It's a pity that I still believe in you so much, and I am so moved... Return my tears! ! !

Lei Xu complained in his heart.


The voice of my dream sounded, and Lei Xu subconsciously looked at the chewing gum on the ground, and found that this big boy who had just turned 20 was quite embarrassed.

He whispered:

"I can't move now, can you send me back to the EX?"

Lei Xu: ...


It's such a happy decision to go back to the plane!

What?You ask Fujimiya?


Green tea Aguru must have gone to find his old lover Fujimiya!

"Senior Lei?"

"Ah, I'm listening, no problem...I'll go back with you."

I dream:? ? ?

Only then did Chewing Gum remember that theoretically, Lei Xu should still be at the air base right now.

Lei Xu turned into a ball of light, wrapped up my dream and flew into the EX cabin in an instant - PAL has been waiting on it.

Fortunately, the EX has front and rear seats.

Lei Xu successfully found the seat belt and fastened it for himself.

"Senior, Senior Lei."

I dreamed a faint voice came from the front seat, "I didn't have your record when boarding... I will need it later..."


Lei Xu understood in seconds, meaning that when he was about to reach the air base, he had to take a different path.

However, my dream did not return immediately.

The EX flew forward for a while, and the scene of two earth monsters fighting against Gob came into view.

It really hasn't been affected much here, at least the tank cluster of the GURAD ground force is still there.

Thanks to the few hills and the large stretch of forest, the shock wave generated by Wassert's collision did not cause much impact.

On the contrary, Anaimos and Kliberga couldn't see any of them at the moment.

Presumably, it was because Anaimos was burned to death by Zhong Nair, and the remaining Kriberga retreated and left the field voluntarily.

Lei Xu suddenly remembered something——

"I dream, you check the command of the GUARD troops below..."

"It's Brigadier General Hiroyuki Hiroyuki!"

My dream confirmed Lei Xu's conjecture.

Obviously, chewing gum just has the unique simplicity of a scientist. After learning about the plot, he is not idle.

In addition, some information is difficult to obtain through the Alchemy Star, but I can view it normally in XIG.

Therefore, during this period of time, Fujimiya and Lei Xu often obtained information through my dream.

Hiroyuki Hiiragi is just a supporting role in the plot.

In reality, he is a very important figure in the GUARD command system.

A genius commander, a brigadier general under the age of 40, is definitely the absolute top of the future GUARD.

In the plan drawn up by Lei Xu and Fujimiya, Hiroyuki Hiiragi can also try to gain power—after defeating Zorim.

This person is not bad, he is very capable and courageous, and has no shortcomings other than being a bit stubborn and paranoid.

The subordinates who rescued him in time should be able to easily contact him.

Speaking of which, the previous time was a very good opportunity... It's a pity that Lei Xu's body is a bit weak, and Tigulis is very powerful.

Uh... Do you want to bring Tigulis to talk to him later?

Thoughtfully running the train aimlessly, underneath, the battle between monsters is drawing to a close.

Tigulis' huge body was extremely unreasonable, and he ran swiftly.

Whether it is the two long and sharp horns on the top of the head, or the claws that look like several giant sharp blades, or the impact and pressure that penetrates the whole body with a body weight of 11W tons, Gob, who weighs less than 8W tons, can make him howl in pain .

It's still a newborn baby!

Don't let it go!

Lei Xu watched with relish on the plane——

From the air to the ground, the three formations of fighter planes plus the tank cluster were pouring firepower on Gob to support Tigulis and Zhong Nair.

How can the sound and light effects be compared to watching a drama?

Tsk, speaking of which, this Gob is miserable.

When I was still in Vasetri, I was forced to listen to an unacceptable 'prenatal education' (rock) music.

During the fall, Vassett quickly absorbed nutrients and grew to more than 60 meters in a short period of time, but he was still incomplete.

In terms of combat effectiveness, Gobqiang, who has not yet appeared in the first episode of Gaia.


Then he was bullied by Tigulis and Zhong Naier, whose average age started at tens of thousands of years old.

Or sneak attack.

No, it's miserable——

Lei Xu couldn't bear to watch.

Zhong Naier what are you doing?

Why are you opening the shell?

Spit a few fireballs, wouldn't it be a waste of energy to open the shell and hit this thing?

Keke, fortunately, the shell was not opened.

Lei Xu breathed a sigh of relief.


What are you doing, Tigulis?

The giant white tiger in heavy armor, glowing blood-red all over, rushed towards Gobu, who barely stood up, from far and near.

In the next moment, a bloody tiger-shaped light and shadow escaped, and accurately hit Gob who was about to dodge to avoid it.


Poor Gob was reduced to countless scattered debris in two consecutive explosions.



The deep hoarse and domineering and mighty roar intermingle, as if to declare his own victory.

After a long while, the roar was over... The two earth monsters looked at each other, ignoring the three formations of fighter jets in the air and the GUARD ground troops who were turning their guns, they dug out two huge potholes and disappeared.

Visible to the naked eye, the people of the GUARD ground troops below breathed a sigh of relief - the two earth monsters gave them a strong sense of oppression, and they insisted on fighting, but the result was self-evident.

Lei Xu watched the development of the situation below with satisfaction... Now, with the efforts of Gamu and Fujimiya, the high-level human beings will no longer regard the earth monsters as enemies.

It's time for humans to face up to the fact that the earth is not unique to humans.

Otherwise, even if the destructive body cannot destroy human beings, human beings will eventually be destroyed by their own arrogance one day in the future.

Suddenly, the phone in his pocket vibrated.

Light of the Ocean: [@L77 Survivor Aguru's light is back, is it over on your side? 】

L77 Survivor: [...well, sort of. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [?Aguru's light?Senior, Fujimiya, how many things are you hiding from me! ! ? 】

Ocean Light: […]

L77 Survivor: 【...Aerial base assembly. 】

Ocean Light: [Received! 】

I dream:  …

31 Impact~

That night--

Tokyo, a secret base.

It was already two or three hours ago to return from the air base.

Earlier, Anaimos all over the world were wiped out under the joint attack of Earth Monster and GUARD.

Subsequently, in the four oceans, a large number of Creberga collectively disappeared mysteriously.

Undecided when things happen, what about quantum.

According to my dream, the existence of Kraborga itself is maintained by Anemos, and it does not have the ability to use the energy of "consciousness of its existence" to break away from the quantum state.

Therefore, after Anaimos was eliminated, Kraborg also collapsed because of the loss of maintenance.

Lei Xu listened seriously—he couldn't understand anyway.

Today is a really difficult day, Lei Xu stared at a dream A with his eyes hanging dead, without any ups and downs in his tone:

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