
At the same time, the subspace starship Bashermon——

[Attention, attention, all units! 】

[The Kingdom of New Light is leaving the unknown universe number 2055, no abnormal situation has been confirmed, all units are on alert...]

"Damn, why!?"

The starlight in the field of vision trembled and elongated again. The noise reported in the background did not attract the attention of several commanders including Megumi Megumi and Ishimuro. Horii scratched his head and sighed:

"I really don't understand why that guy in Otreza wants to control this path."


"what happened?"

Captain Victory closed the "Light of the Earth" in his hand to pass the leisure time, and raised his head in doubt:

"Speak clearly."

Commander Shishi pursed his lips and raised his head.


Horii moved the light and shadow to show the data collected during this period:

"You see, every time we enter a universe, the Bashermont slows down and needs to speed up again.

If you walked directly from the hyperspace, you might have arrived by now. "

"So Otreza is deliberately delaying our arrival at the destination?"

Xincheng puts his arms around his chest:

"But what's the point of him doing this? The time has not come!?"


Horii shook his head regretfully:

"But I personally prefer that there is a reason why it has to be done."

"The reason..."

Jun Jianhui whispered, she remembered the closed time loop in "Light of the Earth".

"In that case."

Captain Victory nodded in conviction and smiled slightly:

"Then I ask Horii team member to pay more attention to you."

"......I will handle it!"


Almost at the moment when the words came to an end, there was a loud crash that seemed to explode directly in everyone's hearts, causing everyone present to instinctively raise their hands to cover their ears.

A frivolous chant followed closely behind——

[Oh many~. 】

The strange and indistinguishable rhythm carries a terrible mental oppression that ordinary people cannot bear:

[Look what I found, a wandering earth. 】

Ju Jianhui, who was more or less a half-priestess of light, raised her head vigorously, and when she saw the dark figure in the stereoscopic projection that could not be seen clearly anyway, she fell into an ice cave instantly.

Because of the old ancestor... the former head of the Earth Guard, and the current light priestess, one of the leaders of the Kingdom of New Light, Captain Victory recognized the dark figure in front of him. The nickname in "Light of the Earth"—

Messenger Nia!

73 Become the King of Outer Gods, Reza! Two in One

The brain seems to be wrapped in a layer of shallow and hazy, drowsy mist that never really dissipates.

Out of the corner of his eyes, the team members lying on the ground were reflected, inaudible broken whispers sounded in his ears, and the moment the terrifying black figure appeared in his vision——

Jujianhui saw a distorted door with a large number of strange patterns engraved on it approaching very quickly.

After careful observation, it was difficult to see the traces of the lines, and the intense dizziness and almost extreme sense of warning reached the cerebral cortex at the same time——

It was this conflict that kept Captain Victory at the most basic level of sobriety, and he never fell asleep like everyone else present.

"Nai, hoo~, Nai Ya."

Captain Victory was panting with difficulty, trying to control his instinct to capture the opponent's figure with his eyes:

"What's the purpose of this guy?"

Although there are not many specific elaborations on the existence of real name evil gods in "Light of the Earth".

However, the scientists from TPC to the alchemists on Gaia Earth have done a lot of theoretical research on this kind of existence based on the database of the imperial starships, and put forward a huge amount of conjectures around the existing information.

With the update of "Light of the Earth", these conjectures gradually began to unify, and finally formed a set of conclusions accepted and recognized by the most people——

Each real name and evil god represents the concretization of a certain negative concept, nature, and symbol.

Each real name evil god does not necessarily have a specific behavioral logic, but based on the nature of disorder and the instinct of diffusion, most of them appear as open and universal information sources.

The so-called universal refers to any observation method——

Including but not limited to text description, visual, auditory, tactile, taste, data transformation, etc., all human-understandable and incomprehensible information receiving channels can receive the information it releases.

To put it simply, seeing the real name evil gods will have information related to them enter the brain, and hearing their voices is the same.

Precisely because of its existence beyond the 'normal' world view and logic established by the average creature in the process of growing up and...  

The influx of huge amounts of information makes the transmission medium (eyes, ears & nerves), storage medium (brain) unbearable and a series of factors.

Just now, ordinary creatures will immediately bear huge and incomprehensible pressure when they look directly at each other.

That is to say, ordinary creatures cannot look directly at each other, and cannot look directly at each other.

Ordinary human language cannot systematically and accurately describe its existence, and it is indescribable.

Because the total amount of information carried exceeds the available space of the brain, ordinary organisms cannot establish logical and specific information in memory, which is incomprehensible.

Therefore, in the case of unavoidable contact, reducing the amount of information received per unit of time as much as possible can effectively reduce the double load on mental and physical——

That's exactly what Junjian Hui is doing!

【Oh~, that's incredible. 】

The frivolous voice was undoubtedly restrained, and the pitch-black figure that should have stayed in the projection in the field of vision had stood in front of him at some point, and the unrecognizable blurred figure bowed slightly:

[May I have the honor to ask the name of this beautiful lady. 】

The moment the chanting came to an end, Captain Victory suddenly felt that the pressure on his whole body was cleared away, and his whole body was more relaxed than ever.

"What the hell do you want to do?"

Ju Jianhui stared vigilantly at the blurry figure not far away, and quickly swept across the crooked team members to catch the figure of the ace pilot.

Captain Victory's heart sank, and even Empat's new city...

But it's not incomprehensible, in that guy...You Lian's narration——

At present, Xincheng and GUYS and other human beings recognized by stone statues are still in their infancy.

To put it simply, the relationship between the driver and the body has not been completely transformed from the physiological mechanism.

【what a pity. 】

There was no regret in Naia's voice——

【It seems that I am too rude, although it was not intentional, but...】

While the fuzzy figure waved his hands gracefully, the team members who fainted on the ground in the peripheral vision regained consciousness one after another, helping their dizzy brains to get up one by one.

"Hiss~, my headache is dead, how about you?"

The ace pilot held his head and let out a grunt-like complaint, and then locked his eyes on Naia who suddenly appeared in the command room:

"Strange, what happened...Captain, who is he?"

【very good. 】

The face of the fuzzy figure is hard to see clearly, but the voice of the chant is quite cheerful:

[You are the one with the best quality among all the people here. 】


"Who the hell are you guys?"

Under Captain Victory's sensitive gaze, Xincheng reflexively raised his gun to aim:

"The guy who hides his head and shows his tail, show your true face!"

"Wait a minute, Xincheng!"

Just thinking that something seemed wrong, Jian Hui immediately raised his hand to stop his team members when he saw that the situation was not good, and frowned at the face that was painted in black and couldn't see clearly:

"I am Captain Victory, Jujian Hui——

Mr. Naia, may I ask why you are here? "

Naia, Naia...

The ace pilot chewed on the name in doubt, and Horii, who was overcoming his physical discomfort, jumped up when he heard the sound, and his eyes widened:

"Could it be that..."

"Mr. Naia?"

Captain Victory turned a deaf ear to the surprise of his team members, and the rest of the people who got up one after another chose to remain silent when they saw the situation on the scene.

[Jujianhui, a beautiful name. 】

The pitch-black figure is another gentleman's bow:

[Such a beautiful lady, I have a request, I hope you can agree. 】

"Mr. Naia's request, I'm afraid I'm not capable enough."

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