[Very well, I will truthfully explain all this to Sister Mary, Master Qi and your mother. 】

【So I am now...】

There is no need to worry about things that are too long ago. The Otto youth pretended that this painful mask did not exist, and launched another test:

【not dead? 】

【uh-huh. 】

The spiky bamboo shoot-shaped buildings quickly zoomed in from the corner of sight, and the Cub of Light, who felt that it was almost done, had no intention of continuing to hate Sai Shao, but the voice of the chant was still not in a good mood for the time being:

[It's okay, mere immortality is nothing to your majestic Ultraman Zero. 】


[Is it not dead or alive? 】

Automatically filtering out the childish sarcasm, the Otto youth immediately grasped the point.

【Your father's glasses, my ring. 】

This time, without waiting for Sai Luo to continue to ask, Lei Xu quickly released the results of his own inspection (turning the book):

[Together, they held your 7-ton anti-bone together. 】


He weighed only 3.5 tons! ! !

The Cub of Light said it lightly, but this matter is far more complicated than it appears on the surface.

Lei Xu suspects that there is an unknown guy among them——

An existence who knows the Ultra family very well is involved!

First of all, because of the ultra-giant size, Sai Shao's Ultra Bomb reached the peak energy that he could induce in that state.

Don't say that he is better than someone, even Gatan-chan will probably shed his shell after suffering this blow.

Therefore, in theory, Sai Shao, who is the base material for the explosion, has no possibility of surviving at all!

Leaving aside whether Qi Ye was blown back to his original form in the aftermath of that explosion, the distance between the two father and son alone made it impossible for them to get together again.

But the fact is-

Sai Shao's soul, which should be wandering outside, is in the product such as Sai Luo glasses made by the fusion of his father's and his Lei's rings, and it is not dead yet!

The difficulty of this series of operations is not low——

First of all, you must be able to survive the Ultra Bomb and fish out Sai Shao in time, and second, you must have the ability and knowledge to transform the photon transformation device by hand on the spot!

One thing to say, if it wasn't for the fact that Aguang and Xiaomeng were both in the Kingdom of Light, Lei Xu really thought it was Xileimeng who came.

In the space of consciousness, Sai Luo, who didn't notice anything strange, his eyes lit up, quite impatiently:

【In this case, can I...】

[Beautiful thinking! 】

The Cub of Light ruthlessly refuted Sai Shao's fantasy:

【Why don't you look down and see what you are... um, something. 】

Sai Luo was taken aback for a moment, then lowered his head reflexively.

this is......

The Otto youth stared blankly at the flamboyant silver taboo that appeared on his abdomen at some point.

No matter what the previous meaning of this taboo article is, now with the popularity of "Light of the Earth", there is one and only one recognized meaning:


That's right, this is the origin proof that proves that the Cubs of Light originated from L77, and every Ultra fighter of the L77 series will have a natural nickname.

[Congratulations, Young Master Sai. 】

Lei Xu congratulated without any sincerity:

【You will be in my shape soon. 】

The Cub of Light deliberately concealed the trivial matter that Master Qi was involved in it.


Sai Luo slowly made 7 question marks.

[You want to die, but you didn't die. 】

Someone from Lei lightly pointed out the key points:

【Understand! ? 】

The Otto youth tilted his head and thought for a while, and looked over with a childlike pure and longing eyes.

[It really is a purebred reckless man! 】

The Cub of Light didn't have the slightest sense of being flipping through the book just now:

[In other words, the photon of your body, for yourself—

Crack~ It exploded in one fell swoop, I understand! ? 】



【That's it! 】

Noticing that Sai Shao in the conscious space was suddenly terrified, Lei Xu withdrew his attention in satisfaction.

The sight quickly swept across the gradually chaotic city, and quickly locked on the figure who was climbing into a strange steeple surrounded by several vegetative people, and followed by floating in the air:

[Sai Shao, you will become Saisa in a few days, so happy! ? 】

G:? ? ?

[Here, see for yourself——]

Mangzi's problems cannot be solved immediately, so the cubs of light simply put "Life Mechanism of Quantum of Light" directly into the consciousness space:

[I'll tell you later! 】

In the space of consciousness, the Otto youth who was sitting cross-legged on the ground stared at the photon crystal screen that automatically opened to the corresponding page number, and took a closer look.

The cause of Shao Sai's current situation may be complicated, but in essence it is very simple——

The body was sent but not fully sent!

The reason why the Ultra bomb skill is dangerous is that after using it, the Ultra fighter will completely lose control of the body's light quantum, and cannot control the light quantum to return.

So Otto's heart is an innate ability——

This thing can maintain a minimum light quantum control, so that the user's consciousness can quickly regain control of its own light quantum until the reorganization is completed.

The Ott family's understanding of life lies in the soul, not just the death of the body.

That guy who didn't know who was extremely stingy when he was young, only earned enough to maintain the existence of the soul and consciousness but not enough to support its independent operation.

This caused Sai Shao to die but no Kun, just because of loneliness.

Because he is not dead, solidified life is useless to Sai Luo in the current state.

The exhausted body is rapidly recovering under the dual effects of the soul and the subconscious, so it instinctively absorbs all the available light energy around it to complete its own recovery.

No matter which universe's Seventh Master, Otto glasses are just a light energy guide and don't have much energy.

Is it—

The energy absorbed by Sai Shao's body is almost entirely from the Leisa ring, which is completely condensed from Leisa's original light energy, which was gifted by someone from him, Lei!


Although the Cubs of Light are rarely activated, the Reza ring actually has a strong subconscious mind and combat instinct——

The kind that can be thrown out to fight!

Therefore, almost every Ressa ring can be regarded as a clone of someone from him.

It is no exaggeration to say that there are not many guard reserve members who can beat Ring Reza!

Sai Shao's body is intact and he is fine when his consciousness is strong.

The Raysa ring integrated into the body can indirectly provide him with a series of Ray's signature skills such as super giantization, super clone, and light energy riot.


Max's skill?

What Max's skills! ?

We don't understand.jpg

Ahem, let’s get back to the book——

Sai Shao's soul is weak at the moment, and his consciousness is completely maintained by a little bit of original light energy.

The subconscious is instinctively desperately absorbing light energy to recover, and has no time to compete with the Reza ring for control.

Therefore, it is normal for Sai Aotian to have the characteristics of someone like him and Lei.

So, what the Cub of Light said before is actually true——

If he came a few steps later, Sai Shao should probably temporarily change his name to Sai Sa!

[Hurry up, Reza. 】

After a while, someone from Lei heard Sai Shaona's voice roaring in his mind:

[You're about to kill me! ! ! 】

Hmm, this is also a way.

Killing, and then resurrecting with solidified life...

It's a pity that it doesn't conform to the principle of respecting and cherishing life of the Otto family——

There is no way for those transforming Ultra fighters. Sister Mary will never agree to use solidified life like this!

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