But no one can say for sure what kind of power the fog has.

Maybe it was just a cloud of fog, or maybe that fog was terrifyingly corrosive.

The monster itself is not a creature that can be recognized simply by applying a template.

Lei Xu's transformation stopped instantly——

A huge figure in armor landed lightly, turned around - with a powerful tail flick, the cloud of unknown nature was split into the air by the roaring giant tail.

...Is Tigulis so flexible?

Lei Xu looked at Tigulis, who was dancing and light like a Siberian silver gradient, and once again suspected that he had seen a fake Gaia.

Cough cough--

In the original play, Tigulis has a "white tiger" as a metaphor for the beast, which cannot be compared with Zhong Naier, who has a little sun hidden in his body.

There is an energy attack skill, but I haven't used it once, it's miserable.

Unexpectedly, in reality, Tigulis' mobility is comparable to that of a humanoid monster, and his reaction speed is in line with the characteristics of his cat family.

Lei Xu asked himself, if he stood in the position of Tigulis, he might not have had time to transform just now.

That's right, 'Baihu' shouldn't be so much weaker than 'Xuanwu'.

In the episode, it is the leather case restriction, there is no way.

Zhong Naier went to destroy Anaimos, and Tigulis fought against two Klabagas alone without losing the wind.

However, Lei Xu looked back worriedly——

Amidst the huge water waves and dust, another Klaboga landed and was heading towards the battlefield.

Looking up, above the atmosphere, a huge silver-gray peanut-shaped spaceship, surrounded by bright flames, broke through the earth's atmospheric barrier and fell aggressively.

bang bang bang-

A series of artillery fires were fired violently, and the roaring artillery fire rained down on another Kraborg who was trying to get closer.

——The GUARD ground forces that have completed the position transfer launched an attack on the third Kraborg.

Tsk, I don't know if this is the subordinate of Hiroyuki Hiroyuki who was completely wiped out in the plot.

Lei Xu didn't have time to think about this question——

The rose red light on FightEX was shining brightly, and the red and silver giant stood silently in mid-air, nodding to this side from a distance.

Lei Xu unzipped the zipper of his jacket, his hands sank, and the bronze divine light rod was raised in front of his eyes.

In the field of vision, a bright 'star' entwined with air shock waves is slowly flying here...

28 Tiga? Ocean Light Type

"Arizona scene, how's the evacuation going?"

Air base, the person in charge of the GUARD Washington Branch shook his head helplessly on the big screen.

"We only had time to move cities and a few concentrated settlements," he said. "God bless them."

Shishi's eyes moved slightly, he suppressed the disdain in his heart very well, and ordered:

"Each plane, rush to the scene immediately after the ammunition supply is complete."

"Yes!" X9

"Commander, there is a new change on the scene, and the image is transferred to the screen."

Qiao Ji's report lifted everyone's spirits, and the correspondent's voice was filled with joy that could not be concealed:

"Gaia appeared over Arizona, along with a... new giant."

"The new giant!!?"


In the sky, Vassett broke through the atmosphere like a bamboo, like a stone thrown into the calm water, and the atmospheric ripples visible to the naked eye slowly rippling.

The silver-gray spaceship shaped like a peanut does not look like a meteorite. Although it has never pulled out a long tail of smoke and dust, it is precisely this that makes it look particularly scary.

It will not be ablated by the friction of the atmosphere, and its own quality will be accurately reflected in the upcoming collision between heaven and earth.

The whole body is surrounded by fiery red near-plasmonic atmospheric shock waves. Behind the gorgeous light and shadow, the silver-gray spaceship covered with ravines and folds is a factory specializing in the production of combat beast Gob.

Not only does it represent destruction itself, but it also brings a whole ship of more than 100 terrifying monster hatchlings to this beautiful blue planet full of the invaders' malice.

Watching Vassette, who was advancing all the way, roaring and attacking, as if he was about to perish with the earth, the turbulent waves in Lei Xu's chest were all condensed into a simple movement——

In his hand, the ancient bronze divine light stick was raised high above the top.

Tranquil, distant, as if the deep touch of the sea pervades the whole body.

This feeling is exactly the same as when Agur's light entered his body not long ago, but Lei Xu didn't feel it at all.

In the body, the light of the ocean in a converging shape seemed to be attracted by something, and the rippling light particles no longer traveled to the limbs and bones, but gathered towards the raised right hand.

Lei Xu has never believed so firmly in being able to transform himself.

He is unconscious, as if entering a void where there is no perception.

Lei Xu did not put on that classic pose, nor did he call out the name that implied hope.

He just flatly raised the artifact of light in his hand.

The bronze flying wings engraved with eye-catching red lines cracked silently, revealing the crystal of light inside which seemed to be the most flawless in the world, with a faint light flowing through it.

The next moment-

The pure white was mixed with a trace of azure blue, the radiant yet soft radiance flowed through his whole body like a stream of water.

In the crystal light, Lei Xu suddenly opened his eyes.

When his consciousness returned, he stared at the ever-increasing field of vision in a daze, and doubts arose in his heart——

What happened to me just now?

Didn't I become Tiga?

This height is more than 20 meters, right?

Before he could find the answer, the soft radiance faded and converged, and a familiar sense of depth came from the crystal of light on his forehead.

Lei Xu was a little dazed, he was fascinated to look at his arm... Di Jia's arm.

Pretty lavender...blue.


And this height... It seems to be about the same as his usual transformation height, Lei Xu is sure that he is right.


You are already mentally prepared to become Tiga Fail, are you normal again?

Could it be that the Bronze Divine Light Rod was really despising him before?

Lei Xu didn't have time to think more——

Rolling thunder roared and pierced the sky, fiery red mixed with eye-catching silver ash, declared war on the earth without any scruples, and the roaring streamer crashed down.


In the field of vision, a blazing light blooms like a lotus flower.

It seemed as if a small sun had risen in the sky, no——it was even more exaggerated than that.

The fierce and dazzling brilliance can't be seen directly. If you insist on saying it, it's not too different from Lei Xu's feeling of looking at the sun in space.

Lei Xu raised his hand and flew into the air, juxtaposed with my dream of becoming Gaia.

Visible to the naked eye, the powerful shock wave rolled up large expanses of soil waves and sand, and the circularly diffused ramming wind overturned the ground, crushing forests, tearing off vegetation and towering electric towers, and threateningly crushed mountains and hills, heading straight for the boiling city and go.

Like the toppling of a mountain, the tough ground is like the waves in the sea, rushing madly and attacking people's homes.

Lei Xu could even see the sporadic cars on the street speeding up crazily, trying to stay away from the imminent death.

Hiroyuki stared intently at the city in the far distance under surveillance.

In fact, he doesn't like Arizona as a place, and he doesn't like the Eagle Country people who always claim to be the second and third child, but——

How innocent are the millions of lives that are about to die?

High in the sky, the warm pink light gathered infinitely around the red and silver giant.

The radiant red light representing the earth turned into a wall of brilliance covering hundreds of thousands of square kilometers during the giant's sudden movement, slanting across the sky and the earth, like a wall of sighs.

Lei Xu nodded approvingly in mid-air——

As expected of my dream, there is really no one in terms of IQ.

The oblique light barrier can change the direction of some invisible impacts, such as strong winds and shock waves, without rigid hedging, and minimize energy consumption.


The tooth-piercing knocking sound hit the tough barrier made of light like raindrops, and the shock wave that arrived one step earlier slammed into the radiant barrier fiercely. Fang rushes.

What arrived in the last step was a huge wave of mud, rocks and soil that was so majestic that even the mountains were crushed by life.

The barrier released by my dream can last for a while, but Lei Xu has already raised his hands to his forehead.

In my mind, the image of Gaia releasing the super-range Ultra Barrier is being played back repeatedly.

Azure radiance flashed from the forehead of the shining giant, mixed with a faint purple radiance that dyed his whole body.

Tiga? Ocean light type.

Lei Xu silently changed the form name of Tiga, who is not like Tiga, hoping that Aguru is okay (hands together).

Red, blue and silver in three colors, the elegant and slender giant of light synchronizes with the images played repeatedly in his mind.

——Stealing in person, Tijia's body is so terrifying!

The brilliant barrier of brilliance is slowly fading, flickering and about to disappear——

Limbs and arms, just like the previous engraving, the moment before the huge barrier of brilliance disappeared, the calm color representing the sea covered the entire area.

Under the gaze of everyone in the air base, Hiroyuki Hirai almost tore the military cap in his hand not far away, released the energy of his whole body, and lay down in the gaze of Gaia, who was constantly flickering on the ground.

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