"But when you said that Ultraman was chosen by the earth, I realized..."

"The one who can protect human beings is actually only human beings themselves."

"Those things that happened today have proved that the attitude of the aggressor is clear, and we have no room for compromise."

"Now, we have four Ultraman, Earth Monster, Renlong, Alchemy Star, and the Earth itself."

Shi Shi looked away from his child, turned to look at Lei Xu and Fujimiya.

"I want to keep this beauty, I don't want my child to miss the scenery on this planet, I don't want him to hide all day long, living in anxiety, rather than let him and his children become invaders in the future slave."

"I would rather die with him on the journey of resistance."

"Tell me about your plans."

The voice of the stone room is still not loud, but it contains an indescribable sense of power.

"I will cooperate with you."

He looked over calmly:

"It doesn't matter whether it's the destruction of the body or the empire."

"Anything that stands in the way of human progress, destroys the earth and the future of mankind, is..."

From those eyes, Lei Xu saw the determination of breaking the boat.

"My enemy!"

——Shi Shi paused every word, and stated forcefully.

Silence lasted for a while.

"There is one thing I need to tell you in advance."

Lei Xu felt a little emotional when he heard that speech, but he had to correct Shi Shi's misunderstanding.

"That new giant is also me."

Shi Shi frowned.

As if he hadn't seen it, Lei Xu explained calmly:

"That's not my strength. At the same time, there can only be one Reza and Tiga, and the fighting power that the latter can exert is doubtful."

"Also, our plan is..."


Watching the back of Shishi leading the little boy away slowly, Fujimiya suddenly turned to look at Lei Xu:

"What do you think of this commander?"

"Hmm, it's not good to comment."

Lei Xu hesitated for a moment, he didn't change his shape and used Otto to read the words to sense the emotions in Shi Shi's heart, some things were not very sure.

"You can see it too."

The corner of Fujimiya's mouth curved into a smile that was not a smile:

"The child's identity has been exposed."

"Not surprisingly."

Lei Xu agreed with this judgment, but was puzzled by Fujimiya Ameng's inexplicable rise to MAX's EQ.

"I'm afraid he regards us as chewing gum, and his mind is simpler."

Today's almost out-of-control situation undoubtedly made Shishi feel a little powerless.

As the supreme commander of the XIG, he went home when the incident had just ended and he was supposed to be too busy.

Bring your own children and come to the secret base that you just found out today like a neighbor visiting, and come here to have a heart-to-heart with the two Ultramans.

——That is to say, a simple child like my dream will not think deeply.

Moreover, my dream is probably the only object that Shishi can refer to.

Probably because I was afraid that I would not have the opportunity to have in-depth contact with the two human bodies for the time being, and what happened today...

Shishi's mentality became a little anxious.

"But I kind of trust him." Lei Xu said.

Fujimiya was noncommittal.

"It doesn't matter whether his purpose of coming today is to test, or to win our trust for emergencies."

Lei Xu smiled, and his tone was very relaxed:

"As a member of the upper echelons of mankind, he wants to resist aggression, and his unwillingness to surrender is true, and that is enough!"


Lei Xu suddenly remembered that Fujimiya had something important to say to him before, "What did you want to tell me just now?"


Fujimiya was silent for a while, and then slowly stretched out his left hand to let Lei Xu see the sapphire bracelet that was flashing regularly on his wrist, and his voice was a little confused:

"Since Agur's light flew back, it has been fluctuating and changing. What have you done?"

"You should ask Aguru what he did." Lei Xu's words were more like teasing than complaining.

Fujimiya:? ? ?

Seeing Fujimiya's puzzled face, Lei Xu simply explained:

"Before it flew away, it absorbed the light energy in my ring."

"Absorb your light energy?"

Fujimiya didn't feel much. After all, he transformed back to the air base, and being able to transform normally meant that there would be no major problems.

"Hey, calm down, calm down."

Lei Xu stared intently at the sapphire bracelet that was slowly calming down, and urged:

"Quick, turn around and have a look."

Fujimiya:? ? ?

He raised his left arm as he said, and the sapphire bracelet fluttered its wings, and the azure blue light emitted was mixed with a trace of eye-catching gold.

The azure blue light dissipated, and what appeared in front of Lei Xu was a brand new posture of Aguru that he had never seen before...

33 Lei Xu: I can't even do it myself!!!


Lei Xu stared at the brand-new metal leather case in front of him with wide eyes, but immediately realized something was wrong.

This is not V2!

The Aguru in front of me is very similar to V2 except for the armor of Aguru on his chest, but the overall color scheme is closer to that of V1.

There are large black prints on the arms, legs, and sides of the waist, replacing the original white stripes of the V2 model.

The embossed golden light frame around the breastplate extends to the whole body, and outlines handsome or sharp lines along the black printing and dyeing on the body surface.

The silvery white on the shoulder blades and the lower part of the breastplate is an excellent transition embellishment. Although there are large areas of black on the body surface, it does not prevent Aguru at this time from giving people an inexplicable solemnity and sacredness.

tut tut-

Lei Xu spun around and looked at the new form of Fujimiya Ameng, hissing and drooling.

He is so handsome!

In this way, the light energy in the ring is not in vain.

Although Aguru was very unreasonable in robbing, but for the sake of this brand-new leather case, Lei Xu generously forgave him in his heart.

Seeming to be a little uncomfortable being looked at by Lei Xu's fiery eyes, Fujimiya changed back silently.

Lei Xu felt the energy in his body a little bit... almost recovered to 5%.

"Go, try your hand at the old place!"

Before he finished speaking, the red ball of light wrapped around Fujimiya and pierced the night sky.

The old place undoubtedly refers to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Apart from the bottom of the sea, there is no place on earth that can escape the monitoring of XIG.

The moment before entering the sea, the azure blue light broke through the envelopment of the red light ball, and two Ultramans the size of a person slowly landed on a fairly flat seabed.

Can't get bigger!

Energy consumption is second. Two Ultraman fights on the seabed are likely to cause submarine earthquakes and submarine volcanic eruptions.

Seriously, it is not impossible to set off a tsunami.


Lei Xu took the lead in attacking, and a ferocious jab hit Fujimiya's face.

The blue arm was raised quickly, and it precisely blocked the straight punch, which was mostly tentative.

Block, block?

And it's so easy?

Lei Xu was slightly startled, but the movements in his hands didn't stop.

Pumping fists and turning into palms, two lines of shining blue light bullets came out of his hands when his hands were stretched out——palm light bullets!

bang bang bang-

Even in the sea water, the palm light bullets hit at close range still fired rows of brilliant energy sparks.


In the next second, Aguru, whose body was still covered with unextinguished energy flames, charged head-on, and his red shoulders clashed fiercely with the black shoulders with gold-rimmed armor.

Lei Xu only felt a huge force coming from his shoulder blades, which made him unable to control his body, so he couldn't help but step back to relieve the force.

On the other hand, Aguru, not only did not retreat, but even bullied him, full of momentum.

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