There is one thing to say, as a vegetative, the Kiganto star people's technological level in the interstellar civilization can be regarded as a very developed kind.

Judging from the previous broadcast content, Kiganto made clear his expectation of resistance to the Star Alliance early on.

But when it comes to the "plot" period ten years later, the Kiganto star can come up with the most powerful means to protect himself, which is just a ground-based air defense system plus an air-raid shelter. In various senses, it makes people want to complain The combination.

Isn't it ridiculous to have a billion points! ?

Not to mention the air defense system that has hardly played a role, the most excessive thing is that there is not even a wartime evacuation rehearsal.

Even after the air defense system was breached, there were still a large number of people stranded in the city.

It is even more difficult to face the modified monster chariot released after the Star Alliance landed——

Not to mention that there is no way, let alone that there is no resistance.

I have seen a lot of Lei Xu, a broken civilization, and there are really few strong mouthed kings like Kiganto.

There is one thing to say, on the earth in the ancient times, an ancient city of human beings can resist for a longer time than the entire planet of Kiganto.

Okay, okay, no blows, no blacks.

Even such a Kiganto star, in fact, can be regarded as something that can be obtained:

Optical Sun Harvester

This unobtrusive name represents a super-powerful light energy conversion system that can replenish energy for the Otto family without loss.

The guillotine released by Superman Ace has the terrifying power of cutting apart the Star Destroyer, and the Cubs of Light have reason to suspect that this thing can even temporarily increase the power of the Ultras' skills.


Isn't this the local defense-type combat strengthening equipment that the Kingdom of Light urgently needs?

If its original function...

Considering that the Kigantos are a bunch of vegetative people, maybe this thing is their... childcare equipment?

That's fine, it doesn't matter what the original role is, Lei Xu thought about it——

No, I have to find a way to get his vote!

Cough, don't get me wrong, the cubs of light mean to make a deal with these vegetative people or something.

Just as Lei was thinking about the opening in his heart, the sudden warning flashed in his heart and temporarily distracted the Cub of Light's attention.

A red giant flashed out of the swaying silver flower——

Lei Xu raised his arm subconsciously with the big hand that Leisa's avatar swung to this side.

In the next second, Liucan Guanghua made a precise attack.

Immediately afterwards, Resa's avatar turned into a brilliant ray of light, crossed the space door and returned to the body.

Um! ?

There is no time to pay attention to the memories that return together in my mind, and there are no memories that will disappear after a long time.

The Cub of Light stared at the freshly acquired, gaudy glasses and was stunned.

Isn't this Sai Shao's transformation device?

Wait, what's with this familiar energy response! ?

Feeling the light energy that was almost seamlessly integrated into his body and the energy-hungry signal from Sai Luo glasses, Lei Xu took a closer look, and immediately took a breath.

No, there is something wrong with your transforming device!

At first glance, the shape of the golden lens of the transformation device at hand is as sharp as Sai Shao's eyes, and the color matching is indeed the burnt version of Sai Aotian.

But why do you wear Pinru's clothes for a mere shapeshifter! ?

Probably this shape:


The Cub of Light scratched his head, staring at another pair of red glasses embedded in the overturned glasses, dumbfounded.

Although there is a small difference of [-] million points, the red glasses inside are indeed Qiye's Ultra glasses.

Where did this thing come from?

Reluctantly, I recalled the memory brought back by the avatar, which was about to dissipate.

Uh, in the orbit of the atmosphere of Kiganto star! ?

Convinced of the source of the glasses and at the same time filling in the light energy, the Cub of Light tossed and turned the Pinru limited edition Ultra glasses in his hand and looked at them for a while.

Finally, sure this thing seems to be...

It is based on Qiye's Otto glasses, he Leisan's Reza ring is used as the riveting, and then a layer of Sai Shao's glasses is put on.

Pure 24K handmade copycat version of Saijia glasses!

To be honest, is it from Yiwu factory?

Speaking of which, if these are really Qiye's glasses, then you are really repeating the old trick!

Just... we don't want to point out you Qi Ye, the truth is that I don't even want to play you.

The Cub of Light looked at the glasses and complained silently.

Wait a minute, Lei Xu suddenly realized a problem——

Now, whose transformation device is this Pinruban glasses?

Who will he become after someone wears it? ?

Thinking of this, Cub of Light's hand suddenly itched.

Lei Xu can swear that he has absolutely no intention of wearing this pair of counterfeit Altec glasses.

But what, what...

The cub of light felt that his hand seemed to be out of the control of his brain suddenly, and someone from Lei really fought an arduous struggle with You-chan.

In the end, because of the absence of Sister Ka, You Jiang's strength increased greatly, and he missed a move, and lost——

Through one white and one yellow, the world caught by the double-layer lenses is engulfed in a layer of bright yellow.

The Cub of Light opened his mouth and shouted out of nowhere:


In the next second, the rainbow-blue flying dragon-like soars up...

Two flowers bloom, each representing a branch—

" mean you fell from the sky?"


Alfonou looked curiously at the incredible creature in front of her, and smiled softly:

"Severn, is that right?"

The chief healer of the Silver Crusade called out, but did not get any response from the man behind him.

Alfonou took it for granted and didn't look back.

Probably because of the loss of the Otto glasses, Seven suddenly became extremely depressed.

Therefore, Alfonou had to temporarily assume the task of communicating with the local residents.

"Although I don't know if what you said is true..."

A plant with eyes and a mouth but no nose, twigs, leaves and small red flowers growing on its head, and roots-like limbs... Hearing the sound, he showed a complicated and strange expression.

No matter how ignorant the culture and language of the people on the planet in front of him, the chief healer of the Silver Crusade can still see the full distrust from the delicate plant face——

"Call me Kepa."

The vegetative man who claimed to be Kepa said so, the green roots on his upper limbs suddenly stretched out and he was stunned for a moment before realizing something, and then Alfred, who stretched out his hand, shook it:

"But if it's the guys from the Star Alliance, they probably won't be as polite as you... Please come with me--

Kiganto's mother wants to see you..."

At the same time, outside the atmosphere—

Boom~ boom!

"what's the situation?"

The crisp sound of the Yanshun hull passing into the bridge drew a rebuke-like rhetorical question, resembling a tick, and the strange creature, who called itself a space hunter, waved its claw-like limbs sensitively, and sternly said:

"What just happened!?"

The entire fleet responsible for ambushing Ultraman Seven disappeared mysteriously. It is unknown whether they defected or were destroyed in an instant. The Kur star people were naturally tense.

"Report, report."

The radar interface quickly filtered around, and some sailors stood up, trembling and trembling:

"This ship seems to have hit something just now."

"Bumped into something?"

The Kur star wanted to laugh a little.

Even in the normal cruising state, the Aianlox EX under him is close to 1/2 the speed of light, so the bow shield is always maintained.

Is there anything in the universe that can withstand the impact of 1/2 the speed of light without being smashed, break through the shield and hit the bow armor?

The crew's report did not conform to common sense at all, and the Kur star people silently raised their vigilance.

For a long while, there was no follow-up.

Could it be that bad luck bumped into something! ?

"Hmph, forget it."

The Kur star thought inconceivably, and suddenly felt relieved:

"Are we there?"

It's not really a question that needs an answer—

The Kur star noticed the gradually shortening starlight outside the porthole, which proved that the ship under it had arrived near the coordinates where the fleet disappeared.

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