This mistake is part of me, Sai Luo, and you——

My father, Altman Seven, is half of you! ! !


"it is good."

Otto Youth is succinct and succinct:

"did not expect......"

Boom~, half of the words were drowned in the whistling wind.

Superman Seven watched in disbelief at the flying kick that came to him almost instantly, wrapped in blazing flames, and went straight to the door.

Boom~ Boom boom boom boom...

Until he was kicked ten kilometers away by that powerful flying kick, Seven didn't hear clearly that Sai Luo was drowned in the wind...the second half of the sentence that actually didn't come out at all:

【You still have this weird hobby...】

Crackling~, bang bang bang bang...

"Leo, Astra."

The ping-pong-pong was lively, and a kind-faced L77 queen jumped off the scarlet body that pierced through the air, raising her hand and beckoning:

"Come on, I have something to do with my mother back to L77."


The Liger brothers, who were watching with their hands folded across their chests, instinctively froze for a moment, and nodded in unison:

"Yes, Queen Mother!"

The crimson streamer fell into the green and emerald-like land, and what appeared were three figures, one of whom was dragged into the royal palace by one ear.

Suddenly being grabbed by the ears and walking away, none of the Liger brothers dared to resist——

"Hey hey, mother queen, mother queen!"

Leo cooperated lightly with his mother's movements, instinctively complaining:


"You still have the nerve to say why?"

Seeing that the 'son' didn't resist, the queen of L77 calmed down a little, and simply let go of the big lion's ears, stretched out her hand and nodded his head:

"Let me ask you, how old are you?"

Leo: ...?

Cubs of Light eating melons...

"One, eighteen thousand?"

The lion of L77 is a little hesitant:

"what happened?"

After all, it has been too long, and Leo really doesn't remember his specific age.

"Eighteen thousand, you have the nerve to say what's wrong!?"

Queen L77 stares:

"Why do not you get married!"

Leo:? ? ?


The big lion replied instinctively:

"Why should I get married?"

"Where do you get children if you don't get married?"

"Why should I have a child!?" Leo was even more confused.

"So saying..."

Queen L77 narrowed her eyebrows and eyes slightly:

"You want me to completely cut off L77 from your generation, don't you!?"

The big lion stopped talking.

"Leo, you are my L77 prince."

Seeing that the 'son' was wilting, Queen L77 couldn't help but slow down her tone:

"Whether you like it or not, continuing L77 is your responsibility as the last L77 person in that universe..."

Leo: ...


No, can't refute!


The big lion frowned.

How is this kind of thing mother...

"Did Resa say something?"

Astra on the side tilted her head reflexively, but she didn't break free from her mother's hand holding her ear:

"Little Reza, you bastard..."

The big lion glanced around silently, but found no sign of the cub of light.


Leo is now a thousand percent sure——

That stinky little brother of mine decided where to put it to watch the excitement here!

At the other end of the time-space projection, the Cub of Light had already fainted from laughter while holding a half-eaten melon.

"Astra, do you still have the nerve to say Little Resa?"

Upon hearing this, Queen L77 remembered that she had a second son with a more serious problem:

"You, Leonisan, have someone you like, why don't you get married, hmm!?"

"Mother, mother."

The L77 tiger also wilted immediately, hesitating a bit:


"Astera, you must listen to mother!"

Queen L77 speaks earnestly and earnestly:

"No matter what gender you like, it is your responsibility as a prince to continue L77, do you understand?"

Leo: ...


"Just understand..."

"and many more!"

There is nothing wrong with the understanding ability of the L77 Tigers, and the expression on Astra's face is broken at the moment:

"Mother, my sexual orientation is normal, normal!!!"

"I do not believe!"

The Queen of L77 well concealed the cunning that flashed across her face:

"Unless you marry now—

Just right, the princesses of Bitstars..."

"Wait a minute, I think there is a situation that you must know about!"

With an idea, the big lion raised his eyes to seriously look at the suspicious gaze cast by Queen L77, with a heavy tone:

"Little Reza has more serious problems than me and Astra!"

Queen L77:? ? ?

Cub of Light & King Lionheart: ? ? ?

Lei Xu is fascinated by holding melons, what serious problem does Mr. Lei have! ?

"According to the age of the Otto family, little Resa is still a four-year-old child this year."

In the space-time projection, the head of the lion of L77 hangs slightly, and the voice is dignified:

"But Little Reza found a woman named Camilla who was 54 times bigger than him..."

Lei Xu: ...

Eat, eat melon and eat myself! ?

The melon in Cub of Light's mouth suddenly tasted bad!

┻━┻︵╰(‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! !

78 Little Reza, you can be yourself! 6K three-in-one

Amid the sudden spinning and the great oppressive feeling in his mind, Babar felt as if his soul had been pulled away, and he was floating in some kind of chaotic state.

The ruler of the dark universe doesn't know how long he has been floating in this state, he only feels that he has crossed a long 'distance' that normal creatures can't understand at all——

Face some great horror!

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