"I was serious!"

——Lei Xu did say that!

Astra's eyes moved, and she was about to speak but was stopped by the tense-faced elder brother raising his hand.

"Leo and Astra are only 8 years old."

Seeing that the cub didn't seem like a joke, the Lionheart Emperor finally frowned, apparently not thinking it was a good idea:

"Isn't it too early?"

"It's getting late, look, uncles and aunts!"

Lei Xu raised his hand and pointed at the two Nissans who held back temporarily:

"Nissans are all singles at 1.8 years old!"

Leo & Astra: ...?

Little Reza, are you polite! ?

Queen L77 was shaken, she probably understood what the Cub of Light wanted to say.

"I seriously doubt that if you continue to let him go, little Leo and the others will not want to get married and have children in the future."

Lei Xu made a serious deduction:

"It's okay to use up the big one, but now I'm still taking the useless trumpet——

Aunt, you have to be careful! "

Als:  …

The Lionheart Emperor stroked his chin.

One thing to say, one point makes sense!

"So you can first cultivate—"

The Cub of Light threw a 'you know' look:

"Ask if there are any princesses of the right age in the Bit Star...Pedan Star is also fine."

"Little Reza, you mean..."

This is no joke!

Queen L77 frowned slightly, and immediately realized that it was not only the personal problems of her sons.

The king of the universe, the Lionheart, is now becoming more and more famous.

As the first batch of contributors, L77 really needs to reassure the people of Pedan Star and Bit Star.

Marriage is one of the most suitable solutions in the logic of the couple's understanding.

As for Little Leo's personal opinion...

As a prince, he enjoys the inherently good life, and it is her understanding that he must bear corresponding responsibilities on his shoulders.

not to mention......

Didn't Little Resa also say that he cultivated his feelings first, and opened up his mind...

"Ars?" Queen L77 looked at King Lionheart.

In such a big matter, she always respected her husband's wishes.


Als thought about it seriously, and uttered two words concisely:


This is the approval, the Queen of L77 lifted her skirt gracefully, turned around and exited——

She's going to find the right person to let her know!

"Little Reza!"

It wasn't until his father raised his legs to leave that Leo looked over with a frown:


There is a huge gap between their father and queen mother's thinking and their current ones, and they are not as sensitive as little Reza. Leo only recently realized this.

Therefore, a corresponding strategy is adopted-

Persist in listening carefully, accepting with an open mind, and never repent! The three principles will never waver!

But, take the initiative to let little Leo and the others get married?

The reason why the big lion doesn't believe in the cub of light is as simple as it sounds!

"Leonisan, Astranisan."

Lei Xu flirtatiously gave a look:

"Do you still remember the purpose of coming here in the first place?"


The L77 lion was immediately confused——

Isn't it to change the development trend of L77's destruction! ?

"Save L77!" The L77 tiger spoke bluntly.


The Cub of Light slapped his forehead:

"That's how it is for you, Astra Nisan."

L77 Tiger slowly put out a question mark——

What's wrong! ?

For Astra it goes like this...

Hearing the sound, Leo was thoughtful, and then his eyes lit up.

"You mean Baizi!?"


Lei Xu snapped his fingers with a snap:

"Completely correct!"

"But the earth is now in the ancient times, right?"

Astra still hasn't been able to keep up with the train of thought:

"At that time we were no longer here, please leave it to Leonisan who is here..."


The Cub of Light nodded cheerfully:

"That's the problem!"

"Huh?" The L77 tiger didn't know why.

"Little Reza, you are right."

At this moment, Lei Ou completely understood what Lei Xu wanted to say:

"Now that we have changed the direction of L77's destruction, the Lionheart Empire is now like this——

Little Leo will definitely not be able to go to Earth again in the future! "

Lei Xu nodded in agreement.

Nothing happened in L77, little Leo will at least be the king of L77 in the future, and it is impossible to go to the earth to guard if he has no time to wander.

Of course, if you insist, whether or not this version of Master Qi will become crippled after their intervention is another matter.

Going one step further—

Whether the Magma star who made Qi Ye crippled can continue to live in this universe for ten years is a question!


The big lion suddenly turned his head:

"Little Resa, could it be that you..."

"I'll ask Younikin to help me then."

Cubs of Light interrupted lightly:

"It really doesn't work, I'll accompany you, Leonisan, to come again."

Leo nodded heavily.

Little Reza's meaning is very clear!

In the "Leo" TV period of this universe, he can come to this universe again——

To save the Kuroshio Island that sank into the sea, and prevent the tsunami from flooding Tokyo, Daddy Umeda and his brothers and sisters, Meng, dozens of MAC members... no, thousands of sacrificed team members.

In the end, can you still——

Goodbye to my biggest regret in this life and the original Bai Yueguang, Miss Baizi...

Throughout my life, I am full of regrets.

But at least, Leo at least doesn't want to let this kind of regret repeat itself.


The Cub of Light nodded happily:

"Next time, let's bring Ace and Jack Nissan with us... How about taking Master Qi secretly to have a look at Miss Anu?

When the time comes, take a photo and send it to Alfonou and Sai Shao each! "

Leo & Astra:  …

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