"If you feed me pig food again today, I will fight you."

Fujimiya turned around angrily, and pushed open the door of the restaurant behind him.

"Wow——, Fujimiya Ameng, you are my savior!"

The tangy aroma came oncoming, Lei Xu looked at the steaming restaurant, flattered him without sincerity, and couldn't wait to get in.

A few big steamed meat buns, a table full of oily barbecue, freshly cut tuna, rich and thick broth, roast duck that is charred on the outside and tender on the inside, a dining car full of egg tarts and cream cakes, and other sugary desserts.

In addition, there is a large watermelon with beautiful patterns lying on the ground.

Tsk——, Fujimiya Ameng spent all her money, this is it.

Lei Xu didn't think much, sat down and ate.

Speaking of Fujimiya Amen's financial situation... just a series of utility patents from Chrysis can bring him four or five small goals every year.

This is around 2000!

Lei Xu felt at ease when he ate what the big family eats.

By the way, there was no special restaurant in the secret base, and Fujimiya himself was not too picky. He ate a balanced diet and nutritious exercise meals every day.

Until one day there are five meals to be eaten, and a meal bucket that can eat two tables arrives.

Fujimiya also really invited a chef, but it didn't seem to be enough, so recently it was divided into several orders and delivered.

Eat and drink enough, the cups and plates are messed up.

Lei Xu held half a watermelon in his arms, holding a spoon in his hand, digging and eating it was a pleasure.

"How about this time?"

After filling his stomach, Lei Xu finally found his mind to understand the situation.

Hearing this, Fujimiya shook his head immediately, took out his PDI and shook it, "It's not very good... It's mostly in the news, you can read it yourself."

After taking out the customized version of Aguru PLUS, Lei Xu turned on the live TV.

In addition to not having many apps for entertainment, this mobile phone made by Fujimiya Ameng is free of charge for calling, unlimited traffic and invisible network.

At the same time, it can crack passwords, link to satellites, hack into the network like a fool, and connect to the intranet of Alchemy Star.

- All of the above features are disabled.

Apart from chatting and being able to watch TV channels from all over the world, Lei Xu has never used other functions at all.

In short, if the ghost computer of Chrissis is not resolved for a day, Lei Xu will not be able to use more than 95% of the phone's functions.

It's very sad!

"...As of now, the rescue operation in Hokkaido is still going on, and the number of missing people has exceeded 7000, and this number is still increasing."

Dressed in eye-catching business attire, Reiko is worthy of being the heroine of the Austrian series, seductive.

The screen changes rapidly——

Pictures of cities being destroyed and rescuers struggling hard flashed one by one.

Hokkaido... Lei Xu remembered that it was his first stop after visiting Megumi Kuroda, the maiden of Renlong - at that time, Klaboga in Tokyo Bay had not yet landed.

As far as Japan is concerned, Hokkaido is one of the worst affected.

"According to the statement of a father and daughter at the scene, when the monster was about to step down, it was the unknown red Ultraman who saved them.

It is reported that after eliminating the monsters in Hokkaido, the Ultraman directly hit Tokyo Bay from Hokkaido in less than half a minute, and eliminated more than 15 monsters of the same kind at one time. "

"Someone took pictures of the monster and Ultraman at the two scenes..."

Several pictures of monsters, and photos of Lei Xu's figure taken from an upward angle were switched in turn.

U1S1, the shot is very handsome, Lei Xu likes it.

Switch between a few TV stations at will, and most of the eagles in the Celestial Dynasty are broadcasting the news of the disaster and the victory of the successful elimination of monsters.

It is worth mentioning that, GUARD, the achievements of human beings this time are brilliant.

Needless to say about Eagle Country, Vassett fell in Arizona, and there are many Anaimos in other coastal states and inland states.

As a result, the local incendiary bomb reserves were almost used up, and some inland states that were not in a critical situation even directly used gasoline to burn Anaimos to death.

The Celestial Dynasty belongs to the type of quick response.

The local army entered the field about a quarter of an hour ahead of the Guard, and a round of indiscriminate bombing killed several Animos.

On average, each Anaimos is assigned dozens of incendiary bombs, and then it is repeatedly roasted and burned by more than a thousand tons of pure aviation kerosene until it is completely turned into ashes.

Because of the help of the earth monsters in the coastal area, Kraborg was repelled without even breaking through the coastal defense line.

It is said that after the incident, some daring fellows transported a large number of live pigs and cattle from somewhere.

Judging by that posture, it's probably trying to invite a few earth monsters to stay for dinner.

This attempt was ruthlessly suppressed by the top commander of the troops on the ground.

Except for the fact that Maozi took the opportunity to drop a small hydrogen bomb to raise the two pairs of Crabbe who were about to coexist, the situation in the rest of the countries was generally good.

Only Japan and several small countries were really invaded by monsters.

Renlong is really powerful, and almost everywhere there is Kriberga, there are earth monsters to fight against it.

As for Tokyo...

Because there were too many Kraborgs gathered in Tokyo Bay, Lei Xu didn't think much about the critical situation.

Coupled with the anger of witnessing so many dead and wounded, it triggered a wave of red light riots and sent Ya away.

Lei Xu guessed that if he didn't show up, Renlong might do it himself... After all, Tokyo is its hometown.


Looking at the dilapidated cities in Hokkaido and several small countries and those cold numbers representing casualties, Lei Xu felt very uncomfortable.

It's not that he started to be hypocritical again, taking responsibility or something.

Rather, because of Lei Xu's appearance, Gaia's plot has gone so violently.

One Animos turned into hundreds, directly triggering a huge disaster that swept across the world, and a simple dungeon became a nightmare in seconds.

As it is now, Lei Xu didn't dare to imagine what would happen when the root cause collapsed and the body attacked.

Emperor Ampera returns?

But there are no Ultra Brothers here who can shake it!

"I have something to ask you."

Just as he was thinking, Fujimiya's voice came from the next door.


tuk tuk-

A series of knocks on the door covered Fujimiya's question.


Lei Xu stood up in surprise, and looked at the middle-aged man who suddenly appeared at the door and knocked on the door to attract attention.

"Commander Stone Room?"

"How did you find this place?"

32 Brand new Aguru~

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Lei Xu immediately realized that he had asked a stupid question.

With Shishi's status and the resources he can mobilize as the commander of the XIG air base, as long as he thinks, there is almost no place he can't find.

Moreover, Fujimiya's secret base is located in Tokyo, and the daily aspects are not concealed too much——

On Gaia Earth, where there is no Ultraman's special photos, Ultraman is transformed by human beings, which is actually a blind spot in thinking.

"I gave him his address." Fujimiya stood beside Lei Xu at some point and explained softly.

Ah this-

Lei Xu didn't ask why, it wasn't necessary.

"Come to visit late at night, didn't you bother me?"

There was a warm smile on Shishi's face. He was dressed in casual clothes, and behind him was a little boy who looked less than ten years old.

Not like a high-ranking commander, but an ordinary uncle who takes his children out for a walk after dinner.

Oh yes, Shishi has a family. Lei Xu remembered the family portrait he saw in the captain's room of the air base.

The little boy turned his head frequently, looking greedily at the swing in the corner of the yard.

"go to play."

Shi Shi squatted down, straightened the boy's collar, tilted his head slightly, and said slowly:

"Father and the two uncles have something to discuss, you go over there and play for a while."

The little boy nodded vigorously, and happily ran to the corner of the yard.

"Are you surprised?"

Shi Shi didn't look back, he stared at the little boy who was sitting on the swing and began to sway, and asked in a casual tone:

"I'm also a middle-aged person close to 50 years old. Is it normal to have children?"

"..." Lei Xu didn't know how to respond, so he simply kept silent, and Fujimiya did the same.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Shi Shi didn't look back, his voice was very soft, very different from when he was in the command room of the Helicarrier.

"When the two of you first came to find me, I actually didn't want to believe it, and even harbored some resentment."

"Why, Ultraman is not a god but an ordinary human being?"

"And why, Ultraman can't directly save human beings?"

Shi Shi was obviously not asking questions to the two of them, his voice was gradually becoming stronger.

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