After getting a copy of Cortana, the artificial intelligence PAL developed by the Light of the Earth has grown further.

PAL, which iterates quickly in a very short period of time, is no less intelligent than Sister C, and is now temporarily responsible for the control and standardized operation of this place.

The moment he stepped on the internal teleportation base, the front of the field of vision was already the inside of a huge factory that was stacked neatly and operated in an orderly manner.

At this moment, PAL is flying beside them in the image of a small TV, broadcasting and assigning their respective permissions to the three who arrived suddenly:

[Ms. Jian Hui, as a family member of Commander You Lian, your authority is level one.

At present, there is no confidential area in this fortress that you cannot enter, I wish you a happy life...]

"Uh, okay."

Captain Victory couldn't help but get stuck when he heard the sound, and was a little insincere for a while:

"Thank you."

[You're welcome, this is what I should do. 】

PAL is obviously unaware of the complicated relationship between Ju Jian Hui and You Lian, the titular grandparents spanning 3000 million years:

[Do I need to introduce this place to you before the meeting? 】

"PAL, wait for this first."

I dreamed to call the AI ​​partner I developed in time:

"When will Mephilas, You Lian and Beria arrive?"

[Mr. Mephilas is reviewing and formulating a list of production tasks in the fortress for a period of time to come. Miss You Lian and Commander Beria are expected to arrive within half an hour at the earliest. 】

"I see."

My dream frowned:

"Go on."

【Okay, here is the first production line of Inpreza, the current load is 100%, and the earth standard time production efficiency is 100/h...】

Looking at the war factory that is in full production, there is no difference on the face of Jian Hui——

The status of the Story0 universe is unknown, and it is the consensus reached by the entire Kingdom of New Light to prepare for the battle with all our might.

What's more, the "evil god hunting" in the update content of "Light of the Earth" some time ago also poses a higher challenge to the military reserve of the Kingdom of New Light, and it is not wrong to reserve an appropriate scale in advance.

Flying past several combat readiness factories that are fully producing the Warriors Iron God, Mechanic Gomora, various Gaiozark and Dada robots and the corresponding supporting equipment, until four or 10 minutes later, the minds of the Kingdom of New Light It's a reunion.

"Tch~, what's going on?"

Beria's face was fierce as always:

"Why do we have to meet in this way? Can't communicate online!?"


Unexpectedly, Captain Victory was not the first to say no, Fujimiya frowned:

"There are several new situations."

What's new?

Still a few! ?

The Gentleman Devil & Priestess of Light all cast their attention.

"First of all, it's the situation that the Bashermont has been continuously breaking into the universe since this period of time, and now we have found a common ground...I dream!"


The two lights of the earth simultaneously raised their hands and raised a piece of light and shadow, and the complex data flow map quickly changed into a recognizable cosmic star map:

"Every time the Bashermon enters the universe, it will move towards the same coordinate, stop here, and start to exit the universe."

The inconspicuous barred spiral galaxy in the star map rapidly enlarged, and everyone's eyes also became strange.

"Milky Way?"

The Commander of the Star of Light clicked his tongue softly:

"How to determine such a large range..."

"No, Otreza's target should be the solar system."

Fujimiya raised his voice to interrupt:

"My dream and I felt the force spilling out from the Bashermon every time it approached the Milky Way."


Everyone looked over inquiringly.

"Well, according to our judgment, it should be the force released to the earth."

My dream interface explanation:

"It should be that every time you go to a universe, the earth there will be activated."


The Star of Light Grand Commander instinctively feels bad:

"what do you mean......"

"That's right, it's exactly what you think, although I don't know why"

Fujimiya nodded and affirmed that Beria would have time to export his thoughts in the future:

"Get ready!

After this time, the number of Earths that the Kingdom of New Light needs to take care of is at least a hundred times more than before——

The establishment of the multi-earth early warning system will be accelerated! "

This was originally planned, but since the Kingdom of New Light was first established, it is currently the limit to be able to take care of the dozens of earths that are near and far.

Originally speaking, Lei Xu should be responsible for this matter.

It's a pity that the Cub of Light is not here, and You Lian is coordinating production and combat preparations.

Needless to say, gentlemen and devils, only he can suppress the gang of murderers in the Ampera Empire.

As a result, all related decisions and affairs immediately fell on Cruel Silver.

Fortunately, so far, there has been no incident on Earth that required the intervention of the Kingdom of New Light.

Unfortunately, after this incident, the probability of accidents on the earth, which has increased by a hundred times, has greatly increased.

In the case of Lei who continues to fish, it is almost predictable who will be responsible for this matter.

Beria:  …


The commander of the Star of Light's eyes went dark, followed by gnashing of teeth:

"It's a big deal to send a group of Imperiaza to each universe first... After this time, we must catch the brat and come back to work!!!"

The gentleman demon stared at the cruel silver for a long time.


Beria almost became angry from embarrassment:

"You have to listen to me..."

"anything else?"

The floating and ethereal voice interrupted the sadistic silver in time, and the eyes of the priestess of light, Canyin, reflected the faces of her descendants:

"You don't seem to be doing well."

Captain Victory looked down.

"...I'm fine, this is not what I want to talk about now!"

Ju Jianhui was stunned for two seconds before replying:

"Nia just came to see me."




The two Lights of the Earth spoke in unison, showing a nervousness and understanding on their faces simultaneously, and I dreamed of my little friend:

"Fuji Palace."

"Well, it seems that this is what the earth is warning us about."

Fujimiya frowned, and locked his eyes on Captain Victory:

"No wonder you kept it until now... What did he tell you?"

There was a rare look of calm and surprise on You Lian's face, and the cruel silver and the gentleman devil stopped abruptly, and looked back at the same time.

Compared with Captain Victory, other people present undoubtedly had a deeper understanding of Naia.

Outer God Messenger Naia, the ultimate joyful person in Tiga's mouth.

From "Light of the Earth", we can know that that guy was one of the biggest driving forces behind the downfall of Gheros, and indirectly led to the birth and development of the Cubs of Light.

Getting acquainted with and communicating with multiple legends on an equal footing, this performance itself is enough to explain the problem.

"Nia wanted me to introduce Reza to him, and said..."

Speaking of this, Ju Jianhui couldn't help showing hesitation, she wasn't sure if it was appropriate to go over Lei Xu and reveal this matter here.

"What else?"

The brutal silver eyes are cold and serious:

"What's the matter with that guy looking for a stinky brat!?"

No matter how bad he was on weekdays, Resa was still an Ultra cub in Beria's eyes.

Being willing to serve as the leader of the Kingdom of New Light does not rule out the psychological factor of protecting young children, but the cruel silver has never been willing to admit it.

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