Little Resa, you can be yourself! ! !

Hiss~, the L77 lion suddenly woke up from his sadness.

Just now...does this mean that Little Reza drew him another pie?

Wait, why did you say again! ?

It's a pity that Leo didn't think deeply about this issue——

The sudden throbbing in their hearts caused the three of them to raise their heads together, and their bright eyes reflected through the ceiling the pure white cursive characters that seemed to be engraved on the sky——

It's the signature of Otto from the Kingdom of Light!

The content is...

[Alfono disappeared while approaching the destination of the third cantilever of the Milky Way, requesting support! 】

In the next moment, a red rainbow flashed above the faint moon, followed by a red and blue rainbow...


PS: Recently, the inspiration has dried up very badly. I have never encountered such a situation... It has been a long time since I have not been able to produce 6K/day steadily. I have to stay until late every day to barely publish a chapter, and the quality seems to be dropping.

It's a little more serious today, and this chapter didn't come out until five o'clock in the morning.

Therefore, I would like to ask for a day off, I am very sorry, I will adjust the salted fish (kowtow)......

79 Young Master Sai, You're Really Abandoned!!! 6K [-]-in-[-]

The refraction of the flashing space in the flashing channel fades quickly, and the red & blue rainbow pierces the darkness and slides into the deep space, condensing into two similar but different shining figures.

[According to the signed information, Alfred Nu disappeared near here. 】

Seven glanced at the somewhat unfamiliar nebula and the shining cosmic landscape in the distance, and quickly compared the automatically expanded star map on the photon data interface, making sure that he was right:

[Sai Luo, without further ado, let's split up! 】

[Wait a minute, I disagree! 】

This proposal immediately aroused strong opposition from the Alt youths. The life and death of 'mother' was uncertain, and Sai Luo's tone was not much better:

[Hmph, are you stupid, divide the troops in this situation?Young master, I don't think I'll save you again! 】

According to Kingdom of Light's signature, 'Mother' did not walk alone——

As the chief healer of the Silver Crusade after the Mother of Ultra, Alfonou has a whole team of guardians accompanying him for protection.

Even so, he disappeared without any resistance, and even failed to release a signature, which shows that the enemy should not be underestimated.

Ultra Youth knows more about the inside story than his 'father'—

The present in the Story0 universe is no safe place!

[Then what do you say! ? 】

Seven's mood was also not very good. When he heard this, he felt a little annoyed, but what Sai Luo said was a fact that he couldn't refute——

Compared to the Alt youth who easily won the training with one-on-ten, I, who has been challenged N+1 times as usual even though he has made great progress, really has no right to speak.

[Alforon, she may not last long! 】

His mind flashed back to those brutally reformed Ultra warriors he saw at the headquarters of the Silver Crusade. Thinking of the possibility that Alfonu might be treated in the same way, Seven became anxious for a while, and his voice almost growled:

【If we don't find her again...】

【Severn, are you awake? 】

The Alt youth interrupted sharply:

[Do you know where to find it?

Or are you ready to mount your horse and try your luck in a nearby galaxy! ? 】

Severn:? ? ?

【how do you know......】

【Know what you think? 】

Sero has no expression on his face:

[Is it difficult to see what is written on your face! ? 】

In fact, the Otto youth didn't want to take his old father out at all.

After all, even at the age of 17000, the old father Seven will still be on the earth:

Being pitted, stunned, framed, imprisoned, controlled, interrogated, tricked by beauty and...

Classic Replay: Stolen Ultra Glasses!

Note 1: N+1 times!

Note 2: Almost all of the above happened after being suspicious, alert and fully prepared!

Sai Luo thinks the reason of 'carelessness' is completely unjustified, okay?

The whole "Severn" TV is basically Dad Seven's dark history broadcaster! ?

A 1.7W-year-old senior (?) who looks like an ordinary person

Appearance is equal to the inner foolish batch red reckless (√)

And then there's Leo and Light of the Earth!

It wasn't until not long ago that the Otto youth realized that the crimes he suffered from Master Leo did not seem to be wronged at all.

One thing to say, Sai Luo felt that if he were Master Leo... he would go too far!

Superman Seven raised his hand and touched his cheek, and a few wells popped out of his forehead——

The face in the transformed state has no expression at all!

【You guy! 】

Seven clenched his fists, and his heart burst into flames:

[If you don't want to say it, then don't say it, when is this kind of joke! ? 】

Tsk, it's really silly, Sai Luo's eyes are subtle.

【calm! 】

Feeling that his old father was hard to take care of, the Alt youth had to forcefully suppress the strangeness in his heart, and while slightly correcting the direction, he raised his hand and called out the light screen to perform a series of operations, and continued to output:

【Forget about fighting, you don’t even need me to teach you this kind of thing! ? 】


Seven stared at the sharp eyes of the Otto youth engraved on the flowing light and shadow in front of him, and remained silent——

He always felt that the guy in front of him was thinking something very rude!

【Mother... Alfonu and the others disappeared too quickly, there is a high probability that they were ambushed, and the enemy may have been prepared. 】

While operating, Sai Luo explained to the incompetent old father:

[The Milky Way is not a very lively place, and the superluminal cruise of a general starship will leave obvious traces. 】

Superman Seven's eyes gradually opened.

[Every massive star has a unique space-time bending feature, which is a natural positioning——

You are now a member of the Red Race, but it doesn't mean you must learn to be a reckless man like that guy...I found it! 】

Before Seven could figure out who the 'that guy' was talking about, the next moment, the Alt youth raised his hand and waved away the light and shadow in front of him.

Between the intertwined arms, cross-shaped stars flickered and condensed in front of the bright yellow eyes, and the red and blue lights silently penetrated the void.

【follow me! 】

As the chanting sound fell, the red light rainbow followed closely behind.

Not long after, Liangao stopped outside a bright reddish nebula, Sai Luo's eyes were serious.

[Trouble. 】

【how! ? 】

Seven asked subconsciously.

This is a radial vortex gas cloud structure, inside it is a rotating and tilting darkness, as if being pulled by something, and outside it is scattered and sparse nebula gas clusters.

Superman [-], who currently has insufficient knowledge reserves, can't tell it, but Sai Luo can identify it at a glance. This is the remnant of a typical supernova explosion.

The darkness in the middle, from which even light cannot escape, must be the remnant of a supernova explosion, and it is undoubtedly the densest celestial black hole in the universe.

Generally speaking, it is impossible to have normal civilized creatures in this kind of cosmic environment, but this is the Story0 universe!

Now that it's here, it's impossible for the Cubs of Light to keep "Story0" a secret from Ultra Youth.

In this case, Sai Luo has and can only think of one possibility——

Story0·Dark Universe!

There is a small universe similar to the stars of the mobile universe in "Light of the Earth", but the dark universe is a part of the Story0 universe.

The only way to enter and exit is through black holes, but not every black hole can lead to the dark universe, which is one of the reasons why that guy has been slow to move.

Want to go in?

The answer is yes.

Rationality tells Sai Luo that it is the safest choice to send a signature to the Cub of Light for help, but...

[The next step may be dangerous. 】

The Otto youth shook his head slightly and at the same time raised his hand and released a signature, without explaining in detail——

[I suggest you turn back immediately! 】

Seven couldn't help but look up:

【If you really want to be so dangerous, please...】

The moment he met those resolute and sharp bright yellow eyes, Superman No. [-]'s chanting stopped abruptly.

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