Someone from Lei stopped his voice in time——

Let my aunt make up the rest by herself!

The queen who was born in a feudal society has never seen such a thing! ?

Sure enough, when the Cub of Light approached the end of his speech, Queen L77's phoenix eyes faintly showed a slight evil spirit.

Then he walked out of the courtyard aggressively, raised his hand and boarded the crimson golden bridge suspended above the palace, and left through the air——

Leo & Astra are on the thin moon!


Nonsense! ?

Lei Xu solemnly declares that he is not talking nonsense——

During those 20 years in the Kingdom of Light, there were indeed many Silver Crusaders who inquired about Nisan's preferences through someone called Lei.

The Otto girls in the Kingdom of Light basically have no social fear, not to mention that all of them are heroes like Alfonu who dare to confront Leonisan and Sister Ka, and most of them have the temperament of daring to love and dare to hate , at least it can be regarded as a bold search for love.

I believe that as long as Leonisan has that intention, he will already have a family in the Kingdom of Light.

Okay, even if the big lion is nostalgic, he always has Miss Baizi in his heart.

But Astra Nissan's persistent single dog can't be justified!

Obviously shouldering the great mission of revitalizing the L77, the two Nissans are intermittently complacent and continue to perform poorly.

Lei Xu is always thinking, for Liger Brothers, the best way to revitalize L77 is not to be a kind... No!

After opening... Bah, it's not right!

——Isn’t it a baby? ?

The cub of light is heartbroken...

Leo & Astra Nisan, you two will give birth to a baby for me to play with (cross out the whole paragraph).

As the last survivor and hope of L77, who will revive L77 if you don’t?

If you don't have a baby, who will have a baby! ?

You can't count on someone from me, Lei!

Please, Leonisan, just be yourself...

We are only over 1500 this year, and we are a cub!

Cubs of Light Inner OS:

If people are going to be killed at this moment, someone Lei must be caught by Sister Mary and put in prison with Sister Ka!

And he Thunder Cub also has something to say to the two Nissans——

Is your progress as high as ours?

We have Sister Ka and you two! ?

Bah, single dog!

——The above are all jokes!

——But the Cubs of Light are serious about pitting one Nissan against two!

How can you not watch such a fun thing and take photos along the way... Ahem, how can you not pay attention to the education of the L77 royal family?

After waiting patiently for a few minutes, Lei Xu raised his hand and transformed with ease.

The golden ring shakes out a shining cloak, and a swipe brings up an inconspicuous spatial light swirl.

[Youni, do me a favor and block it. 】

The cubs of light called for the help of their friends——

Otherwise, Leonisan would be able to spot someone from Lei who was peeping from the side!

【Arnold~, the man of light. 】

According to the instructions, the good boy Younikin, who has been hiding near the Lionheart King and is ready to help him at any time, is a little hesitant:

【Isn't this a little bad? 】

[Build an additional Moutai distillery for you. 】

The cubs of light slipped out of the sauce-flavored technology familiarly——

He knows it all too well!

[Two seats! ] Mengxin House Beast's eyes light up.

Hiss~, Lei Xu was taken aback.

When did Yoni learn to bargain?

Tsk, this is really... really good situation!

【no problem. 】

Lei Xu waved his hand proudly:

[Three seats, send requests to the Pedan Stars now, and strictly follow the ancient methods of the earth...]

[Okay lol~! 】

The swirling silver flower is paved in an instant, manifesting a three-dimensional scene in the horizon.

I don't know if it's because Youni used too much force, it seems that he used time-space mapping to directly project the scene on the other end.

The Cub of Light's eyes lit up, and he raised his hand and released a photon lens.

Familiarly, he took out a big juicy melon from Uni's Dabie wild, which he found from an unknown planet, and broke it in half.


He handed half a spoon to the Lionheart Emperor, who was bored, and Lei sat down leisurely, and raised the spoon he found from nowhere——

Let's eat...

L77 Miaoyue, the training ground——


The Otto youth put his hands on his chest, tilted his head slightly to reveal a corner of his sharp eyes, turned his eyes not far away, and the red Mohawk with dignified eyes all gave a provocative smile, and deliberately slowed down his tone:

"Ultraman Seven, you're so good at this!?"

As soon as the words fell, the eyes of the Ultra warriors standing far away suddenly looked strange.

Oh yes, Cub of Light remembered.

Among the Ultra fighters here, only Qiye, who came one step later, still doesn't know the origin of "Light of the Earth".

To be correct, due to the confidentiality needs of the Cubs of Light, Superman Seven lost the right to the truth.

Just as Freya was about to say something, he saw the Ice Swordsman who was desperately winking at him... Zaki, who was also from the Severn Department, hesitated to speak, and silently shut up.



I don't know if it was his illusion, but Superman Seven always felt that he was being targeted.

From the Red Race named Leo to the terrifyingly powerful Ultra fighter named Sai Luo in front of him now, it seems that they are all targeting him——

Even his teammates seemed to have a little gap with him, and they deliberately didn't want to be with him during training!

Only the little Resa, who hardly changes shape, is more friendly to him...

No, no, this must be his illusion!

Seven shook his head, he didn't believe that his companions did it on purpose.

Ace has learned a terrifying photon slashing skill, and the attack performance is unmatched.

In addition to his unparalleled swordsmanship, Zaki also further developed his ice ability, which has excellent actual combat effects.

Freya also further expanded his dimensional ability, so elusive that even Gao Lian, who had completely liberated the power of the red race, was always in a passive state of being beaten.

Although the defense cannot be broken, this is not the point!

The point is that as a fighter, he and Ultraman Seven are completely behind!

It must be that I came back too late, and the speed of progress couldn't keep up.

So, that's why more and higher intensity training is needed to...

"I know what you mean, Shiro—"

Seven took a deep breath, raised his hand and pulled out a familiar posture, loudly:

"Come on, don't show mercy to me!"

"Pfft, cough cough cough cough cough."

The Cub of Light who was far away in the L77 palace almost sprayed melons.

Hearing the sound, All Ao suddenly looked at Superman Seven strangely——

you sure! ?

There is one thing to say, everyone who is familiar with "Light of the Earth" knows one thing——

All the suffering that Ultraman Zero has suffered in this life is rooted in you Seven!

What Zhong Ao didn't know was that...

In the "Light of the Earth" that has not been fully boarded, only Reza has mastered the root of the biggest dark history in Ultraman Zero's life——

It was also caused by a certain incompetent old father who insisted on not revealing his identity!

As an idol, there is nothing wrong with the Legendary Ultraman, it is entirely a misunderstanding made by himself.

Therefore, even though he was often threatened, Sai Luo didn't mean to blame the Cub of had nothing to do with Reza's milk smell!

The main reason is that those threats are not painful or itchy, and they are as harmless as children playing around.

Cub of Light is right, mother Alfredno is right...

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