"Achieve the legend?"

Even though he clearly knew in his heart that this was not an area he should touch, his strong curiosity still prompted Jun Jianhui to ask instinctively.

"That's right."

In that dark dream, Ju Jianhui clearly captured Naia who suddenly appeared and snapped her fingers:

"My humble hope that you can convey an invitation to Mr. Reza."


When it comes to this, Captain Victory simply ignores it:

"It has something to do with Lei Xu's team's achievement legend!?"

"You are very clever."

Naia praised her familiarly, and then changed the topic——

"The specific invitation is..."

Jujian Huineng felt a very oppressive gaze on him, and the slightly greasy tone suddenly became solemn:

"Become the king of the Outer Gods, Ultraman Reza..."

Intermediary Hui: ...



In short, I regret it very much!


74 The stereotype of Little Reza deepened again! 6K three-in-one

"Captain, how are you Captain?"

"Answer me, intermediary captain!"

The call of worry and doubt seemed to come from the sky, arriving together with the pressing and shaking of the shoulder blades, the darkness in the field of vision quickly faded and a dozen worried faces appeared.

"vice captain?"

Ju Jianhui subconsciously called out the names of several team members:

"Horii, Shinjo, and I Yume and Mr. Fujimiya?"

The two Lights of Earth cast worried glances.

"Captain, are you alright?"

Seeing that Captain Victory regained consciousness, everyone at the scene breathed a sigh of relief, Zong Fang's expression tensed:

"Is there something uncomfortable, do you want to check it?"

"No, no need."

Captain Victory's eyes moved, and he waved his hand subconsciously:

"I'm fine. There was something wrong with my practice just now. I'll go see Captain You Lian in a while."

The practice of the Priestess of Light was a useful reason, successfully attracting the attention of most people present.

Ke Jianhui could also notice the thoughtful gaze cast by Commander Shishi and the two Lights of Earth.

"Huh~, so that's the case, it's fine."

Xincheng scratched his head:

"Captain, you didn't move at all just now, but you were worried about us..."

"do not worry."

Ju Jianhui smiled and stood up:

"I'm going to find Captain You Lian now."

"It's better to be together."

Fujimiya's eyes flickered:

"It just so happens that Mengmeng and I are also going to talk to Commander You Lian about the mass production of the Explorer special space aircraft."

Captain Victory's gaze suddenly became strange.

Explorer, also known as the space-time mobile machine.

Originally carrying the light of the earth, the only crash record of my dream children's shoes is in "Macros".

I dream of mountains, scientists, and human bodies.

The crash record is 1, strictly speaking 0.

On the other hand...

Ju Jianhui couldn't help sweeping towards his own ace pilot, and Xincheng Children's Shoes retreated into the crowd pretending not to hear anything, thinking something in his heart:

[Can't see me can't see me can't see me...]

"Then please."

Captain Victory withdrew his gaze, gritted his teeth and nodded.

In the next moment, the azure & magenta brilliance penetrated the universe.

The blue stars are flying away behind the back, and the vast deep space stars shining into the horizon.

Behind the magnificently reflected starlight background is a gloomy and distorted area that seems to be covered with a layer of lens, which is the border of the Kingdom of New Light, Bashemon——

Although the appearance is only the size of the moon, the interior space of the Bashermon is almost half the size of the solar system.

In this magnificent space that is not too small, not too big, it is filled with a total of more than [-] planets, large and small, ranging from blue supergiant stars to various types of large and small planets.

The location where humans are stationed is Earth No. [-], which is also the absolute core of the Bashermon——

The wills of the planets in Bashoumon have and only recognize the earth, the supreme commander of the Kingdom of New Light, and the home planet of Ultraman Reza as their leader!

Well, it’s definitely not that a Mother Earth in the form of Ressa came out of nowhere to hold her cubs to make the stars, it doesn’t exist! ! !

【Intermediate captain, can't even we know? 】

[No, I would like more people to attend. 】

After a brief two-sentence communication, a consensus was reached, and the azure & magenta light rainbow flew across the surface of a majestic blue supergiant star that was burning brilliantly—

Successively passed by a group of busy space self-discipline engineering machines, a Daisy engineering fleet that was laying out gravitational pile anchors in the star factory, and an asteroid that was trying to speed up, but still seemed a little slow.

——This "wandering" planet is responsible for transporting supplies.

— so said the earth!

When the majestic figure of the second blue supergiant completely entered the field of vision, the red and blue rainbow Benyola fell out of a strange spiral curve and rushed towards a huge and weird man-made metal fortress at a very high speed.

Comparing the left and right two majestic blue flame superstars in a very large range, under the operation of "I don't know what's going on, but this is fine" through the operation of the cub of light.

In fact, it is a stable gravitational structure constructed by the practical application of the stellar (double star) chaotic gravity algorithm. Emperor Zhang Yu didn't care about the specific name when he customized it according to his needs.

In fact, the precise and stable gravitational structure between the tens of thousands of planets in the entire Bashoumon, which will not easily change, was also created by Lei Xu.

But few people know about it...

Cubs of Light strictly forbids any news from being spread out!

In the field of vision, floating among the two magnificent giant stars, the fortress of the star melting furnace under construction appears extremely small.

But in fact, this is a man-made space facility that is so majestic that I don't know the exact size and geometry.

At present, she looks like a vertically deflated can, made of a large amount of metal and standard rock blocks mined and pressed on site, presenting two indistinguishable colors of silver white and dark gray.

If you look at it with human eyes, you can't see her specific color at all——

Under the influence of the specially customized dual structure of nuclear energy and gravitational force, two majestic superstars whirling along the wall of the 'pop can' released a magnificent blue nuclear energy flame.

Resembling a 'filament', the actual diameter of hundreds of thousands of kilometers of plasma light fireworks swirls and extends to the bottom of the 'can', which makes her seem to be soaked in a sea of ​​blue nuclear flame light.

It is surrounded by the brilliant and dazzling azure blue in all directions, and it is impossible to see any other scenes in it.

The complex and changeable gravitational interference rejects and bans space-time operations below a certain energy level——

This is a layer of natural protection, simply disabling spatial phase rotation and time-space projection.

However, this also forces everyone except the Cubs of Light and the Mythical Beasts of Time and Space to obediently follow a fixed path of gravitational balance, and the two Lights of Earth are no exception.


Do not go this route! ?

See those two blue supergiants—

You don't want to be shredded by gravity/fall into a star either...

When you come closer, you will find groups of busy self-disciplined unmanned construction machinery coming in and out of this unfinished fortress, diligently perfecting the internal and external structures of the stellar forge factory and shipyard according to the design drawings.

It is not difficult to observe a large number of flashing lights of various colors from the gap that has not been filled, which shows that a considerable part of the starships and forging factories have already started production——

The hundreds of thousands of pipes that are spitting out the standard battle starship and the unparalleled Iron God Imperaiza like dumplings are the evidence!

This means that the Cub of Light has a good reputation as the emperor of the Ampera Empire, unlike the former emperor of the dark universe who is unreasonable.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the killers in the Dark Nebula to fully assist in the construction.

It's a pity that the aesthetics of these 'villains' are hard to compliment——

The most beautiful thing in the entire structure is actually the sea of ​​plasma flames that his majesty shaped as the base of the stellar furnace.

It was supposed to be built beautifully... at least it should be majestic, but the factory itself is a bit like a gloomy ant nest, which makes people uncomfortable.

The temporarily constructed earth-like gravity, atmosphere, and constant temperature systems are functioning, providing a relatively comfortable internal environment for the three people who came suddenly.

The self-discipline machines responsible for inspections and internal maintenance come and go. In addition to checking for leaks and repairing vacancies and maintaining each other, they also shoulder the task of internal vigilance.

However, none of the above are the key points that Ju Jianhui needs to pay attention to now——

【Welcome, Mr. Fujimiya, Ms. Jujianhui, and my dream. 】

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