this vibrant land again!

It will become the sole ruler of this planet just like it did 6 million years ago!

Not hesitating, to become the ancestor of all creatures on this land today——

Natural enemy!

It has always been like this.

Craborg has always been like this.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest--

No matter how I returned to this land, and no matter what kind of creatures live on this land today.

Klaboga's simple brain would not think about these complicated and meaningless questions.


Then live!

That was all that remained in Craborg's head.

Kraborg slowly raised one of his tail feet, and several uniformed district officers panicked and pulled away two civilians who stumbled and fell under the huge shock. The slender figure was helpless.


A man leaps resolutely into the enlarging shadows, holding the frail, slender girl in his arms.

"Father, go!"

The girl cried and told her father to let her go and leave this terrible purgatory alone.


The man did not waver at all—

He hugged his child tightly, shielding her under his body, and closed his eyes.

The man knew very well in his heart that his actions were meaningless and he couldn't change the final outcome at all, but...

[You GZZ of CNM, die for labor and management! ! ! 】

The furious cursing that burst into his mind slowed down the speed of Klaboga's landing for a moment.

In the next second, a red ball of light fell from the clear blue sky to the earth, and the shining and warm iridescent light meandered and flowed in the void, outlining explosive muscle lines.

"Dad, look quickly!"

The bright red giant feet propped up a huge brilliance, like a figure who has descended from the world.

The man opened his eyes, staring blankly at the towering figure with metallic luster all over his body, who got up and raised the terrifying giant beast to the sky.

It was clearly reflected in the depths of the lens, the hands of the standing red giant were joined together, forming a standard L-shaped swift movement.

The next moment-

The scorching torrent of light rushed out like a torrential river, unreservedly venting on the body of the terrifying and ferocious giant beast in mid-air.


25 超必杀o奥特高热爆破!

The bright blue lights on the chest of the red giant's hands intertwined, the silver light flashed suddenly, and a huge illusory light wheel of thin and pure white came out of his hands.

The meteor-like whiteness of Xunying silently split the air in front of it, and neatly split the huge and twisted tube-shaped creature standing on the other side of the city block into two pieces, still pretending to be "enchanting".

[No matter what you use, burn it and leave nothing behind! 】

An inexplicable voice flooded into my mind.

Seeing the monster fall, the commander of the ground defense force who had just breathed a sigh of relief was a little dazed.

He could clearly perceive where the sound came from——

The god-like giant, like Gaia, has no official name yet Ultraman.


The commander saluted excitedly in the direction of the giant, and then turned around to greet the subordinates who cast bewildered eyes on him:

"Quick! Go to the nearby gas station and bring gasoline over. I saw a tank truck on the road and forced to requisition it. I will report to the higher authorities and request the mobilization of incendiary bombs..."

Anaimos is an ancient extinct echinoderm.

In other words-

Ancestors of starfish!

Although it is not clear whether Anaimos has the same vitality as a starfish, and whether it will become two if it is split into two.

But Lei Xu was very clear about the balance in his heart——

Apart from the energy-intensive exclusive ultimate move, High Heat Ray, he has no more suitable light skills that can be used to deal with Animos.

There are still many battlefields, even if the activity time is infinitely close to the universe at this moment, the light energy reserve in his body cannot support his extravagant waste.

Even counting what may be stored in his body, the power of Gaia and Aguru is not enough to allow him to use high-energy-consuming skills unscrupulously.

Pointless consumption of energy will only make you passive, so that you are unable to deal with the remaining Animos and Klabaga.

After removing the ability to resist, even with the strength of human beings alone, they should be able to deal with Anaimos easily.

The red giant's body sank slightly, and a huge storm was set off by a diving leap, and it stagnated in the clear sky.

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