So, this is actually a deal.

A deal unilaterally proposed by the ancient nuclear god Pagon and unanimously acquiesced by the legends on the order side——

Use all of your own essence in exchange for the chance that the legends will not show up, attract and completely wipe out the god of death!

At the same time, the cage is not only aimed at Engel Colas, but also at Pagon.

It can be seen from the king's attitude towards the outer god cub representing Zhou Da, the "twisted universe darkness".

Intermittent elimination of Zhou Da, just let the Otto family take action, so that Zhou Da's threat has always been maintained at a standard that is almost non-existent.

It can be seen that for the legends——

The best choice is to control and contain the existing negative existence, so that it can always be maintained in a state of almost no threat, and no new corresponding concept will be born.

For example...


To put it simply, Pagon's plan to completely annihilate Reaper does not meet the demands of the legends.

That being the case, Pagon would need to make a bid for Engel Colas' demise.

Otherwise, the legends will definitely call a stop at that time, and find a way to suppress the god of death periodically like suppressing Zhou Da.

Thinking further... Could it be that Zhou Da used to be a terrifying alien god like the god of death, but he doesn't know it at all now! ?

No, do not make an extension, return to the topic.

In this transaction, the ancient god of nuclear energy's only price tag is himself.

If the legends don't interfere with the matter of 'annihilating the god of death', then Pagon must obediently surrender his essence——

He has no choice!

Don't underestimate the god of death, but you don't need to be overly afraid.

Referring to the scope of the destruction of Geheros, the direct power of the Reaper's body is also about the range of the galaxy cluster.

Yes, Little Reza can obviously take a risk.

Step by step, choose the "cage" tactic to lure the god of death into the trap. Pagon will definitely use his own way to cooperate at that time——

Since he dared to do it, the ancient god of nuclear energy must have a corresponding plan!

Even the 'cage' doesn't need the cubs to worry about, Pagon should have prepared everything in advance.

Hikari reflexively thought of Story0's dark universe.

Little Reza undoubtedly figured this out, and that's why he said those words.

The possible disruptions and ramifications resulting from this?

Evacuate the civilizations and creatures in the trap area ahead of time, and Younikin can check for leaks and make up for the gaps. Afterwards, he can borrow the power of the reincarnation stars from the earth to restore the star universe, and ask Nuo Shen to go back in time...

Little Reza has so many choices that it seems that he is too stupid to make such a choice now.

Sold Pagon, a light word.

But behind this is that the Cubs of Light would rather give up the chance to steadily achieve the legend, but also maintain those lives and civilizations in the Story0 universe that may be implicated by this.

The establishment of a shield that radiates the entire universe and isolates the influence of the god of death itself is hidden in the chest of little Reza——

If the life in this universe cannot be protected well, Pagon's essence is absolutely unnecessary, and this legend is not worth mentioning!

In fact, Lei Xu did not fully confide to Superman Aguang about the hidden subtext behind the words 'sold Pagon':

[If necessary, it is not impossible to cooperate with the god of death...]

In essence, Pagon set up a conspiracy situation based on the principle of non-essential non-interference by the legendary giants to prevent the situation from spreading and more universes to follow.

Lei Xu firmly believes that the old man will never take so many civilizations and creatures in the Story0 universe as the price, insisting on pushing him, someone Lei, to enter the legend.

Based on this premise, the Cub of Light has now completely thought through——

Similar to the many strange rules and rules of hospitals, banks and airlines, behind a series of rules of legendary giants such as Mr. Ao Wang, there are definitely bloody lessons!

The old man is completely pushing the boat with the current, and it is up to him, Lei, to make his own decisions.

Then why hesitate?

Trade your own essence in exchange for the demise of Reaper! ?

L77 Hongyue, the cub of light stares at the brilliant stars, his eyes are getting colder——

Heh~, do you really think that someone like me, Lei, cares about your nature?

Your nuclear energy control is really so powerful, why has it developed so far that it is only on par with the god of death! ?

This is something Lei Xu has been thinking about all morning!

Pagon is definitely not a fool. The nuclear energy control he holds should have a greater upper limit of development, but when the giant Di mentioned it, he was indifferent and calm.

This shows that in the eyes of Mr. Di, Pagon is not to be feared at all!

In other words, not even Gehros.

Someone like Lei didn't even want the reincarnation of the stars, even if he was really more interested in the control of nuclear energy, it didn't have to be it!

Didn't you Pagon take the whole universe as a threat and lure the god of death to come here?

Then compared to the god of death, you, Pagon, are the source of the threat!

Like the ancient god of nuclear energy, Engel Colas' purpose is actually very pure——

Destroy Pagon!

In the Didai universe, the incarnation of the god of death can give up the light giants who have sealed themselves for 12 billion years to seek revenge on Pagon first.

Then in this universe, Reaper's body can also ignore himself who has eliminated his incarnation and the intellectual beings in the Story0 universe——

Prioritize the annihilation of Pagon's body!

There is a common enemy, and it is not impossible for him and someone like Lei to temporarily turn the enemy into a friend with the god of death.

Yes, that's right!

At this moment, in Lei Xu's mind, it is not important whether he can obtain the complete essence of the ancient god of nuclear energy, and whether he can enter the legend with this.

【Pagon, heh~. 】

The Cub of Light looked up at the starry sky, as if piercing through the universe to reflect that who didn't know where he was, the ancient god of nuclear energy Pagona must be the glorious figure of Hengyao, and murmured in a low voice:

【Now, without you is more important to me...】


"......In this universe, there is the ultimate power!"

"It is impossible for anything to compare with it, even if it destroys the entire universe, it is not impossible..."

"It is hidden in the Kingdom of Light, and it is a legendary existence!"

"...That's right, it's the Ultra key!"

"I'm afraid even the Otts themselves don't know that their souls are the real components!"

"Why should I tell you? Of course, the Ultra fighters are very powerful, and we Baltan want to use the power of your Star Alliance..."

"If you can really get the key of Ultra, then we Baltan must surrender..."

Ultra key! ?

Babar stared coldly at the image in front of him repeating the above conversation, no one could know what the ruler of the dark universe was planning at this moment.

The Gazi stars standing on both sides were trembling but did not dare to make a sound.

If possible, no one would be willing to serve this cold-blooded lunatic who slaughtered their home planet and civilization, but they had no choice from the beginning.

What the two Gazi stars didn't know was that the time when they lost this choice came earlier than expected——

[Ultra key?This is also worthy of being called the ultimate power? 】

The pulsation of Hongran brought an abnormal contemptuous voice into his mind, and Babar stood up almost reflexively, scaring the two Gazi stars to stand at attention at the speed of light:

"who is it!?"

【Let me tell you, what is the real ultimate...】

That majestic and surging voice announced that, the next moment that caught the eyes of the ruler of the dark universe was an infinite psychedelic dark orange light...


【Hey~, Pagon, Reza. 】

Accompanied by the instantaneous cracking of the skulls of the two Gazi stars, the contemptuous and joking voices seemed to contain gnashing of teeth-like hatred——

'Babar' let go of the two heads in his hands, and let the white and greasy hot brain drip from his fingertips. His indescribable cold eyes stared at the dialogue that was being played repeatedly in the video in front of him:

【You two, you really don't want me to be lonely...】


76 I usually don't laugh... Puff~! 5.5K [-] in [-]

"...What, aiming at the Kingdom of Light and the Ultra Clan?"

The wind wandering around was suddenly disturbed, sending some sharp and surprised questions from a distance, and Babar suddenly woke up slowly from the empty and hazy darkness.

The 'open' crystalline pupils reflected an evil light shadow as dim as dusk.

At the moment of regaining consciousness, the ruler of the dark universe, the well-known cruel tyrant of the Star Alliance reflexively made a gesture of readiness for battle.

For a long while, there was no response.

Babar lifted his fighting stance in doubt, and glanced at the starry sky that was monotonously silent, as if lifeless, shrouded in that hazy yellow curtain.

Where is this place?

The moment this question emerged from his mind, weird and strange tones sounded from all directions—

"That's right, you all know about the Otto key?"

[Mephilas? 】

The dark tyrant immediately recognized that it was one of the nine elders who initiated and established the interstellar alliance. The evil cosmic man Mephilas was speaking, and he gritted his teeth immediately:

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