The too bright brilliance immediately awakened the memory that had been deeply engraved in his mind.

【You step on the horse...】

In a trance, the figure of Chi Yan soaked in the darkness took shape again in front of his eyes, and he was roaring——

[Let go of my mother! ! ! 】

What does it mean?

The weird lag in thinking and a strange sense of detachment made Seven feel as if he had come back to the scene, looking back at everything from a detached perspective similar to a third-party onlooker.

[Take her and go! 】

【I?hehe. 】


【"Art——, Pai Daxing!!!"】

At the moment when the fierce and dazzling light hits the eyes, the dark universe is lit up by the "sun" rising out of thin air...

It was a terrifying energy shock of unparalleled scale——

Even the atmosphere of the grass-green planet not far away is twitching and trembling in front of this "scorching sun" like a catastrophe. The scorching light radiation swept across a considerable distance in an instant, and the outer atmosphere was directly heated to boiling, gushing and surging Attacked to the front door.

The red giant turned around and hugged the unconscious Qinglan tightly, the scorching phantom pain faintly affecting the whole body......

"Severn, please hurry up..."

I don't know whether it was the weeping and moaning like a trapped animal, or because the picture in the field of vision was torn apart, and the sluggish thinking finally recovered——

At this moment, Seven thought everything through...


A soft touch came from the body that stood up suddenly, and the retina at the bottom of the lens reflected the yellow sky light and a face like pear blossoms with rain.


The woman called out in surprise, her still glowing hands flexed and stretched around his neck, and she let out a satisfied sigh:

"It's great that you're okay, Seven. You didn't wake up just now, and you scared me to death."

"Ah, Alforo?"

Sai Wen blankly turned his eyes to his childhood sweetheart who was close at hand, but a familiar voice came to his mind again——

[Just a companion? 】

[Alforo?dislike! 】

[I like to see you together. 】

Fist, clenched unconsciously.

Tears did not know when to fill the eye sockets, overflowing uncontrollably.

It turned out that he was, that Sai Luo turned out to be...

Superman Seven's heart was shocked out of thin air.

No wonder, no wonder recently he always felt that his companions were hiding something from him.

No wonder Sai Luo has always been special to him, no wonder he is so powerful, no wonder...

No amount of wonder can match the sadness that is almost overflowing in my heart at this moment.

That kid, Sero that kid he...

In the memory, the voice and smile of the Otto youth are flashing back, causing tears to flow wantonly from the red eyes.

"What's wrong with you, Seven?"

Alfred let go of him, his face was full of confusion and anxiety:

"In the end what happened!?"

In the memory of the head therapist of the Silver Crusade, her childhood sweetheart had never had such a fragile expression as if the sky had fallen.

"I am fine."

There is no need to make Alfonou feel sad too. He raised his fist to wipe away the tears on his face, and Seven raised his body and looked at the green land covered by the brilliant sky light all around:

"Where is this place?"

Having said that, Superman Seven doesn't seem to be okay at all.


Alfonou sensitively did not ask any questions, and lightly pointed to the looming silver at the end of the left field of vision with his plain hand:

"There was a broadcast from that direction just now."


The sound of the broadcast that passed by the ears indistinctly surged into my heart along with the awakened memory. Seven suddenly caught something, and looked at Alfonou reflexively:

"Did the broadcast just now say that someone's fleet was successfully blocked by unknown forces nearby?"

The so-called 'blocking by unknown forces' definitely refers to Zero's last Ultra Bomb!

Seven clearly remembered the scene when he was affected and fell into this planet.

Well, the convenience of belonging to this fleet is...


Alfonou nodded in confusion:

"It seems to be saying something... Star Alliance?"

"Star Alliance!?"

Superman Seven didn't notice what he seemed to have missed, and Seven's eyes were burning with fire.

Very well, I think this is the object he needs to take revenge on.

Superman Seven swears with tears in his heart.

Star Alliance, from now on——

Do not!die!Do not!stop!

"Hey, where are your glasses?"

Alfred Nu's voice seemed to come from the sky, instantly pulling Seven's thoughts back from the flames of vengeance ignited like mountains.

He shot up almost tensely, his hands quickly groping all over his body.

For a long while, Alfonou looked at his hands and dropped his hands weakly, as if his childhood sweetheart had lost all his strength and tilted his head——

Altec glasses, gone! ?


At the same time, Kiganto's extraterrestrial——

The radiant silver flower flashed and then disappeared, and the crimson figure in the shining light stopped in the air.

The bright yellow eyes reflected the fleet passing by at high speed, and Lei Xu instinctively folded time and space to disappear.

Even knowing that it might be useless to Pagon, but this guy may not be the only one who needs to be afraid of in the current universe!

Looking at the strange-shaped starship patrolling back and forth not far away, the moment the cub of light released his perception, he immediately noticed the residual of the long-lasting terrifying energy reaction, and immediately had a bad feeling.

【Yuni! 】

Lei Xu called softly:

[Play it back for me, I want to know what happened here! 】

Even if L77 is in the outer universe, it does not prevent the power of time and space mythical monsters from descending here through Lei Xu's current location and the medium provided by the Otto cloak——

The almost imperceptible rippling silver flower swept across the audience through the Infrared Silver Arcane Artifact, quickly darting into the bright yellow eyes of the Scarlet Giant.

In the next moment, the projection of past time and space came into view with a complicated and incomprehensible mechanism...

【My Nima! 】

After a while, the light faded, and the voice of gnashing teeth cut through the universe:

[Sai Shao, you really have lost your studies! ! ! 】


over over over over over...

The Cubs of Light are really in a panic right now.

Lei Xu never expected that he was just one step late, and Master Sai brought him a state banquet directly.

Sero you TM!

What skills do not learn, must learn Ultra Bomb?

What's wrong with paying tribute, I have to pay tribute to someone from Lei! ?

Thinking of Sai Shao'fuck NM, labor and management are on fire! ’, the Cub of Light put on the pain mask directly.


1 MMPs flashed across Lei Xu's heart——

Sai Shao, you really don't know how to write the word 'death', do you?

Ultra bomb, what skills?

The single strongest nirvana of the little horn bull, the ultimate skill used by the cubs of light several times to fight the real name evil god.

A suicidal skill that overloads all the photons in the body to make it go berserk, sacrificing itself as firewood.

Even if it is foreseeable, it will gradually become popular in the near future, but this does not hinder the fact that Ultra Bomb is an extremely high-risk taboo skill.

At least so far, the only Ultraman Taro and the innocent child Xiaomeng who are recognized as being able to independently use the Ultra Bomb are the Superman Taro and the innocent child Xiaomeng who are called Xiaomenbius and Xiaotao respectively by the Jianghu people.


He mines someone himself! ?

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