In this way, it is not that there is no bridge to communicate with monsters in the original drama, and the earth monsters are not absolutely neutral in the early and mid-term.

Renlong is the control unit, and Megumi Kuroda is the communication bridge that Fujimiya dreamed of.

It's a pity that the two don't know each other in the plot, and they almost never meet each other.

My dream, who met Megumi Kuroda several times, was a simple-minded and simple-minded person who missed opportunities time and time again.

It was so hard to fight back, and most of them had to blame the human beings for being too conceited.

They often unilaterally identify the earth monsters as enemies, and even make NT operations to attack sleeping monsters.

In the early stage of the plot, the dragon vein of Renlong, the leader of the earth monsters, was destroyed.

The shattered summoning body eliminates the possibility of humans and monsters working together without breaking a sweat.

Renlong has already ordered the earth monsters to block Klabaga, Lei Xu can indeed save some effort—continue to eat.

10 minutes later--

I really want to vomit after eating it... Lei Xu put down the half-bitten chocolate in his hand, and nodded to Fujimiya:

"It's almost time, I'll go first..."

Before the words fell, and without waiting for a response, the red ball of light disappeared into the sky in an instant...

Arizona, Battlefield—

The tall Brigadier General of the GUARD ground troops watched the two approaching lobster-shaped monsters, and calmly ordered:

"Get out of the front line, retreat all, continue to maintain firepower, and continue to see the saw."

"No, Chief Hiiragi—"

A high-pitched reply mixed with artillery fire came from the communication:

"Anaimos is right behind us."

"How long until the incendiary bombs are in place?"

Hiroyuki gritted his teeth and looked at the radar communicator. It stands to reason that after such a long time, the air force should have been in place long ago.

A few incendiary bombs went down and burned Anaimos to death, and the two Kraborgs would naturally retreat.

There is no need to fight on multiple fronts like now.

Not being able to retreat means not avoiding depth.

To achieve the strategic goal of 'preventing Klabaga from approaching Anaimos', his subordinates must use their lives to prevent the opponent from advancing.

Even the King of Land War Tank is not much different from a toy car in the hands of a child in front of a monster weighing tens of thousands of tons.

"All air forces of GUARD, including the rescue force, have been dispatched, and there is no extra mobile force for the time being."

Correspondents quickly report on the situation:

"The incendiary bomb reserve at the nearby air force base is exhausted, and it has been reported to Washington. The Eagle Country is urgently activating the old bomber reserve, and it will take an hour at the earliest to arrive at the scene."

Hiroyuki closed his eyes.

An hour... how could the troops on the scene hold it for an hour!

The huge bearded feet raised high, Kliberga crushed a tank mercilessly, the violent explosion couldn't even break through the blockade of its soles, and it was stuffy in the ground.

Immediately, it raised its giant foot again, moving forward unswervingly.


It was the only thought in its mind.

"20 minutes until the code name Wassett crashes off the coast of Arizona."

Hiroyuki did not look back, this is known.

The crash site was on the coast, and the battlefield they were on was not directly affected.

In other words, no retreat!

Even if there is only one Animos and Klaboga complete the symbiosis, continue to grow, and enter the stage of sexual maturity.

With the usual number of eggs laid by echinoderms, this would be a huge ecological disaster enough to sweep the entire planet.

"Air base warning—"

The correspondent's voice trembled a little:

"Currently, there is one large and one small underground on the battlefield. Two heat sources are rising rapidly, and the energy level of one of them cannot be estimated!"

Hiroyuki Hiroyuki looked solemn:

"What is it?"

bang -- bang --

Before the correspondent could answer, it was like a missile hitting the ground from the ground, two dull explosions accompanied by violent vibrations on the soles of the feet.

One of Hirohiro couldn't stand steadily, he clung tightly to the console in front of him, his gaze concentrated on the battlefield surveillance video in front of him.

Two huge waves of mud and dust bloomed violently, crackling and hitting the outer armor of several avoiding tanks, making a series of crisp clashing sounds.

When the smoke and dust dispersed a little, Hiroshi Hiroshi saw the two huge black shadows that newly appeared in the center of the battlefield, hidden in the smoke and dust.



The majestic roar and slightly low roar sounded at the same time, which also made Hiroyuki Hiroyuki's heart sink infinitely.


Hiroyuki Hiroyuki slammed his fist heavily on the console, and his eyes seemed to be burning with flames:

"It's a monster again!"

"It's endless!"

"All listen to—"

Hiroyuki Hiroyuki is a qualified commander after all, he ordered decisively:

"Our goal is to prevent the codename Klabaga from approaching Anaimos, and temporarily avoid..."

"Wait a minute, Chief Hiiragi."

The correspondent interrupted suddenly:

"Reminder from the air base, the two newly appeared monsters are not enemies, Commander Shishi suggested that we withdraw from the battle."

"Not the enemy?"

Hiroyuki suppressed the doubts in his heart temporarily, squinted his eyes and looked at the two newly appeared monsters on the field.

I saw two bright yellow flame light bombs flying out of the huge smoke that hadn't dissipated, flying straight to the rear, twisting its huge and ugly body, and making a hell-like wailing and whining prehistoric giant echinoderm.


In the violent explosion and scorching flames, the 'enchanting' Anaimos crashed to the ground.

Limbs lying on the ground, the whole body is covered with a black shiny carapace, the back is like a mountain ridgeline, and the side of the peak is regularly dotted with tear-stained holes that look like observation windows, radiating bright light outward.

Like a huge monster carrying a mountain, it walked out of smoke and dust with heavy steps.

Crustaceous underground monster - Zhong Naier!


In the domineering roar like the king of beasts——

In the next second, a huge pitch-black sudden shadow was wrapped in dust and smoke that could not be dispelled, and rushed towards a Kraborga that was persistently advancing.

There are eye-catching small cloud patterns on the back of the head, and a huge mouth of fangs bites tightly on Klabaga's huge palpitations that are about to fall. The whole body seems to be covered with armor, and the outside of the limbs are covered with simple armor that looks like cirrus patterns.

On the whole, it looked like a gigantic, armored white saber-toothed tiger-like mighty beast biting Kraborg like this.

Until a few soldiers in the tank that lost power under its feet fled for a certain distance in a panic.

This mighty behemoth loosened its fangs, and the poor tank was reduced to meaningless fragments under the falling beard.

Crust and subterranean monster - Tigulis!

Hiroyuki Hiiragi: ...

"...Everyone has it, temporarily withdraw from the battlefield."

Hiroyuki Hiroyuki finally accepted Ishimuro's proposal, but he only temporarily withdrew from the battlefield——

Until Anaimos is eliminated, his mission is not yet complete.


The rainbow-colored radiance descended from the sky, and the radiance woven around Lei Xu's body slowly dissipated. He squinted his eyes and looked at the battlefield, but he didn't realize there was room for him to intervene.

On combat power——

[Xuanwu] Zhong Naier, [White Tiger] Tigulis,.

Either of these two, one vs two is not a problem.

——The combat power of Anaimos before parasitism is negligible.

The only trouble is, there are still a few Kraborgas approaching in the ocean.


A roar with a slight change in tone came, and Zhong Naier also let out a deep roar at the same time, as if responding.

Immediately, representing Xuanwu, the giant beast hiding the little sun turned around.

Head towards the other end of the low mountain—the direction where the second Anaimos is.

"Could it be..."

Hiroyuki Hiroyuki looked thoughtful when he saw this, and his tone was a bit inconceivable, "Monsters still have their own language and advanced intelligence?"


Lei Xu's complexion tightened, and he raised his hand to transform - a huge 'fog cluster' came out from Klaboga's mouth, hitting the tank phalanx that was leaving the battlefield.

Theoretically, Klaboga does not have the ability to attack with energy radiation.

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