[Did you do this?let me out! 】

No one responded.

"Gah~, you guys really believe what that guy Baltan said!"

What echoed at this moment was the hoarse, bird-like scream of the leader of the Gazi Star, one of the nine elders:

"Ga~hahahaha, we Gazi people will use our own methods to obtain the power to dominate the universe."

"Hmph, so you Kazi people don't participate in the action against the Otts?"

The sinister and stern voice also came from one of the nine elders, Hellstar Hippolyte:

"Master Tempera, I think that there is really no need for the existence of this interstellar alliance."


The extremely evil cosmic man contemptuously hummed, and the disappointment in his voice was obvious:

"Although I didn't have any hope from the beginning, it really is such a meaningless alliance——

If we can't join forces, this alliance should not exist at all! "

"Hey, you two guys!"

This time it's the assassination of the spaceman Naker who is in a bad mood to ask:

"I don't know when this alliance has a leader of an imperial star..."

"Would you like to try?"

Extremely Evil·Imperial Stars confront each other:

"Just use it here to decide who is the strongest. I only admit that the strongest guy is qualified to be the leader!"

[Hey, Karma! 】

Babar yelled at the names of his 'companions' one by one:

【Mephilas, Naker, Hippolyte and Tempera, what the hell are you guys doing! ? 】

Still no response.

The ruler of the dark universe finally realized that no one could hear his call—

Except himself!

This feeling seemed to be completely forgotten, and Babar seemed to return to that place again in a trance.


A hell of infinite darkness where not even a ray of light can penetrate...

"Enough is enough, stop arguing!"

The sudden intervening drink pulled Babar out of his slowly sinking thoughts. The voice should be the armored star Bogu.

It has the well-deserved highest level of technology in the Star Alliance, and it is the only civilization that has not experienced the radiation of the plasma solar runaway and has become one of the nine elders of the Star Alliance relying entirely on technology.

In Babar's impression, Bogu civilization only sent a representative as a staff member, and its presence in the Interstellar Alliance is not high.

"Now it seems that the Interstellar Alliance really needs a leader, otherwise none of you will obey the other."

The Bogu star changed the subject:

"so be it!

Whoever solves the Ultra Clan and breaks through the Kingdom of Light will be the leader of the Star Alliance——

My words are finished, who is the same..."

"Hmph~, I don't agree!" Before the Bogu star could finish speaking, the impatient and harsh voice interrupted brazenly.

At the moment when this cold and cruel voice sounded, the ruler of the dark universe was killed by lightning——

Babar recognized the voice!

"Except me, Babar!"

The ruler of the dark universe declared thus:

"All of you guys here together, it is impossible to be against the current Ultra Clan..."

Yes, it was his own voice!

Babar panicked like never before, and the conversation that was echoing in his ears formed a specific impression in his mind——

A guy who doesn't know what has replaced him is participating in an interstellar alliance summit meeting.

As for himself, he could only watch helplessly as all this happened but he was powerless.

Just like when he was exiled to the dark universe by those guys, the Babar Senate, so powerless...

From that moment Babar swore in his heart—

If anyone saves himself, he will serve him as the master and treat him as a god!

But in the end, no.

All that came was a beam of fierce light beyond words!

In that light-melting flame casting, bringing infinite pain, and stepping up to the sky in one step of evolution——

The ruler of the dark universe has made two new vows, one of which has already been fulfilled:

If he does not die, all the guys who have ravaged him must pay the price, even the former mother civilization Babar!

Now, there is one left:

Become invincible and become the true ruler of this universe...

"It's up to you to eliminate the threat of the Ott family?"

That 'Babar' is still talking nonsense:

"It's so ridiculous..."


The Imperial Stars were furious:

"You guys say it again, do you want to try now? Who is stronger!?"


—He said so!

The reason why he called the guy occupying his body 'He' was because Babar saw——

In the dead starry sky shrouded in the twilight-like vibrating light and shadow, an ominous trajectory suddenly ignited, and the burning orange-yellow twilight was slowly but quickly sketching a slightly illusory arc in the background of the dead starry sky. track.

All this is slow to say, but it happened extremely fast——

In the next moment, the twilight-like ominous arcs merged to form a ring-shaped twilight that opened a grotesque one-eye that seemed to reflect the illusion of countless civilizations and the destruction of countless creatures.

Around the huge Flaming Eye, unprecedentedly huge black figures loomed.

The spiritual coercion brought by the intuitive crushing brought wailing, pain, despair, and so on in front of the vision, and tens of thousands of pictures disappeared in an instant.

Before the ruler of the dark universe could concentrate and take a closer look, there was only meaningless smoke and chaotic tearing, fading afterimages in front of his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the majestic and colossal evil eye appeared in front of Babar with suffocating power.

That figure is so terrifying that just looking at that existence makes the cerebral cortex tremble——

Trembling and resisting the broken and messy, abstract and trivial information that can never be combined into a clear impression and logical description.

At the same time, a great sense of panic is like a rough claw thrusting into the chest and clenching the heart tightly.

The ruler of the dark universe clearly knows that no one is grasping his vitals at this moment, but he just feels this way.

At that moment, the heart almost jumped out of the throat.

There was no reason for the terrible sense of fear, and Babar's thoughts stagnated for a while as if he had encountered an absolutely irresistible natural enemy.

All of these all show how terrifying the existence that occupies one's body is.

At this moment, the ruler of the dark universe does not know one thing.

Coincidentally, the visitor is his eternal natural enemy who is the last remaining descendant of the Babar civilization:

The destroyer of civilization and the dark stalker who inherited one of the concepts of differentiation of the supreme ontology——

Old Imnar!

【Oh~, I almost forgot about you. 】

A voice of unknown meaning flashed past his ears.

The next moment, Babar suddenly found that the overwhelming fear in his heart had disappeared without a trace.

Without waiting for the ruler of the dark universe to react, the dead starry sky in all directions suddenly faded away, revealing a monotonous and boring set of seats, and Babar's eyes shrank suddenly——

What appeared in front of us was the conference hall that the Star Alliance used every day!

At this moment, the blond-haired and golden-armored, thin and mighty figure standing in front of the seat——

'Babar' is undoubtedly the most present presence!

The ruler of the dark universe just stands there, and behind the lean golden armor is a terrifying pressure.

He took light steps, and the entire conference hall... no, even the planet that carried this conference hall seemed to tremble under his feet.

The terrible sense of oppression forced the other eight veterans of the Star Alliance present——

From Mephilas to the Imperial Stars, and even the previously unmentioned Metroon and Zarabu Stars are struggling to stay on their seats and cannot move!

[Damn it, who are you! ? 】

The Star Alliance was wiped out by coercion alone, and the real Babar didn't dare to criticize him for a while.

"Now, do I understand?"

That existence didn't pay attention to the meaning of the ruler of the dark universe, 'Babar' casually glanced around, speaking leisurely:

"The fact that I, Babar, am the head of this union—

Who approves?who objected! ? "

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