The more gentleman Naia is, the more vigilant Huiyu is:

"Please explain first."

[No, no, no, you can definitely help, it's a very simple matter, hehe. 】

Naia laughed exaggeratedly twice:

【I would like to invite you to introduce the leader of the kingdom of new light, well, I have important matters to discuss. 】


"I think you've got the wrong person. Ressa's team isn't on board the Bashermon now."

Junjianhui habitually used the previous title, which is also a deterrent to Naia:

"You should go to other places to find out, the Reza team may be in... the Kingdom of Light?"

Although I don't expect this guy not to pursue "Light of the Earth", but the Kingdom of Light in Story0 is also the Kingdom of Light, isn't it! ?

[No No No. 】

Even if you can't see the figure and face clearly, the freehand brushwork that is almost overflowing is clearly visible:

[For some reason, um...Mr. Reza probably doesn't really want to see me.

Limited by the rules, it is difficult for me to get too close to the territory of order, so I hope you can...]

Naia's words were not finished, and there was no need to finish.

"team leader."

Horii nervously glanced at his team leader, raised his hand and pulled out the real-time observation data platform of the Bashermont, staring at the 'speedometer' on it that was almost at zero:

"The state of the Bashermont is not very good, if possible..."


All the people present were in a hurry.

"team leader."

This situation is undoubtedly related to Naia in front of him, and the ace driver concentrates on raising his gun for vigilance:

"It's just a message, or else..."

Hearing the sound, Jujian Hui frowned.

Captain Victory turned his head to observe his team members carefully, looking at the new city inexplicably.


Ju Jianhui said a sentence without beginning or end:

"This is not reality!"

At that moment, all the scenes in the field of vision——

Xincheng & Horii, the busy team members and the data projection platform in mid-air are all frozen!

Everything in the field of vision turned gray at a rapid rate as if it lost its color, and the background instantly shattered into thousands of debris and disappeared like weathering, leaving only a darkness where you can't see your fingers.

In this darkness, Captain Victory faintly observed bizarre lines that did not conform to the laws of geometry.

"How did you know?"

Naia's voice sounded from all directions of this darkness at the same time:

"I should have done it perfectly."

"Yes, you are right."

Junjian Hui nodded irrefutably:

"very perfect."

Naia:  …

Perfect enough to be seen through by you, right?

Captain Victory did not have the weird gaze that fell on him at all.

Just kidding, how could she truthfully tell the secret of the other party's trick?

Ace Pilot's 'My headache is killing me, how about you? 'It is clearly the original words intercepted from "Ultraman Tiga", and it is Xincheng's speaking style.

But in the context just now, the 'what about you? ' should be replaced by 'how about you captain? ' is more appropriate.

It was at that time that Ju Jianhui first realized the disharmony.

But speaking of it, thanks to the second creators of Reza Earth who used the video of "one plane at a time, there are already countless" to help her repeatedly deepen the impression, otherwise I might not have realized this in the first place.

Going a step further, the first reaction of Xincheng, which has been Empat's human body for a long time, is definitely not to draw a gun——

Facing an enemy of Naia's level, the ace pilot would transform himself before talking about anything else even if he knew he was invincible!

Not to mention the continuous persuasion of Horii and Xincheng, which is absolutely impossible for the two of them.

What's more, the Bashemon is being taken away by Noah's Wings, and Ju Jianhui is extremely suspicious that Naia has not been able to break through Noah's Wing's domain guard and come into the Bashemon at this moment.

"So, I was in a dream?"

Captain Victory looked at the darkness around him, and Ju Jianhui realized something at this moment, with a calm expression:

"Nia, aren't you going to let me out?"

"Ma'am, I mean no harm."

Naia responded in time:

"I just hope that you can introduce Mr. Reza alone for my humble servant, that's all."

Is it an introduction?

I'm still afraid of being hit by an Ultra bomb when we meet, and then being hunted down by a bunch of legends! ?

Captain Victory thought strangely.

Not to mention, based on the attitude of Lei Xu's team members when they mentioned Naia at that time, [-]% of them were like this.

Without a guarantor in the middle, Reza would start shaking people as soon as he saw Naia, and then he would die endlessly.

As for the restrictions of the rules, you can't get close to the territory of order or something.

Probably... I am afraid of the legends! ?

"Sorry, Mr. Naia."

Ju Jianhui wisely chooses not to provoke the other party:

"There is nothing I can do about this, please let me out."


long silence.

"Mr. Naia, may I know the specific reason why you want to find Mr. Lei Xu?"

It seems that this matter cannot be resolved, and Ju Jianhui secretly sighed:

"Please explain in detail."

"Ma'am, I am very glad you are interested in this matter."

Naia's voice was sudden and cheerful:

"I will confirm with you one last time, are you sure you want to know?"

Intermediary Hui: ...

Captain Victory smelled danger.

"Dangerous to me personally and to humanity, Reza and all those associated with him?"

"Well, if you succeed, you don't."

Naia understates.

"......I am sure."

Even though he knew that Naia might be outside the Bashermon, and the projected power would not last long, Captain Victory finally agreed after careful consideration.

In fact, it is actually very simple for Naia to find the Cub of Light. If he has any serious business, he can just pass it on through the legends.

Tell her here privately, and specifically ask for a private meeting, indicating that this matter may have to be kept from the legends.

Of course it is impossible to completely hide——

Noah must know!

As for other legends.

Choose this special time, special place to find you...

So Naia's purpose is actually to reach an agreement with Reza ahead of the legends! ?

Captain Victory is keenly aware of this.

Also aware of-

Now that Naia has captured the position of the Bashermon, it is not difficult to trace back to the final destination of Story 0!

So in fact, in any case, it is impossible for her to avoid the contact between Naia and the Cubs of Light.

That being the case, let Lei Xu's team members make their own decisions.

big deal...

"Since you are so kind, Ms. Jianhui..."

After getting an affirmative answer, Naia's voice became more enthusiastic:

"I hope to communicate with Mr. Reza on the method and method of achieving the legend."


Is this what I can hear! ?

Captain Victory self-doubting  …

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