A pair of bright yellow radiance, strange shape, sharp-edged eyes looked at the blue in the distance.

Crossing hundreds of kilometers, penetrating the mountains and dense forests that block the line of sight, and finally landing at the intersection of the blue ocean and the earth.

There is Tokyo Bay.

On the coast, several rows of shore fire guns are pouring firepower into the sea, which is stained with a layer of light lavender, and looks a little dirty, without stopping for a moment.

The bright yellow blazing line of fire desperately chased a dozen or so huge and terrifying distorted ghosts that were approaching on the water surface.


and also--

Lei Xu's eyes shifted slightly, and he accurately brought the Animos inland of Tokyo Bay into his line of sight.


Suppressing the sudden nausea, Lei Xu slowly changed his posture.

On the ground, the survivors who survived the catastrophe covered the blazing sun with their hands.

He cast his eyes on the red giant who stretched his fists forward in the air and crouched down as if about to start.

Some even held up cameras that came out of nowhere.

clack clack-

Take a picture of the fit and slender figure, the lower abdomen with protruding abdominal muscles, and the flying silver taboo text on it.

The next moment-

The red giant disappeared under the clear blue sky in an instant, and half a second later, the terrible howling sound of the wind spread along with countless white ring-shaped impact clouds.

Survivors on the street were dazzled by the sudden huge wind pressure, and their clothes fluttered.

The smoke, dust and black mist that had not yet dispersed in the air were pulled at a high speed in the direction where the light and shadow disappeared, and then were stirred up by the turbulent airflow into countless fine particles that scattered into the air and disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, Lei Xu's eyes are only on the group of more than fifteen Klaboga standing in the ocean, which have not yet landed in the future.

In the vast blue sea, there are more Kraborgs approaching Tokyo Bay.

They are like a licking dog that only asks for it, running thousands of miles, just to get the favor of those enchanting and artificial Anaimos 'goddesses'.

The white clouds in the sky were receding, and the landscape on the ground was still reduced to blurred and meaningless polychromatic lines.

The originally gentle and gentle atmosphere gathered and rubbed against the surface of the red giant's body, gradually forming a clearly visible bright fiery red, like a burning light and shadow.

is approaching-


Under the scorching sun, the sparkling sea instantly sank, forming an extremely neat hole.A deep crater that spreads out in a conical shape.

At this time, the defense soldiers hiding in the fort and firing at the monsters approaching in the sea discovered the clear line of fire above their heads that almost split the sky.


Before the visual signals in their eyes had time to be converted into comprehensible information by the brain, in the middle of the inland ocean in Tokyo Bay in front of them, a blazing, dazzling but harmless brilliance suddenly burst out.


The violent and dull sound was accompanied by a terrifying explosion sound and an incomparable shock wave.

Under the action of the shock wave, a circle of pure white seawater vapor evaporated by the high temperature turned into a thick wall of fog, which instantly wetted the surrounding coastal defense line and several nearby buildings.

Huge waves set off dozens of meters high, spread forward in a cone shape, and rushed the group of licking dogs who were approaching the "Goddess" so that they couldn't stand still, and fell one by one into the sea like rolling gourds .

The blazing glory dissipated, in the command room of the coastal defense fortress.

The artillery fire ceased, and several GUARD senior commanders looked blankly at the center of the surging blue sea, and a towering red figure suddenly stood up.

Explosive muscle lines protrude from the surface of the bright and shiny red body, stirring up huge waves that cannot be ignored with every movement.

The red giant turned into a stream of light, and suddenly walked a certain distance, stretching out his hands to grab a terrifying monster that barely got up.

The hard muscles undulated and pulsed very regularly under the scorching sun above his head.


The terrifying monster weighing tens of thousands of tons was raised high and smashed hard at another Klaboga who had just got up.


The moment the two giant beasts touched, the dark and hard armor deformed into an irreversible angle, clearly making a crisp sound that can only be made when it is broken.

Lei Xu didn't stop——

The bright light in the center of the red giant's chest turned into a blood red that flickered regularly, and there was a terrifying power that he couldn't control spreading among his limbs and bones.

This is the first time for Lei Xu to use his own subjective consciousness to activate this explosive state, which he regards as his trump card.

In this state, Lei Xu couldn't last long, he knew it very well.


The rioting light energy in his body brought him unrivaled violence——

The red light and shadow are rushing over the ocean, and no Klaboga can resist Lei Xu's throw.

The last one!

Lei Xu paused suddenly, and the terrifying and terrifying giant lobster-shaped monster was easily lifted above his head without any resistance.

Inside the body, the blazing light can rush towards Kraborg's body through his hands.

Learning from the light of Orion, it is known as a super killer, and its power is even higher than its own exclusive big move. It will never be empty-handed——

Ultra high-heat explosion!

The timer in the center of the chest jumped faster, and the next second, the scarlet giant threw out the terrifying monster that was already on the verge of critical mass.

The dark and cruel behemoth fell heavily among its companions.

The next moment, it exploded...

26 离谱!

In the middle of the blue ocean, the red giant turned slowly and looked to the other side of the city——

In the inland of Tokyo Bay, several "enchanting" writhing animos crashed to the ground in the fierce and venomous flames of the tarsal bones, and uttered the last cry of the long-lasting soul.

Lei Xu's previous warning has taken effect, and the GUARDs of various countries have fully reacted, and have successively launched incineration strikes against Anaimos.


In the next second, the body of the red giant in the ocean quietly disintegrated into countless scattered light particles.

Along with the slack spirit comes great exhaustion like after three days and three nights of fierce fighting.

Limbs and bones no longer belong to him, his feet are soft, as if stepping on the air without any effort, his limbs are shriveled, and he can't lift a little bit of strength.

When Lei Xu's eyes darkened, he was about to kneel forward.

The fine white sand particles are getting bigger and bigger in front of your eyes. Fortunately, this is a beach, so it should...

Unexpectedly, a strong arm clung to him, restraining Lei Xu's body that was unable to fall forward.

"Fujimiya Amen?"

Lei Xu's voice was a little weak, he didn't tilt his head, but the sapphire bracelet on his wrist was unmistakable.

It may be the sequelae of the red light riot state lasting too long. The light energy in the body has almost bottomed out, so it can't be used for a while.It seemed to happen last time too, but far less serious than this time.

This is of course——

The main reason for being able to actively lead the red light riot this time was to see the tragic scene of countless casualties in the collapsed city, which filled my heart with rage.

The difference is that this time Lei Xu forcibly suppressed the outburst of anger and delayed his release until he arrived at the battlefield in Tokyo Bay.

In fact, the training with me, Yume Fujimiya, during this period of time was not ineffective.

In addition to being proficient and determining the energy filling rate when the earth transforms, and being more proficient in several light skills.

During the training, Lei Xu deliberately induced his anger many times, trying to control the state of the red light riot.

He is really afraid that the gift of Gaia Earth can only take effect in Gaia Universe.

When he returns to his own universe, he will still become that brother Ao Zhong.

If he can take advantage of the light of the earth and take the initiative to control the state of the red light riot, Lei Xu can be regarded as a trump card that belongs to him alone.

"Mezzard solved it, little, the little wife was rescued?"

Lei Xu tried his best to cheer up and make fun of it.

Because of his interference, the relationship between Fujimiya and Reiko Yoshii came to an abrupt end, and Lei Xu felt a little guilty.

"Do not talk."

With a cold face, Fujimiya supported Lei Xu and helped him to the shade of a tree on the beach before letting him lie down.

There was a slight stabbing pain in his arm, Lei Xu raised his eyes and saw that it was an IV.

— or two bags.

"Glucose and electrolytes, this is the fastest and most direct way... Sit down, and I'll find you something to eat."

Lei Xu raised his hand and touched his stomach... Only then did he feel a huge sense of hunger all over his body.

Taking out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, Lei Xu opened the group chat, trying to curb hunger with chat——

L77 Survivor: [How is the situation above? 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Senior, are you alright? 】

L77 survivor: [It's okay, Fujimiya is here to support me, where are you? 】

Guardian of the Earth: [The track of Vassett has been changed, and it is expected to fall in 10 minutes. The location is in the suburbs of Arizona. 】

L77 Survivor: [Changed, but not completely changed... Okay, Vassett will hand it over to you, is there any problem? 】

Guardian of the Earth: […]

L77 survivor: [What's wrong? 】

The Light of the Ocean: [Huh——, Vasette is at least 300 million tons, no matter where this mass falls, it will be an unprecedented disaster. 】

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