L77 Survivor: [Predicted number of casualties? 】

Guardian of the Earth: 【...No less than a million people. 】

Light of the Ocean: [Based on Arizona's population, this is already the most optimistic. 】

L77 Survivor: [I dream, I remember that you have a super-wide-range barrier skill. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Yes...but it can only resist the first wave. 】

Light of the Ocean: [Leave the follow-up to me. 】

L77 Survivor: [Just played Perfect Zade, how much power do you have?Think about your position, Fujimiya, you are not suitable to appear to protect civilians, so I will do it. 】

Ocean Light: 【Are you kidding me? 】

L77 Survivor: [...I still have cards, trust me. 】'

Guardian of the Earth: [Senior Lei Xu, what's wrong with you?hurt?Senior Lei Xu...]

The phone was taken away suddenly, Lei Xu was about to raise his head when a cold question came from his ear:

"What else do you want to do?"

"I really have a hole card." Lei Xu was weak.

"Even if there is, what can you do with your current body?"

Fujimiya's face became colder and colder:

"The prerequisite for fighting is that you must live!"

"I'm really fine."

Lei Xu tried to persuade:

"I'm just low on energy, there's a little more in the ring...you know my recovery rate on Earth, and I still have..."

Lei Xu unzipped the zipper and took out the bronze magic light stick from his arms after a long absence.

"It's hard work to talk big, Fujimiya Amen, you don't have the skill of Gaia, how do you stop it?"

Fujimiya: ...

The Bronze Divine Light Rod also has a certain energy storage effect. Lei Xu has stored part of the light energy in its core crystal, and it should last for a while.

If it's just to resist the second wave, the 20-meter Tijia is enough.

As for skills...


Isn't this just by raising your hand?

If it's impossible to rub it now, Lei Xu really doesn't believe that his Tijia body will reject him at such a critical moment.

Looking back, isn't the Dagu you Tijia chose the same as me?

Everyone has become a warrior, how can a cricket have the confidence to come and discriminate against me?

Ahem, joke, joke.

"Since you said, you just lack energy."

Fujimiya stretched out his left arm, the sapphire bracelet fluttered its wings, and a bright light blue particle of aggregated light slowly drifted out, floating in front of Lei Xu.

Lei Xu: ...

"Right now, Aguru still has [-]% of his strength left."

Lei Xu raised his head, but couldn't see Fujimiya's face clearly against the light.

"...Prove it to me!"

Lei Xu:? ? ?

No, Fujimiya Ameng, do you think this is a meal?

Lei Xu couldn't laugh or cry.

Do you think it will be enough to swallow it in one gulp...?

The light blue aggregated light particles seemed impatient, and before Lei Xu expressed his acceptance, it rushed towards him and disappeared into Lei Xu's chest in an instant.

Lei Xu originally thought that if he didn't beckon and accept it like I dreamed, Aguru's light would not...

Lei Xu & Fujimiya: ? ? ?

Ah this-


Put ~Aguru~Bowl~

27 Earth's monsters and humans! Two in one

Take a sneak peek.

Lei Xu glanced at Fujimiya Ameng's face out of the corner of his eye, well, nothing seemed to have changed, so he felt relieved.

No, Aguru, why are you so proactive?

Is this still you?

In the original plot, Aguru dotes on Fujimiya very much.

I Meng didn't get Gaia's power until the beginning of the plot, and Aguru went to Fujimiya two years in advance.

Not to mention the responsiveness during the period, and later on the upgrade on the way-you know, the famous scene of Xie Mei Smile.

After the light gave my dream to upgrade to the invincible SV, it will be directly upgraded to V2 when it is given again.

If Gaia had self-awareness, I would almost die from laughing. My dream guy is a typical best employee.

Lei Xu wanted to call Aguru out and ask him——

Why did you drill my body so fast and so easily?


Zao Aguru!

Fujimiya Ameng is so pitiful.

Lei Xu looked at Fujimiya with pity.

Cough cough--

Aguru's light enters the body, and the effect is immediate——

Lei Xu felt that his empty body solidified instantly.

The feeling of being so vacant and panicking, always feeling that it will collapse in the next second, disappeared in an instant.

There is soft sand under the feet, the emptiness on the soles of the feet is replaced by a clear and thick touch, and the limbs are full of strength again.

So, can I really be considered a human being?

Every time he felt this way, Lei Xu couldn't help doubting his human identity.

I always feel that I am a bit like Xiaomeng, the human form that Ultraman directly simulates, rather than driving the Ultraman body as a pilot.

Lei Xu can clearly perceive the extra lump in his body, giving people a calm, cool, and inexplicably distant light.

He suddenly remembered a very serious problem——

After using it, can he force Agur's light out of his body and return it to Fujimiya?

Probably, maybe, maybe... no problem?

Different from the previous feeling, Aguru's light did not spread throughout the body, but stayed in Lei Xu's body in the form of aggregation, slowly replenishing his deficiency.

When the light energy belonging to him in the body is fully restored, Aguru's light will be naturally repelled, Lei Xu thought.

Clenching his fists, feeling the full sense of strength that was lost and returned, Lei Xu didn't notice the unexpected look on Fujimiya's face at the side.

"How about it?"

Fujimiya turned around and picked up a box of... chocolates, and placed it in front of the bitter Lei Xu.

Tsk——as expected of a scientist.

As far as temporary supplementation is concerned, nothing is more direct than a full supply of sugar, and Lei Xu understands this truth.

It's just... uh-

A little nauseous.

Lei Xu tried his best to suppress the desire to vomit, tore open the package neatly, and began to eat.

Just by looking at this appearance, he knew that there was nothing serious, so Fujimiya didn't continue to ask.

Big meal or something, let's talk about it later, the most urgent thing is...

Taking back the phone from Fujimiya, Lei Xu quickly tapped his thumb:

L77 Survivor: 【What about Anaimos in other places? 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Senior, are you alright? 】

L77 Survivor: [Well, probably... Let’s not talk about this, which battlefield is more urgent, 20 minutes should be enough to solve another place. 】

Guardian of the Earth: 【...No need. 】

Ocean Light: [? 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Senior Lei, did you go to find Renlong? 】

L77 survivor: [Hmm. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [It's too powerful, the earth monsters are cooperating with the GUARD to block Klabaga. 】

L77 survivor: [Miss Megumi Kuroda is really efficient. 】

Ocean Light: […]

Lei Xu pressed the phone off and fell into deep thought——

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