【Busy, no time. 】

The Cub of Light peeked at the steeple directly below, and unhurriedly gave Saiotian a mouthful——

Unilaterally shielded the words, and immersed in the streamer...


"The number of enemy ship shadows is 7, and the height is 20000. They have broken through the outer defense line!"

Relatively speaking, the command hall, which is not very spacious, was full of noise and chaos. The vegetative people on Kiganto star obviously lacked experience in combat. At this moment, even the voices of the reports overlapped with each other——

"A global emergency has been declared!"

On the floating screen, dozens of images of different cities flashed one by one, and finally gathered and merged until only one remained——

Seven gigantic starships in the shape of giant sharks lay overwhelmingly across the sky, casting daunting shadows...

"No, the garrison satellite array and air-based strikes cannot be targeted!"

"The ground-based air defense system is being activated urgently, it is attacking, and the Blolon cannon is being charged."

In the dozens of screens switched in response, the land-based bullet nest array has been calibrated.

The anti-aircraft cannon exposed from the unfolded metal sphere base began to gather dazzling glare, and the powerful energy quickly concentrated on the front end of the charging crystal——

"Get ready, let go!"

The next moment when the words were finished, the continuous flame tails broke away from the slanted array of bullet nests one after another, and the slender winged bullets drew a trajectory representing death, and rushed towards the invading enemy aggressively.

Thousands of thick blue and white rays shot straight up from the surface, instantly covering the airspace where the seven giant ships were located.

At this moment, the artillery blared, and the endless rising barrage on the surface converged into a countercurrent waterfall, gathering the terrifying giant sharks blasting into the sky...


Then no.

When the flames dissipated, the figures of the seven giant ships reappeared under the optical lens——

Only the faint arc of light in front of the hull, which was almost a wall of sighs, flickered twice, and then disappeared.

What, what! ?

Rao, the Kiganto stars present are all elites who have been selected in thousands of ways, so at this moment, they can't help being shocked by the scene in front of them and are speechless——

Before the real fight, no one here could have imagined that they could not even break through the enemy's defense.

And not long ago, a whole fleet of starships like this was destroyed near Kiganto!

This is, is this the Star Alliance! ?

【I will give you Kiganto one more chance, this is the last repetition—】

In the weird silence, the arrogant announcement came again from the speaker...or an ultimatum:

[There is a human named Seven on this planet, hand him over, Kiganto people, you have no choice...]

Hearing the sound, almost all the Kiganto people present cast their gazes at a man and a woman standing in the corner——

The status quo is obvious, the enemy is not something they can resist!

In this case, compromise is and is the only viable option...

"I'm Seven."

This is not what Kiganto should bear for himself——

Even though the flames of vengeance burn with the little reason left at any time, the most basic sense of morality still urges the man to take a step forward to stand in front of the worried female companion, keeping his expression as calm as possible:

"I have only one request—

The Star Alliance wants me, and my companions are not here..."


Alfonou grabbed the hand of his childhood sweetheart and forced him to meet those eyes that were deeply buried in anger:

"Severn, you can't transform without Ultra glasses, let me..."


An elongated dark green tentacle severely shattered the repeating broadcast, and an old treant with female physical characteristics rinsed and shook off the dense branches on its head, interrupting——

"Don't listen to those guys!"

As a vegetative person, the expression on Kiganto's face is generally not obvious, but this tall female tree person is full of stern voices:

"Kiganto, gather the whole army and defeat them!"

"But mother."

General Kiganto couldn't help but say:

"It's not something we can..."


The Cub of Light frowned, and while sweeping his gaze over the Giganto star present, his face showed surprise——

No way?

Lei Xu took another careful look at the Kiganto star and compared it with his own knowledge:

Respected as 'Mother', she is a vegetative person with a humanoid body structure that is roughly the same despite slight differences.

Could it be that......

"You think these guys will let us go after they achieve their goals?"

The old treant known as 'Mother' lay heavily on the ground, and the disappointment was obvious in the somewhat cloudy green crystal eyes:

"There is no future without fighting, Kiganto will never compromise with the invaders—

allow!Prepare!war!fight! "

——She said the last four words with a roar!

However, it is enough.

Lei Xu swept out the command tower silently.

If the Cub of Light's initial attitude was simply to make a deal, and didn't want to expose his involvement in the dark universe at this time...

Now, Keegan asked someone to take care of him!

If you have to ask why-

What did he Sailo have to do with me Reza! ?

"Wait, what's that?"

Back in the busy command hall, the sudden startled voice attracted many people to stare at the image that was suddenly lit up by the brilliant light.

The man stared blankly at the red and blue radiance that rose up to the sky like a swimming dragon, fixed on the familiar figure slowly emerging from the radiance, and burst into tears again before he knew it.


No time to look at the familiar figure that suddenly appeared on the screen, feeling the sudden strong arms around the waist and the heavy breathing blowing on the earlobe, the chief therapist of the Silver Crusade screamed, and his cheeks flushed instantly.


The crying voice rang directly in the ear, and the wet touch on the earlobe came from the tears of the childhood sweetheart who shed unconsciously.

Seven is definitely not the character who will be enlightened and love his children in such a critical time!

"Who's still alive?"

Alfonou, who instantly realized this, raised his hand lightly, stroking his childhood sweetheart who was acting unusually at the moment, and spoke softly:

"What's wrong with you, did something happen!?"

It's not that what happened here didn't attract the attention of others, and a few Kiganto people who happened to be beside the two quietly pricked up their ears.

"It's our son, Sero."

Seven hugged his 'wife' and wept with joy:

"He's alive, he's alive!"

Alfonou:  …

"Hey hey hey~!!?"

At this moment, the chief healer of the Silver Crusade stopped thinking.

On the suspended image, two bright silver streamers wrapped in a little indigo left the head almost immediately after the red and blue giant fully appeared, and flew into the sky.

The super telekinetic power from that old bastard Ampera, which Lei has always refused to admit, had an extraordinary power increase at this moment——

The brilliant indigo light flashed across without a sound, and returned to the top of the red and blue giant's head one after another.

Immediately afterwards, the shining figure in the image turned around calmly, and slowly took one step towards the camera, two steps, three steps...

"What, what's going on?"

Not only in the command hall, but even the Kur star people on the bridge of Aianlox EX are asking the same question:

What happened to this unseen Ultra warrior?

To fight or not to fight! ?

It soon found out—

It wasn't until the giant took another step that a Kiganto in the command hall finally covered his mouth and let out a sharp and startling neigh.

The shot is divided by the sharp bright yellow eyes of the red and blue giant——

As a background, the 'sharks' suspended in the sky seem to be eating people, separated up and down at a common angle!

In the next moment, under the action of gravity, the huge hull that was slowly peeling off and falling was submerged in the molten fireball that exploded and exploded.

The ensuing roaring explosions and bursting flames illuminated the sky...

When the giant took the seventh step steadily——

The large expanse of mud, soil and sand rolled up by the powerful shock wave visible to the naked eye, overturned the ground, and the ring-shaped punching wind that tore apart vegetation and high towers threateningly engulfed the waves of earth and rocks that seemed to be toppled by mountains to the red road. behind Lan.

Then, hit an invisible wall——

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