"start working!"

The Kur star waved his claws threateningly:

"Master Zarab wants to confirm the life and death of Ultraman Seven, hurry up and work!"

"That, Master Kur."


The strange tick-like figure looked over coldly, and it was still the crew member who just got up to reply——

"My lord, this is Kiganto planet."

He pointed to the dark green planet that flashed on the screen, carefully:

"The coordinates where the fleet disappeared are not far from here, the Kiganto people should know..."

Before the words were finished, the basic information of the Kiganto star flashed quickly in his mind.

"Then what are you waiting for!?"

Instantly convinced that he had the upper hand in this round, the Kur star interrupted coldly:

"Leaving for Kiganto now—

If you dare to resist, help Master Zarab put them into Godnim star to mine in advance! "


The next second after the order was issued, several shark-shaped giant ships slightly shifted their bows to calibrate their orientation, leaning majestically towards the dark green silhouette...

If anyone on this starship... Aianlox EX could see through the flickering space-time fluctuations, they would definitely be shocked by the scene that caught their eyes——

Under the obscure fluctuations of time and space, countless red giants standing quietly like zombies tilted their heads——

Watching several giant ships sailing towards the planet not far away, the planet where the main body that suddenly lost contact...


Oops, misstep!

The Cub of Light looked down at his familiar yet unfamiliar body, and there was only one thought in his mind at the moment——

Just now someone should shout: Labor and management have no limits!

Cough, yes, exactly what you think——

Lei Xu's successful supplies such as Altec glasses turned into Sail Sky!

As for Saitu himself...

The Cub of Light released a consciousness link with an inexplicable expression.

【Hey, what the hell is going on! ? 】

The despondent chanting roared directly into the mind from the consciousness space commonly known as the small black room, and the red and blue Alt warriors were jumping straight in the dark consciousness space:

[Resa! ! ! 】

[Calling the soul? Calling the soul? 】

Consciousness condensed into a concrete body in his mind, and the cub of light turned his eyes angrily, jumped up reflexively, and stared at Sai Shao who came over in surprise——

Intersex mode, start ing...

Lei Xu pressed Sai Rabbit's shoulder, and the silver light rippling from the golden ring in his arm instantly suppressed Sai Rabbit, unable to move——


[Yo heh~. 】

The Cub of Light leaned his head over gently, and squinted at the bewildered Saimou:

[I thought that I, Lesa, was already invincible, but I didn't expect that there was Obi who was stronger than me. Whose subordinate is this! ? 】



The Otto youth who suddenly realized something silently tilted his head.

【Oh, isn't this our famous Ultraman Zero? 】

Looking at Saimoutu who was already feeling guilty, Lei Xu stretched out a finger and raised his metal chin:

[Explain, Master Sai, what kind of look do you have?Very chic! 】

What shape?

Shi Luo couldn't understand what this meant for a while.

Wait, wait!

Is this the consciousness space?

Looking at the Cub of Light in front of him, the Ultra youth suddenly realized where he was.

This, so to speak, he, Sai Luo, is now of one mind with Reza! ?

But just now...

Shiro panicked suddenly.

Just now he couldn't even control the light quantum and consciousness, and the current state is obviously definitely not the general unity of mind!

【how do I......】

[Hello, Mr. Sero. 】

The Cub of Light's tone was suddenly sweet:

[Here to inform you, you are dead. 】



【So I am now...】

Noticing the inexplicable link between himself and the existence in front of him, the voice of the Otto youth was a little difficult and flustered:

[Rely, rely on you? 】

[cough. 】

Lei Xu avoided talking about it, and his voice was so sweet that it became sour:

[Now please choose your reincarnation method. 】

[Resa! ! ! 】

Sai Luo gave a rare roar, and the effect was immediate——

The eyes of the Cub of Light gradually turned serious.

[Now you know how to roar? 】

Lei Xu put away his attitude just now, and tapped Sai Aotian on the forehead:

[Isn't it brave to play Ultra Bomb?Um! ? 】

【Um?Is your father Taro or Mebius! ? 】



【You know I'll be there soon, but why don't you believe us? 】

The Cub of Light is really angry at the moment, so angry that even the fingers pressing on Sai Luo's forehead are trembling:

[Playing Ultra Bomb in a super-giant state, well, you don’t learn at all, do you? ? 】

Yes, Sai Luo's previous tactical decision was undoubtedly correct, which Lei Xu admitted.

But right doesn't mean right!

What happened when the Cubs of Light used the Ultra Bomb?

Facing Cthulhu, with the whole earth and human civilization behind, there is no way but to blow up.

For this, there is also the promise made by the dark shadow mage, Lei Xu made a balance in his heart before he dared to give it a go.

Facing Gehros, that was the only chance to kill.

What's more, there were a few legendary giants behind him at that time, and the Cub of Light knew the truth!

But what's your Silo situation?

Knowing that the signature had been sent out, with Younijin and Ao Wang's cloak around, Lei Xu was a step or two behind at best.

Race Rabbit obviously has a more suitable tactical choice——

Whether it's delaying time with Master Qi or running away with oil on the soles of his feet, even if he is captured by the other party and waits for him to rescue him, it is better than playing Ultra Bomb with a disagreement!

There is one thing to say, Sai Luo is a typical kid who is good and does not learn to be bad!

【Art is Pai Daxing, right? 】

The Cub of Light poked Saioltian's small forehead with hatred:

[You, like Pai Daxing, have an underdeveloped brain and a completely underdeveloped cerebellum! ? 】



There is one thing to say, Sai Luo actually didn't want to laugh.

However... Reza has a billion points of fun when he talks.

【laugh? 】

The Cub of Light felt the unstoppable joy in the words:

【You're so dazed that you can still laugh! ? 】

【Row! 】

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