
rumbling rumbling...  

It wasn't until this time that the surging sound like waves came long after, like the thunder that woke up the whole audience...

In the command hall, the chief healer of the Silver Crusade suddenly raised his hand while watching——

Chi Xing hugged her childhood sweetheart who also fell into silence... No, it should be called a lover now——


In the suspended image of Alfred Nu, the Ultra giant who was looking at this side swallowed:

"You call that thing your son!?"

Superman Seven was silent for a few seconds.

"...and you."

Alfonou:  …

Sai Luo & Lei Xu:  …

【"It's not that I didn't, Seventh Master, don't talk nonsense!!!"】

The next moment, Lei Xu appeared directly in front of Superman No. [-], raised his hand and stuffed the fancy Pinru version of the Otto glasses in his hand, with a sincere face:

"Trust me, this is your son!"




PS: Sorry, I'm late again, kowtow~!

83 Brain.exe, no response~ 6K [-] in [-]

Originally, Seven & Alfonou refused to believe that their eldest son had a pair of glasses now.

Especially the former——

Superman No. [-] saw through at a glance that it was a pure copycat based on his own Ultra glasses!

Of course, someone from Lei read the words and explained for a while, but in the end he didn't understand the rationale.


'Siro didn't die, he was temporarily lodged in the glasses. '

Even Qi Ye can understand such a simple thing.

As for Sai Shao's mother, she is still dizzy up to now.

It is simply that Lei Xu has Ott to say something, the identity of Master Sai cannot be concealed from his parents, and the cubs of light share the past with what they can say.

"Light of the Earth" is still not suitable, this time it is really not suitable——

Alfred Nu was taken prisoner, Qi Ye didn't even keep the transforming device, what kind of tampering was done to his body!

Lei Xu probably mentioned the concept of parallel universes in his words, but never mentioned the purpose of himself and Sai Shao and his party.

At the same time, he reminded Qiye's family of three to 'don't inquire about the future', so as to avoid Sai Shaofang's dilemma.

Alfred Nuo didn't care much about the damage to his reputation.

The chief of the Silver Crusade is mainly complaining about the fact that he is still a hundred-year-old girl with a yellow flower, but he has a four-thousand-year-old son who is more than 20 times older than him.

Lei Xu expressed his understanding.

After all, even in the Kingdom of Light, not every Miss Ott can accept that she suddenly has a baby who reads as a red-blue mixed race and writes as a foolish red man.

Especially this brat who loves to play with Ultra Bomb——

The Cubs of Light 'accidentally' projected the replay of time and space to share the past!

And I was 'careless' and looped the scene of someone rubbing a bomb in the game...  

"Sai Luo, how can you do such a dangerous thing, mother told you..."

No, Alfonou was blushing and chanting for a while while holding up the Pinocero glasses, and visually estimated that the babbling could not be finished in two hours.

[Resa, Resa, save, save, save...]

There was an explanation in the words to temporarily postpone Sai Shao's body, and the Cub of Light, who pretended not to hear the call for help, looked up, and the superhuman vision pierced the ceiling and the atmosphere and arrived at the starry sky one after another.


Lei Xu said something out of nowhere, but the direction of his gaze was drawn back to the group of silent plants at some point:

"You feel it too?"


This unusual action immediately attracted the attention of Qi Ye and his family, especially Young Master Sai——

[Mom, hurry up! 】

In the Otto glasses, Sai Luo, who is maintaining visual sharing with his mother, said quickly:

[Turn your eyes and see who Reza is talking about! 】

Compared to his parents who didn't know the inside story, Sai Luo, who had held "Light of the Earth" in his hands since childhood, knew very well that the cubs of light rarely noticed their superiority——

He can always notice the details that ordinary people can't notice!

Alfonou:  …

Obviously you are a son and I am a mother, why are you ordering me! ?

Even though he was thinking this way, the chief therapist of the Silver Crusade still tilted his head honestly, and followed Lei Xu's line of sight to catch...

"Kiganto's mother."

Lei Xu straightforwardly pointed out the subject of his conversation, and his eyes locked on the old tree man who seemed to glance at him unconsciously:

"What should I call you?

Kiganto?Um! ? "


Seven coughed, and just as he was about to speak, he was stopped by Alfred Nu, who was holding Sai Luo's glasses, and followed by Sai Luo's chanting, which flashed through his mind:

[Severn, you guys don't talk, let Resa come! 】


It seems that I am the father, right?

With such a blunt tone, why does it feel like I raised a rebellious son in a parallel world! ?

"Guest, what are you talking about?"

After watching from the sidelines in silence until now, the Kiganto star closest to Lei Xu couldn't help but speak out:

"A mother is a mother!

Also, guest, what do you feel?Mother definitely doesn't know..."

It was Kepa, and Alfonu recognized the bright red flower on the head of the Treant at a glance.

"Not necessarily."

As tall as Lily, Lei Xu felt his hands itch, and habitually raised his hand to touch the wobbly little red flower on the little tree man's head.

Wait, are flowers the reproductive organs for plants?

The Cub of Light stretched out his hand halfway and forced it to touch his nose, and his eyes fell on the silent female Treant again——

"By the way, you really don't plan to make a move?"

Lei Xu pointed out:

"They're coming soon."

"Ultra fighters, I have heard that you follow the code of conduct of not interfering in the internal affairs of other planets."

Kiganto's mother, the tall and old tree man, finally spoke out, and she avoided the topic directly:

"The principle I pursue on Keeganto is not to have any relationship with any aliens——

Since it's all right now, can I ask you to leave this planet! ? "


Seven temporarily withdraws to "Is Sai Luo a rebellious son?" 'The energy on this issue, I looked at it in amazement——

Before them, did other clansmen come to the dark universe?

By the way, did the Commander-in-Chief issue this ban? ?

of course not!

If Lei Xu knew the question of Superman No. [-], he would definitely give two absolute denials——

It has only been two hundred years since the Kingdom of Light in the Story0 universe was born. Before them, no one from the Ultra family had stepped into this universe.

Secondly, due to the limited history of Story0 Kingdom of Light, so far there is no regulation restricting the behavior of the Ultrat warriors outside.

It's not impossible, it's not unexpected, but it's unnecessary!

The Ultra fighters who walk outside and perform tasks generally have a high sense of morality, and they don't need special instructions at all, and they won't interfere excessively in the internal affairs of other planets.

Besides, now is an extraordinary time.

Considering that it is not easy for the soldiers to walk outside, coupled with the high casualties, it is impossible for the Bighorn Bull to issue a mandatory principle for the tribesmen to abide by——

This is very likely to make the soldiers tied up outside!

Then the question comes-

Does Kingdom of Light have such a rule?

Both Lei Xu and Sai Luo can give an affirmative answer:

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