Leaders of the universe:  …

No one dared to correct that who was making an insane statement... oh no, it should be the statement of the leader of the Interstellar Alliance stating an undisputed fact.

"Ba, Lord Babar."

Unexpectedly, the one who confessed his counsel the fastest was an evil cosmic being named a gentleman. Mephilas spoke in a difficult voice:

"I, Meifei, and Mefeilas are willing to serve Barbara, Lord Babar, to do the work of a dog."

"Me too!"

As soon as the words fell, the ugly screams of the Gazi stars followed closely behind.

Then came Metron, Zarab, and the remaining cosmic beings.

In the end, when the Imperial Stars confessed reluctantly, the position of the leader of the Star Alliance was no longer in suspense.

But to the surprise of all cosmic people...

"I think you've got something wrong.

Now, it's not that I'm going to be your leader—

I've changed my mind! "

'Babar' put his hands behind his back, understating:

"It was you who proved to me that you could keep up with me—

Can you understand!? "

All the cosmic beings were speechless for a moment.

"so be it--"

'Babar' frivolously raised a finger and nodded his forehead as if thinking:

"Let me tell you how to attack and destroy the Kingdom of Light and the Ott Clan, provided that..."

Accompanied by the voice, there is a rapidly condensed light and shadow, and a blue planet like a pure gem is quietly spinning in the light and shadow.

"Destroy this planet called Earth."

'Babar' looked with great interest at the cosmic people who were suddenly relieved:


A crowd of cosmic beings shuddered immediately and shook their heads violently.

"very good."

'Babar' turned with his hands behind his back——

While slowly taking a step towards the direction of the door, the terrifying coercion suppressed to the extreme by the cosmic beings disappeared without a trace as if it didn't exist.

When the terrifying figure completely disappeared at the corner of the door, Mephilas and other cosmic talents calmed down a little... and then brought it up again——

"What are you waiting for!?"

The voice on the yin side passed by my ears as if it was happening at the scene, making all the leaders of the universe shudder reflexively——

"Yes, Lord Babar!"

The hell star stood at attention and bowed his head:

"I'll make preparations right away..."


【Who are you? 】

In the conscious space, the Babar star who had lost all hope instinctively repeated the question.

But what the ruler of the dark universe did not expect was that this time he got a reply from the other party——

【who I am? 】

The moment the voice sounded, the external scene in all directions disappeared again, and He said slowly:

【Didn't you see it! ? 】

not good!

Babar immediately realized the imminent danger, and instinctively wanted to close his eyes.

But this action obviously came a bit late——

The majestic and gigantic Dark Flame Evil Eye suddenly came into view without any warning!

Immediately afterwards, a strong dizziness hit his brain.

The feeling of being injected by something...some kind of thought emerged again.

In the lethal illusion that the heart seems to be tightly grasped and ravaged by something——

Babar's line of sight was instinctively attracted by the larger and grander, indescribable existence that loomed behind the dark and evil eyes, which made his hair stand on end.

It was a boundless and evil dark blue!

I don't know if it was Babar's illusion, but he felt that the dark blue ball was constantly expanding and contracting, and it was obviously a foggy posture, but it showed the impression of a flowing liquid.

It is like a thick cloud and mist, and it is also like a puddle of wriggling flesh that is dying.

Although the inexplicable deathly silence blowing towards his face was not lively, the threat and fear it brought was far better than that dark orange evil eye!

Most importantly, Babar caught a familiar dark arc in the deep and deadly dark blue——

It was like a closed eye!

At this moment, Babar's pupils suddenly widened.

He looked at the majestic dark orange evil eye that was close at hand, and then looked at the mysterious blue flame that was unexpectedly far away——

How big is that eye! ?

Also, those lines around that eye seem to contain some taboo information...

[Have you seen enough? 】

At the same time as the strange voice passed through his mind, Babar's attention was instantly drawn back, and the ruler of the dark universe instinctively made a humble gesture——

"My lord, I don't know your name."

Babar pushed the golden mountain and fell to his knees like a jade pillar, completely restraining the hatred and sharpness in his eyes:

"If there is anything small that can be done, please give an order."

Babar didn't think he couldn't be destroyed by the power of this unknown being.

He occupies his own body but retains his own consciousness, which means...

The other party needs his cooperation!

Maybe...it has something to do with the Otto clan!

【You are very smart. 】

He laughed and said:

[I like smart people. 】

Babar dropped his body and said nothing.

[Imnar, remember this name. 】

The existence claiming to be Imnar declared that:

【from now on--

What do I say, what do you do! 】

After a while, the dark orange brilliance swept away from the body of the ruler of the dark universe.

The dark flame evil eye condenses for a short time in the void of the universe, and then turns into a sticky black air figure, standing in the void and worshiping far away——

The structure resembling a huge mouth expands slightly, but there is no sound that can be understood by normal creatures:

[It is the incarnation of Pagon. 】

This is how he communicated to the existence who does not know where he is:

【This universe is very safe...】


In the background of the emerald-like starry sky inlaid with Hengyao, a distorted vortex of space light opened abruptly.

Afterwards, exquisite silver-white starships slowly emerged from the center of the light vortex.

After a closer look, it is not difficult to find that several of the starships are dragging a large cosmic monster of different sizes——


The ancient and beautiful galaxy, Leo L77 welcomes another batch of new guests——

"Hey, what did I say?"

On the L77 satellite named Hongyue, the Pedan engineer who saw the sky passing by the fleet put down the monitoring PDA in his hand and gloated at his companions:

"The bitches from Bit Star were appointed to surrender with Lilly, and I don't know how much they spent to capture these... Tell me, why does His Majesty Ars like Bemonstein so much!?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, bit star."

Another Pedan star showed a 'you know' smile:

"It is said that all Bitstars are all beauties who can satisfy the XP of any cosmic person. Do you want to..."

"I miss you!"

The engineer of the Pedan aliens is not very angry:

"Do you think they can see you and me?

Even if these guys marry L77 civilians, it is impossible for them to fall in love with us Pedan people, work! "

"Tch~, yes...but you said that!"

The Pedan star who was beaten up scratched his head and muttered in a low voice:

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