'Age is not a gap'''Third female colleges hold golden bricks, thirty give gifts to the world, three hundred have elixir, three thousand are ranked in the fairy class, thirty thousand are fed by the queen mother... female colleges have 3000 million, and you can change as many as you want'

——The above things can't be explained at all, okay! ?

Therefore, someone Lei could only look at the two Nissans for a burst of impotent rage.

There are gentle arcs on the corners of the mouths of the ligers and tigers, especially the L77 tigers.

Astra clenched her fists with a 'click, click', and looked over with malicious intent——

If the stinky brother is unlucky, he is happy!

"Little Reza!"

Queen L77 looked over with a serious face, and temporarily interrupted the 'sons' who were about to move:

"Strictly speaking, Als and I are not qualified to discipline you—

But your problem is indeed more serious than Leo and the others! "


Lionheart Emperor, who was eating melons with someone from Lei just now, is upright and awe-inspiring to support his wife:

"No matter what you say, you are too shameless!"

"I heard from Leo, you are still a child in the Ultra family."

Queen L77 speaks earnestly and earnestly:

"Little Resa, you must protect yourself outside alone, the women outside are really dangerous——

That pedophile Camilla, you don't want to be with her..."

"No, no no no no!"

The Cub of Light raised and interrupted, and at the same time read the words:

"Sister Ka is different from what you think!】

Somebody Lei was in a hurry, Ott started to read, and selectively sent the profile related to Sister Ka.

Although the background and other relevant content are deliberately hidden, it seems a bit unreasonable, but these can be supplemented by the emotions mixed in the reading.

"So, Sister Ka is actually in the same era as me."

Looking at the husband and wife holding their heads and gradually regaining their senses, the Cub of Light who didn't notice the sudden bright eyes of a certain queen helplessly raised his forehead:

"It's just 3000 million missed..."

"I support you!"


The conversation was interrupted by a sudden sonorous female voice in the middle of the conversation, and several people present cast surprised glances at the L77 queen who changed face at the speed of light, and the cub of light unconsciously uttered a suspicious voice:

"Ah, ah!?"

"I support you, little Reza!"

Queen L77's eyes were shining, and she had a very touched expression on her face:

"Promise me, you must cherish Miss Camilla."

Lei Xu: ...

Leo & Astra:  …

The liger brothers looked strange——

Mom, that's not what you just said!

Als slapped himself on the forehead.

If Emperor Lionheart remembers correctly, his wife also chased him first.

He was also ignorant at the beginning, and she let the boss down.

Girls chasing boys... It's over, let her have a sense of substitution!

"As long as there is love, what is 3000 million years old--

I believe that you and Camilla, little Reza, will have a bright future! "

The queen of L77 seamlessly switches from impassioned to gossip mode:

"By the way, little Resa, when are you and Camilla planning to have a baby!?"

"Ah yes yes yes."

Although I don't know what's going on, Lei, who seems to have survived the catastrophe, nodded his head and subconsciously answered:

"Of course, we want to have children immediately after the age of four thousand. We also plan to come to the Kingdom of Light... cough cough cough cough...

It's nothing, Sister Ka and I have no plans to have children for the time being. "

Only then did the Cub of Light realize that he seemed to be revealing what was in his heart, and immediately covered his mouth and glared at a fresh gossip——

Good job you did!


Leo & Astra looked over at the same time for the first time, smiling at the corners of their mouths——

Little Resa, did you just say something extraordinary?

No wonder he said so neatly this time that he would stay in the Kingdom of Light for a long time, so it's all about staying here! ?

"Did you hear me!"

The Shihu brothers were shocked, and looked at their mother in a daze.


"Ah for what?"

Queen L77 nodded angrily on the heads of the two 'sons':

"Little Resa found the love that will never change in this life at the age of 1500, and plans to have children at the age of 4000, how about you!?

Even at [-], he is still single, yet he still has the nerve to laugh! "

Leo: ...?

The L77 lion couldn't help looking at Dad.

"Cough um."

Facing his wife's sweeping gaze, the Lion Hearted Emperor coughed:

"Astra, your mother was right!"

Astra:  …


The Cub of Light, who turned around, rolled his tongue and fanned the flames:

"Nissans have rejected many Otto girls from the Kingdom of Light."

"Little Reza!!!" x2

"What are you shouting for?"

Queen L77 has a louder voice than the two brothers:

"You guys are too kind... Ars!"

The Lionheart Emperor cast his gaze reflexively.

"Where is the bit star envoy now?"

"No, Mom!"

Hearing this, the Liger brothers became anxious immediately. The big lion grabbed his mother's shoulders and said earnestly:

"This is really not good!"

"You can have this." Queen L77 was unmoved.

In fact, in her opinion, the 1500-year-old little Resa has a wife, even if he has children, there is no problem——

The key lies in Camilla's age!

In fact, there is not much difference in actual understanding. The age difference of 3000 million years is just an accident.

And parting is painful—

At the expected age of little Reza in the future, finding a lover who is as strong as Camilla and who will not die easily may be the right choice!

Now, there is only one problem left:

1.8 live single dog x2!

"Auntie is right!"

The cubs of light are afraid that the world will not be chaotic:

"Hey, I think so too!

How wonderful are Bitstars, it is said that they can change into anything~. "

L77 Lion & Tiger's hands itched at the same time——

This brother should not stay for long!

"Cough cough."

Sensing the approaching murderous intent, Lei suddenly became serious:

"Auntie, I don't mean this Leonisan, but Little Leo and the others!"


Queen L77 stared over, her eyes filled with murderous aura:

"Little Resa, what are you talking about!?"

Glancing at them, their eyes suddenly lit up, and the Nissans who were thinking of 'dead friends never die poor', the cubs of light looked as usual:

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