【...Then, why not? 】

Superman No. [-], who always felt that there was something to be said in the words of the youth of Ultraman, suddenly lacked confidence, and Xuan realized something belatedly and looked over——

[What about you, Sero?

Your attitude towards Alfred Nu is also very unusual! ?

Could it be...]

There was tension in Seven's voice that he didn't even realize:

【Sero, do you like Alfred Nu? 】


The Otto youth looked over strangely, and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Superman No. [-], who hadn't received any reply for a long time, felt more and more uneasy, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was like this:

Thinking about it carefully, when we met for the first time in memory, Sero's attention seemed to have been on Alfonou.

【Could it be that you really...】

【dislike! 】

Seeing that the old man had a tendency to think wrongly, in order to avoid being hit by Ott single/double after returning home, Sai Luo hurriedly interrupted:

[I like to see you together. 】

【Ah, ah? 】

Seven was dumbfounded.

The pure Superman No. [-] does not know that on a certain planet called Earth, this kind of behavior is generally called knocking CP.

This is even worse for Sai Luo:

He is knocking on the CP of Mom and Dad——

Before he was even born!

[I can warn you! 】

As soon as the Otto youth saw his old father, he thought of "Seven", and then extended to "Leo", and immediately became angry:

[In the future, if you meet someone named Yuri...]

The voice of chanting passing by the ear suddenly stopped, and the sudden huge force from the shoulder blade made the unexpected Superman No. [-] fly far away.

[Hmm~. 】

The moment before entering the atmosphere, the painful murmur arrived and illuminated the field of vision along with the piercing dazzling stream of light.

[Hahahaha, I didn't expect there to be unexpected gains! 】

The unexplainable chanting sound fell into my ears, and Seven reflexively glanced over, but was speechless for a moment.

What kind of giant steel ships are those...

The overall shape is like a weird cosmic shark. There are a large number of sharp cutting lines and arc-shaped structures distributed on the hull shell, which looks like a spindle from the side.

The most eye-catching thing is the size of these giant ships——

The smallest of them is nearly a kilometer in length and no less than 500 meters in width and height.

The largest ship has a long axis of about [-] kilometers. From the frontal perspective of Seven, it is almost a crushing giant.

The surface of the hulls of all these giant ships is covered with slightly lit launch probes and real-time correction pointing muzzles, ready to aim at... yourself! ?

【Damn it, let's go...】

【G? 】

It was too late to find out where the Otto youth's weak voice came from, Superman No. [-] called out, and instinctively left the place.

In the next moment, the terrifying stream of concentrated light flashed across his face as if deliberately not hitting him.

The sudden voice that followed proved that it was not Seven's illusion——

"It really is you, Ultraman Seven!"

No more attacks came.

At the same time, the smallest shark-shaped giant ship in the fleet suddenly unfolded and released a large amount of pure white buffer gas.

In a dizzying series of complex evolutionary transformations, an icy mechanical giant quickly took shape and showed him the restraining light beam in the center of his chest.

that is?

The slender neck hangs weakly, the blue arms are covered with scorching marks torn by the restraining lightning beam, and the legs are almost unable to stand half-kneeling in the cold metal cage...

That figure, who else could it be if it wasn't Alfonou! ?


Seeing the bruised childhood sweetheart in the beam of light, Sai Wen shouted loudly:

【"Damn it, who are you!?"】

Faster than that chants was a sudden flash of iridescent brilliance that soared like a dragon——

【You step on the horse...】

In the next moment, the red Ultra Giant, whose size was no less than that of the starship, stretched out his fist and hit the mechanical giant's face with precision. An explosive roar resounded in the hearts of everyone present at the same time:

[Let go of my mother! ! ! 】

The streamer blades wrapped in indigo streamer staggered and wiped across the mechanical giant one after another. To be correct, it should be called the restraint on the chest of Aianlox's starship monster.

Seven's eyes widened, and he stared blankly at the red Ultra giant that suddenly zoomed in to hundreds of meters. He was a little unbelievable for a while:

[Sai, Sai Luo! ? 】

Wait, wait!

What did this guy Sai Luo just say?

Let go of my mother?



【then! 】

Unaware of what Daddy Cheap is thinking about at the moment, Sai Luo violently grabs the restraint that the hard link is detached from, and throws it over:

[Take her and go! 】

[Wait, what about you? 】

Seven burst out before he could think deeply, and only called out instinctively.

【I?hehe. 】

The Alt youth didn't look at the flashing timer on his chest, but felt the little energy left in his lower body, and Sai Luo's sight re-locked on the huge fleet in his field of vision.

Under Superman's vision, the internal structure of all starships is fully exposed——

Every starship here is a mechanical monster!

Even in its heyday, it could have been an uphill battle.

But now, there is no doubt that it is impossible for me to defeat these starship monsters in front of me with bottomless energy!

But once these fleets get out of trouble, Mom and Dad will definitely not be able to escape...

【I didn't expect that, Reza,】

The scorching hot touch rises rapidly, and the blazing flame flows through the whole body smoothly and smoothly through the violently fluctuating heart, as if the terrible pain of being cooked at high temperature hits every cell inch by inch, and the huge giant that is getting closer is reflected in Sai Luo's eyes. ship:

[I didn't expect to learn how to do things from you so soon. 】

[So, let me learn it, won't it be okay? 】

The red-flaming Ultra giant clings to the surface of the gigantic ship, and the loud voice completely obscures all the sounds:

[Art——, Pai Daxing! ! ! 】

The unexplained chanting voice of the youth of Otto caused Superman [-] to look back instinctively on the way away, but it captured a heroic picture that would never be forgotten in this life——

In the next second, a new sun rose in the dark universe...


【My Nima! 】

The Cub of Light, who arrived at the scene not long after, looked at his famous scene and showed a smile that was uglier than crying:

[Sai Shao, you really have lost your studies! ! ! 】

80 wait for me!!! [-] in [-]

"A few days ago, the fleet of the Interstellar Alliance was attacked by unknown forces near our galaxy, and the entire fleet was wiped out!"

"This is enough to prove that in this universe, we Kiganto are not alone!"

"We have wisdom, we have the determination to resist aggression, and we also have the ability to resist!"

"We 2100 billion Kigantos will never compromise and will never join forces with the Star Alliance..."

[Just a companion? 】

[Alforo?dislike! 】

I tried my best to keep calm, but I couldn't hide the excitement in the broadcast. Wave after wave poured into my ear curtains, intertwined with the uninterrupted replay of the thoughts in my mind, which made people feel upset.

[I like to see you together. 】

【I can warn you, if you meet someone named Yuri in the future...】

"Sevin, woo~, wake up quickly."

The soft female voice with a crying voice seemed a little noisy, and there was a slightly moist touch on the chest.

Seven feebly opened his eye slits, the blurry figure reflected in the lens and the bright sunlight impatiently piercing his eyes forced the man to instinctively reach out to block it.

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