It may not be intuitive to say... To describe——

Lei Xu's punches and kicks are just like a boxer hitting a high school student. It hurts, but if you want to say how much real damage... two words... ha ha!

Energy resistance - Fujimiya used his own liquidator to hit it, and it was barely as painful as the previous V1's resistance to a few palm light bullets.

Therefore, Agurus SV will undoubtedly crush Lei Xu.

His meow is outrageous!

Light skill, without Gaia SV's hand rub light.

Ke Leixu believes that the golden jet that combines his own and Aguru's light, changing from an overlapping cross to a classic L-shaped emission, should not be inferior to the photon streamline of Gaia SV.

After all, except for the short board of energy, his other performance is not worse than Agur V1, and it is impossible to be worse than Gaia V1 in the same way.

It is normal for the photon streamline to be fused to Aguru with the same power.

The only shortcoming of Aguru SV is the duration, or energy consumption rate.

When the SV is fully activated, Fujimiya can last for about 1 minute.

The normal starting hand transforms into V2 and plays for a while, and the duration is uncertain. Fujimiya presumes that it will not exceed 40 seconds.

This data is similar to the panel data of Gaia SV, and Lei Xu agrees with Fujimiya Ameng's presumption.

——In other words, for Altman, what is the significance of the existence of panel data?

Now Lei Xu can understand why Aguru would rob him.

With such a big improvement, he would still attack, maybe even more ruthless than Aguru.

Heck, just kidding.

Thinking about me, Lei Xu, a dignified Ultra warrior, how could I do such a worthless thing as robbery?

——Go back and give me the light of the dream of the earth, fill it with a magic light stick!

Regarding this, Lei Xu felt itchy.

After all, you see, although it has not improved much, it is very fragrant that a Dharma King like Tijia seems to be back to normal.

The last time he transformed into Tiga was supported by Aguru's light. Lei Xu himself hadn't fully recovered yet, so Lei Xu waited patiently until the next day even though his heart was itchy.

After the energy was completely recovered, Lei Xu experimented a bit before transforming into Di Jia.

This transformation allowed him to confirm a fact——

Tiga's skin color may... not come back!

The lavender part is completely transformed into the blue that represents Aguru.

From liquidator to lightsaber, Aguru's series of skills can be used in the light of the ocean, including the buggy antimatter conversion.

At the same time, Tiga's original skills are basically preserved, except for Kaiza Pelioli mixed with a little bit of blue light, there is nothing special about it.

However, there is a bad news -

Energy consumption is about the same as before!

Even with the support of the earth, the activity time for Lei Xu to transform into Tiga is only about 3 minutes, which unexpectedly fits the setting, and Lei Xu cannot accept it.

This means that he must be more cautious when using Tiga's transformation.

In addition to possessing a bunch of light skills, Tijia's form is not stronger than Lei Xu's usual transformation, but the combat time is greatly reduced.

I don't know if there will be any changes after the robbing of the Light of the Earth in my dream, such as extending the combat time and having an additional form of the Light of the Earth.

I dreamed that I have been busy taking off these days, but there is no water group. Maybe the follow-up impact of the last incident is still being dealt with.

Lei Xu didn't call him in a hurry.

On the fourth day, Lei Xu, who was excited by Fujimiya's intermittent pose, provocative eyes and training invitation, quit——

L77 survivor: [Chewing gum, do you have time? 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Senior, what do you need my help for? 】

L77 survivor: [I tell you some news, don't be afraid. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Senior, I am Gaia, I will not be afraid. 】

L77 survivor: [Gan!My DNA has moved, and in human language—Aguru V2. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [? ? ? 】

Ocean Light: […]

Guardian of the Earth: 【Senior, Fujimiya, what did you two do without telling me! ! ? 】

L77 Survivor: [Come down tonight, when the time comes, I will open a location for you, and I will see if I can open a V2 for you. 】

Ocean Light: […]

Guardian of the Earth: [Is there such a good thing?How to do it?Want power from the earth? 】

L77 survivor: [No, it can be roughly described as—you give me Gaia’s light, and then I will return Gaia’s light to you. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [...I'd better come down and listen to you senior. 】

35 Classic re-enactment~

It was night, on an uninhabited island in the Pacific——

Fujimiya sat on the side and concentrated on his notebook, while Lei Xu lay on the beach and looked up at the starry sky.

This place was randomly found after transformation, mainly to avoid the surveillance of the ghost computer.

"Chewing gum is so slow." Lei Xu complained and took out his phone.

L77 Survivor: [How long will I dream of you? 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Ah, sorry, I was called by the commander just now to investigate the water and power outages in Tokyo, and I will be there right away. 】

L77 survivor: [Fly a plane? 】

Yep, no response.

Lei Xu turned on the KCB live broadcast channel quite speechlessly—only to receive satellite TV signals, and if there is no data returned, he would not be discovered by Chrysis.

? ~, KCB doesn’t have any other hosts besides Reiko, right?

Seeing that Fujimiya's little wife appeared on the screen again, Lei Xu couldn't help complaining secretly.

"...Recently, the thirteen districts in Tokyo have experienced water shortages, power outages, and mysterious disappearance of signals to varying degrees. Our reporter is investigating this matter..."

Hiss——, Lei Xu had doubts in his heart.

Combined with my Meng's reply just now, Renlong is already a little impatient?

"Recently Marunouchi..."

"That's right!"

Fujimiya obviously also heard the news broadcast on the mobile phone, he closed the computer with a snap, and said:

"Construction has been restarted, and there is no legitimate reason. GUARD cannot interfere too much with the engineering development behaviors of governments and civilians."

Lei Xu didn't believe this kind of nonsense—it's impossible to cancel this kind of project all at once, but with a little trick, it's easy to delay it for a year or so.

Well, there is obviously only one answer left!

"Shishi is actively cooperating." Fujimiya pointed out.

Lei Xu understood.

Three days have passed since the two of them informed Shi Shi of the current phased plan.

Renlong's dragon veins cannot be destroyed, so there must be GUARD... Geo's inner ghost among the construction workers in Marunouchi.

Collect evidence secretly, and at the same time look for the temple of Renlong, in order to completely shut down all destructive development of Tokyo's underground dragon veins.

When the props here are ready and the signal is together, the big guys will come on stage one by one to perform a show, and live together!

If Renlong doesn't cut it, if the body is destroyed, you have to deliberately control the strength of provoking Fujimiya and Womeng.

In the original plot as well——

After the dragon veins were destroyed, and the dragon jade between Renlong's brows was destroyed, the body's moves never stopped.

Mezad, anti-universe, cosmic microbes, metal lifeforms, meteorite monsters, labor model Mezad, anaerobic sea beasts.

Dr. Inamori died unfortunately, and Fujimiya began to become more and more extreme.

Supplemented by a series of highly targeted sowing dissension, the relationship between the two of us, Mengfugiya, deteriorated rapidly, and quickly turned into irreversible hostility.

Fujimiya decided that Imeng could not turn back, and came to the conclusion that the two must decide the outcome before they can continue.

Then there was that century duel that was enough to be recorded in history, and the shattered recruit body took the opportunity to use energy to send the leading soldier, the behemoth Zorim.

Wait a minute, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Lei Xu's mind.

He fell into deep thought, and his thoughts quickly diverged——

From here, until the middle stage of Gaia's plot, the power that the shattered summoning body can actually use is not strong.

Including the previous big spread of Anaimos——

The shattered entity uses the relatively mysterious quantum energy of "consciousness of existence", and the contribution itself is not large.

Counting the interval between them, it was almost a year.

During this period, the disillusioned parties seemed to have scruples, and deliberately controlled the intensity of the matter.

The essence is a bit like the intelligence organization sending some special agents to make trouble, and the last few waves of big plus total attacks are urgent.

Or it may be that the previous investment was too high, and the sinking effect led to the disillusionment, which attracted the body to be reluctant to give up, and then broke the boat.

Can it be deduced like this——

Is the disillusioned body itself already cornered?

Squeeze it, put it in.

If the shattered recruits start the game, they will play the trump card in the later stage. The monopole behemoth replaces the air base.

Tsk, Lei Xu can't think of any hope of turning things around.

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