Isn't it, Sir?

Is the difference that big?

Lei Xu doesn't believe in evil, the physical fitness of Aguru V1 was not as good as his before, but just eating a little light energy stored in the ring can surpass him by so much?


Lei Xu's body sank slightly, and his muscles quickly tensed up. When his eyes caught the flashing blue light, the hard rock standing under his feet immediately cracked inch by inch. A shoulder blade suddenly popped out.

——Baji? Tieshan!

It's true that Lei Xu doesn't know, anyway, no one dares to lean on him.

In terms of fighting skills and tactics, apart from various techniques for exerting strength, Lei Xu also learned some practical grappling techniques, military boxing, and simple techniques such as Tieshan, which gathers all the strength of the whole body to fight.

Killing people in Baji year is not empty talk. What you can find on the Internet looks similar to what Lei Xu learned. In fact, it does not involve any force skills and whole body coordination. Of course, it is two different things to use it.


The shock waves from the collision of the two human-sized Auroras briefly emptied the seawater, creating a nearly circular vacuum.

Lei Xu looked at Aguru, who was fighting against him so hard that he wouldn't give an inch, and was really dumbfounded.

Just now, it is definitely not an exaggeration to say that he exerted twice as much strength, but he actually had a tie with Ya?

Under the action of the vacuum, the sea water was quickly backfilled. Lei Xu looked at Aguru, who was full of fighting spirit and was about to pounce on him to fight, quickly stretched out his hand and stretched out Erkang's hand——

[Stop, stop, I won't play anymore! 】

Fujimiya complied and stopped...but what happened to that subtle sense of regret?

Lei Xu slandered in his heart, could it be that Fujimiya really wanted to beat me up?

Cough - I can't think about it.

It definitely has nothing to do with me relying on my physical strength to gain a slight advantage (over fingers) in training.

[Defense, stamina, and reflection speed have all been strengthened. 】

Lei Xu commented and asked questions in the reading——

[Defense power is originally Aguru's specialty, have you found any unused light skills? 】

【Have. 】

Fujimiya simply gave an affirmative answer.

On the opposite side, Aguru raised his left hand flat and pulled it away, while his right hand was fisted under his stomach, posing in a familiar posture.

Bring your hands together and fold them into an L...cross shape.

Lei Xu:? ? ?

Isn't this attacking hand his own high heat ray?


The blazing golden stream of light crashed through the icy sea water and hit a seabed 'chimney' not far away, and the riotous water flow was mixed with countless stone debris and scattered in all directions.

Lei Xu was messed up in the the sea, his hands and feet were cold in the dark night, he was shaking with anger, and when his nose was sour, he wanted to lie down and hug Mother Earth and cry out.


Is this something humans can do?

Whoring my light for nothing, but also my skills!


I also prostituted Aguru?

Is that whoring me?

It's obviously a whore from Shenguang stick! ! !

【and this. 】

Lei Xu looked up and saw that Aguru was holding a thin blue light wheel full of sharp teeth like a blade in his hand.


【the last one--】

Accompanied by the voice of chanting, Aguru raised his left palm to his chest with one hand, and clenched his other hand into a fist at his waist.

In the next moment, the condensed bright blue light was stimulated from the blue crystal on the forehead, and hit a distant submarine chimney again.

...didn't explode.


The superhuman eyesight in Ultra form allowed Lei Xu to see the extremely smooth piercing marks at the hit site.

It's outrageous!

Lei Xu roared in his heart——

I can't fucking do it myself!

It also has a headlight... maybe it's a crystal.

Lei Xu raised his hand and touched the diamond-shaped crystal inlaid on his forehead with a slight green glow.

...Why the hell can't I have this skill?


[It's not just offensive ability, it seems to have some other usages. 】

Fujimiya added in his reading.

Lei Xu: ...

Destroy the world, is that interesting?boring!

After being lost for a while, Lei Xu raised his eyes and found that Aguru was still looking at him silently.


Is it what I think it is?

Lei Xu suddenly had a bad premonition——

[Wait, Fujimiya Amen, don't tell me that you are the same as Gaia SV, and you can change again. 】

Then, Lei Xu found Aguru standing not far in front of him, and nodded slightly.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

34 Aguru SV~

PS: The official Aguru SV is not good-looking at all, and has no inner taste~


life without love.jpg

After some experiments, Lei Xu shut himself up...

Fujimiya...Aguru SV was successfully obtained.

For convenience, it is still called SV—the abbreviation of SuperVersion (Super Version), and Gaia SV is the same.

Compared with the new V2 seen before, only the stripes on the head of the Aguru SV achieved with Lei Xu's light are dyed a touch of gold.

Also, the shape of the aguru crystal on the forehead has also changed - a rhombus.

Finally, and most importantly.

Aguru SV has a lot of body and body visible to the naked eye, and his height has also changed-60 meters.

——Originally only 52 meters.

In the SV form, Aguru's whole body is full of long muscle lines, and the sharp-edged metal muscle blocks are bulging, which looks stronger than Lei Xu's usual state.

It stands to reason that this should be bloated and strong visible to the naked eye, but because of the simultaneous elevation of the height, the overall appearance does not change much.

In this way, it looks more slender and fit.

A body with smooth and shiny muscle lines, an inverted triangle figure, and eight-pack abdominal muscles are clearly visible - refer to Seven X.

Originally, Lei Xu was good at physicality...mainly he didn't have any light skills.

After coming to Gaia Earth, Lei Xu's upper limit of combat power has not changed much, and the support given by Earth has at best increased his combat duration.

In the previous battle against Aguru in V1 form, Lei Xu was able to suppress Fujimiya's Aguru V1 in terms of strength.

In terms of pure physical defense, the two are almost equal.

Lei Xu's weakness is the light. In close combat, he can beat Fujimiya.

Estimate it, if we really want to fight, the two of them are about [-]-[-].

Ran goose-

The current Fujimiya should be comparable to V2 under normal circumstances, and its physical performance is at least 20% higher than that of Lei Xu—otherwise, it will not be able to achieve the previous effect.

The physical defense is so high that it can ignore ordinary palm light bullets, and the armored areas of the chest and shoulder blades are even stronger.

In terms of light, do you need to mention it?



This thing is a bit incomprehensible——Lei Xu's real name is envious.

However, it is also clear from the appearance that the biggest improvement of the SV is the physical performance.

Lei Xu pondered for a while, whether it had something to do with his proficiency in this area, or the fact that his strength was physical.

Whether it's strength, or the ability to resist blows, that is, defensive performance, or energy resistance, it has been fully upgraded.

Twice is the minimum estimate!

Fujimiya's self-evaluation is about 1 times that of V2.2 before.

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