Are you awake.jpg

Although Little Horn and Mengzi both have the title of Little Reza, Ultra Bomb is really not a skill that can be used casually for the Cub of Light.

Isn't there no way to deal with the True Name Cthulhu?

Without Otto's heart, without Xiaomeng's idealistic fetters, even if he, Reza, used an Otto bomb, he would have to spend a long time resurrecting——

It mainly depends on whether it is within the radiation range of Mother Earth, or whether a legendary giant who does not know who is remotely OMO is interested in helping him with someone from Lei.

As for young master Sai, that's a real tiger!

Without any protection, without the slightest hesitation, he dared to play Ultra Bomb in the super giant state.

Yes, the Cub of Light admits.

If he was replaced by Sai Shao at the time, he would probably choose the same style of play——

If you don't work hard, there will be no follow-up!

There is one thing to say, there is nothing wrong with his tactical decision-making in Sailtian.

But behind us is the gaze of the legendary giants, and there are pyramids and taboo texts left by the giants Di & Lei in the body, you have a P!

Sai Shao's thoughts, the cubs of light can roughly understand.

It's nothing more than relying on him, someone from Lei will definitely come to take a look, and he, Sai Luo, is well aware of the efficacy of the 'curing life' thing.

Even if it really blows up, when the time comes, just take the soul and solidify it on the life sphere.

Hey, it's another Ultra hero... what a ghost! ! !

The Cub of Light roared in his heart.

A mangzi is a mangzi!

Sai Luo, you're playing with fire, do you know that?

It's really a stupid person who lacks a string in his brain and hasn't graduated from school!

Solidification of life is really so awesome, why doesn't the guard have one?

Even if it is to prevent the Ultra fighters who are away from turning into moving treasure monsters in the eyes of other cosmic beings, it is always possible to secretly equip one or two in high-risk missions, right?

Actually no!

Well, I just think that the Otto family doesn't want people to think that life is at your fingertips, so they don't cherish it.

So why hasn't the Ultra Bomber tactics been popularized?

Anyway, it can be revived, right? ?

There is a reason behind this!

The Ultra family is a light quantum life form, and the Ultra Bomb is a skill that overloads the whole body with light quantum and transforms it into explosive firewood.

Solidification of life is based on the cognition of individual will, and the purpose of resurrection is achieved by simulating the reorganization of the body with the omnipotent transforming light energy of the solidification life sphere.

Do you understand what it means to combine the two?

It means that after using the Ultra Bomb, the Ultra warriors who only rely on their souls to revive will lose their bodies that have been honed through hard work!

That is to say, even if he, Sai Luo, was revived on the spot, he would still be a ghost now!

Of course, the power already possessed is something engraved in the memory and subconscious, which is especially obvious in the Ultra family.

Therefore, Sai Shao doesn't have to go through the same hardships as before if he wants to regain his strength.

If the memory of the subconscious mind is awakened by hellish exercise and supplemented by uninterrupted plasma light irradiation, probably...

several years?

Decades! ?

Lei Xu didn't know, but the cubs of light knew this because of the popular science they got when they were bored and harassed Ah Guang and A Meng.

All in all, this has never happened in the history of Kingdom of Light——

He has set a precedent in the history of the Otto family in Saiyantian!

Note: It is within the scope of the All-Austrian Multiverse...

[Sai Shao, you just wait for us! 】

The Cub of Light's voice was chilling:

[When you come back to life, you bastard, we don't beat you into a racing rabbit, your front teeth are straight! 】

While gnashing its teeth, the red giant spun into a blur of light and shadow.

In the field of vision that only Lei Xu can see:

With the explosion point as the center, thousands of streamers of red light are quietly hidden in the folded light and shadow, darting towards all directions of this galaxy at a very high speed——

With the power of the ultra-bomb in the super-giant state, Zero's soul may be at any point in this explosion range!

Younijin also couldn't find Sai Shao's soul through time and space replay——

One is because the energy level of the Ultra Bomb is too high, which undoubtedly impacts and disturbs the stability of the space-time structure of the core explosion point.

The second is that Eugene does not have the ability to look directly at the soul at all, and the energy fluctuation of the indirect observation method cannot be implemented because the energy level of the Ultra Bomb is too high.

Therefore, the only way that the cubs of light can adopt is the most stupid way——

Use your feet to measure the explosion range of this Ultra Bomb!

It is conceivable that this is destined to be a huge search project.

Lei Xu must race against time to find the soul of his racing rabbit in the shortest possible time——

The longer the exposure time, the more likely the core memory and subconscious cognition will be lost due to various unexpected situations!


Then Laozi will beat you until you call him father, Sai Luo!

Oh yes, this time he will beat up someone along with Seventh Master and Alforo——

Your family is nothing but waves, right? ?


Including Qiye and Alfred who fell into that planet, I will give you a suspended sentence first.

The cubs of light raged—

Wait for me! ! !


81 Planning draft of "Zero"! 6K three-in-one

Let the avatar go to the universe to search for Sai Shao's soul, and the Cub of Light stepped into the dark green atmosphere while maintaining an invisible posture——

There is also a probability that Sai Shao's soul is on this planet!

As far as the eye can see, the endless verdant land spreads endlessly, rolling like waves under the warm breeze blowing.

The grass grows and the warbler flies, full of vitality.

To use the standard scientific language of Professor Hikari Superman:

Located in the habitable zone of carbon-based life, it is highly earth-like, has highly complex life forms and supporting carbon-based ecosystems, and has a mild and stable atmospheric structure. A life planet with a highly developed local interstellar civilization has been born.


As for the first impression of the Cub of Light.

Well, this is a planet full of vitality in every sense, where everything is happening.

The reason for saying this...


Lei Xu looked strangely at the large leaves above his head in the jungle below, struggling to pull out the radish-shaped root system that looked like a sole of a foot from the soil, and then ran away as a vegetative, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

That's right, the civilized creatures on this planet came from vegetative people.

The universe is so big that there are indeed no surprises.


Of course, this vegetative is not that vegetative.

The Cub of Light looked at it a little bit, and it should be called a plant-type humanoid civilization.

However, if Ray hadn't misheard the name of the planet from the intermittent howling broadcast, this planet and its planet also appeared in "Story 0".

The planet Kiganto has a population of 2100 billion.

Adhere to the development principle of not getting involved with aliens and resolutely resisting aggression.

In the original plot, the Kigantos are rare in the Dark Universe, and they persisted in the planets and civilizations that did not surrender to the Star Alliance until the middle and late stages of the plot.

Lei Xu's evaluation is that he has backbone, but has little effect.

Kiganto can persist until the middle and late stages, entirely because the parent star is located near the mining planet of the Interstellar Alliance.

In the eyes of Zarabu, one of the veteran cadres of the Interstellar Alliance, these 2100 billion Kiganto stars are completely a reserve of mining slaves, and their imprisonment is scheduled by the mules and horses.

There is no bad luck, it is entirely because the Zarabians have no plans to move them for the time being.

If Superman Ace hadn't accidentally wandered here, the Kiganto star would probably have to become a coolie in the black mine when needed.

Wait, is he suspicious? The Cub of Light always feels that there seems to be something wrong with it.

Speaking of which, the Interstellar Alliance even has super-light-speed dimensional battleships, and the fact that mules, horses and kneeling tribes are captured and sent to mines is quite magical in itself.

Especially with robot supervisors, without robot mining, the efficiency is not at all.

Tsk, some emperor used a golden hoe to hoe the ground.

I made a note in my heart, pressed this matter for the time being, and got down to business and returned to Kiganto Planet.

In Story0, even with Ace, this planet was almost destroyed by Aianlox——

The starship monsters that the Cubs of Light saw in the replay of the time-space video earlier were set off as fireworks.

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