Lei Xu was annoyed by Sai Shao, and his heart suddenly became ruthless:

【Okay, Young Master Sai, I owe you! 】

owe... owe me! ?

The Otto youth chewed on this abnormal vocabulary, and suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

【let me see. 】

The light screen converged when he raised his hand, and in the eyes of Saimou rabbit who stared subconsciously, the Cub of Light solemnly typed a line on it:

["Siro" Planning Draft, Chapter [-]: The Day Tokyo Sinks, Sailo's Death]

【wait wait wait! 】

The emotions in the words instantly put on a mask of pain, and the Otto youth kicked his legs and screamed hoarsely:

[No, no, don't be like this, Uncle Resa, don't be like this, if you have something to say, say it well, say it well...]

【Speak well?】

Lei Xu sneered, his hands kept——

[Okay, what a good way to say it! 】

【Chapter [-]: The Birth of Sai Luo Niang】

As far as the idea goes, it is another script that is completed overnight:

[Chapter [-]: Ultra Magical Girl Is Taigawang! ? 、Chapter [-]: Belial Fusion Beast, Tentacle Monster...]

To sum up the whole few words -

A dying possessed girl, Ultraman Zero has amnesia.

When amnesia, the body and mind are affected by the subconscious influence of the body hormones and deep integration of the girl in love with the brain, and cognitive changes and coverage occur in the reproductive behavior.

Before her memory and strength recovered, the girl's human body was hit to death by a dump truck as soon as she walked out of the house the next day.

Sai Luo Niang, who died again, happened to be passing by, a male high school student who aspired to become a magical girl, Taiga Wang.

Immediately after the monsters attacked, Dahe Wang was forced to transform into a Cyro Otter girl to fight...

Looking at the "drama" that has become a big blockbuster in an instant, I think of Beria who has not cleared the black spots so far, and simply ran away and was unwilling to turn back.

Sai Luo's legs were weak at that time.

Referring to the lessons learned from Silver of Cruelty, there is one and only one most vicious curse in Kingdom of Light:

【Lei Dian, please film your personal TV...】

This is the case that "Light of the Earth" never leaked the "Jedd Redian Special Edition", only the general plot summary.

The Cubs of Light are famous for their super mobility, so it's not a problem to find time to shoot a "Zero"!

Thinking that those plots that made people want to die just now might become a TV, broadcasting the multiverse of the Austrian series, the heart of Ultra youth suddenly thumped.

[Calm down, Uncle Resa, you must calm down! 】

Sai Luo's voice was almost distorted:

[Stop, stop first, I promise you anything, I beg you. 】

【Ha ha. 】

The Cub of Light sneered with a 'hehe', and read the words lightly:

[When did you have the illusion that I am not calm! ? 】



Just as Sai Luo was wearing a painful mask with tears streaming down his face, looking at the stall where the TV scripts of "Sai Luo" were released one after another——

The next moment, the Cub of Light suddenly stopped and looked up.


Sai Luo subconsciously followed and cast his gaze... It was dark!

But in Lei Xu's eyes, this is not the case——

Under the dark green sky, the cubs of light subconsciously clenched their fists, and the giant shark-shaped starship pierced the sky like a show of power, and made a loud noise all over the world:

[Kiganto star, hand over Ultraman Seven, you have no choice!

Repeat, we are the envoys of the Interstellar Alliance, following the instructions of Lord Zarab, immediately hand over Ultraman Seven, you have no choice...]

【Ha ha. 】

The Ultra youth suddenly heard the Cub of Light whispering to himself:

【Hell has no door, you broke in...】


Thank you, Zarabians!

82 You call that thing your son!? 6K three-in-one

my dear...

If possible, this is what Sai wanted to say to Zarab at this moment, but unfortunately he couldn't say it.

Not only the fear of being heard by the cubs of light, but also the darkness that will come in the next moment and the thought that is suddenly too slow to express.

A sense of emptiness and loneliness hit the brain in an instant, and the conscious perception that finally returned told Sai Luo why it was——

Reza lifted the unity with himself!

What should have been produced instantaneously after that such as:

Why did I have this kind of reaction when I unleashed the one-hearted mind?

Don’t, don’t leave me (referring to lifting one heart and one body) such a thing...

None of the above questions and responses came—

At this moment, the future legendary Ultra fighters are not even able to support this level of thinking activity!

【Oh yes, I almost forgot about you. 】

I don't know how long it has passed, maybe in the next second, the sound of chanting like the sound of nature is injected into the soul with a warm touch:

[Let’s do this for now, let’s give you a little memory first. 】

In the next moment, the Otto youth suddenly realized that his thinking returned to normal, and his vision brightened——

Actively sharing the past light quantum visual nerve perception through the cubs of light!

【I am...】

In the space of consciousness, Sai Luo looked at the Reza clone that was continuously returned from the space door that swung open and closed from the vision of the Cub of Light in front of him, and asked the unfinished question again.

[Heh~, there are still things in this world that you, Sai Shao, don't understand? 】

Turning his eyes to the fleet of ships that broke through the sky above the sky, Lei Xu smiled "hehe":

[See, this is the benefit of loving learning——

If you don't study mathematics, physics and chemistry, life is full of magic. 】


The Otto youth always felt that there was something in Reza's words, but unfortunately he couldn't find evidence...mainly because he didn't dare to look for it.

【How is this going? 】

This is destined to be the super-massive clone sent by Reza to find his soul!

Glancing at Resa clone who returned from the space gate as if endlessly, Sai Luo pretended to be confused with understanding:

[How many clones can you create! ? 】

Come to the curve to save the country again, right?

【What do you think? 】

The Cub of Light inadvertently noticed Sai Ao Tian, ​​who had "congxin" written all over his body in the subconscious space, and said:

[Sai Bomberman Luo! ? 】

This one was still angry, Sai Luo suddenly stopped talking.

Although Ressa's "baby voice and milky air" reprimand is somewhat funny in the eyes of Ultra Youth, but considering the half-released "Sero" TV......

Sai Luo suddenly felt that Resa was full of majesty.

real! ! !

【Hmph, now your soul depends entirely on my light. 】

With the brilliant streamer transformed into the last avatar returning to the body, the Cub of Light raised his hand and swiped the space door and released the transformation:

【I don't know exactly what's going on with you, but...】

Lei Xu raised his legs and strolled in the direction of the city, and at the same time raised the gaudy 'pirated' Sai Luo glasses in his hand, and a cross-shaped starlight flashed in his eyes:

【You are actually not far from death now. 】

How could anyone speak like that, Sai Luo dared not speak out.

[How about Seven and Alfred Nu? 】

Altec youth changed his thinking again:

【Did I succeed...】

[This is why you play Ultra Bomb? 】

The Cubs of Light were looking up the fluorescently flashing Silver Crusade Advanced Must-Read Series——

"The Mechanism of Light Quantum Life · Mary", casually said:

[Knock your parents' CP with your life! ? 】

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