
It is the same as the "Ideology and Morality" subject that the people of the Rabbit Country have taken from elementary school to adulthood. In the Kingdom of Light that belongs to them, this is a compulsory course at the Otto Academy!

and so--

The fact that Kiganto's mother knew about the "Rules of conduct for Ultra fighters not to interfere with the internal affairs of other planets" is a huge problem in itself!

"Of course we can leave."

The Cub of Light cheered up, pretending not to notice the loopholes in the words of the tree man in front of him, nodded his head and swept across the audience, with a lot of meaning:

"Is that really all right?

Even if you survived—

How much will your kids survive after this time?

Or is this your consistent survival strategy! ? "

Kiganto's mother fell silent.

"Guest, you..."

No matter how offline, Kepa could see something was wrong from Lei Xu's question and the abnormal attitude of 'mother', and immediately turned his head back:

"Mother, what the hell is going on!?"

"...This is the internal affairs of our Kiganto planet."

After a long time, the tall female Shuren spoke slowly, with a firm attitude:

"Please abide by the principles of your Kingdom of Light——

Go away, Ultra warriors! "

"Excuse me."

The Cub of Light waved his hand indifferently:

"No, I am a multi-ball player——

My family is L77 and Earth, and I have a registered permanent residence in the Land of Light, but the rules there do not control me. "

Alfred Nu & Seven:  …

Kiganto's mother:  …

Qi Ye and his wife took a tree and made one together?

Only Sai Luo could understand the stalk in Lei's words——

Reza has always had a flexible choice of hometown, which actually makes many Ultra fighters, including active guards, very envious.

For example, Reza never has to wait for permission to use various forbidden techniques...such as Ultra Guillotine!

However, the generally accepted statement at home and abroad in the Kingdom of Light is:

He, Sha Fulin, didn't know how to restrain Lei Dian who broke free from his collar and had fun!

Think about nuclear power control, folks.

With the supply of infinite energy, even the infinite bursts of palm light bullets can easily wipe out stars!

In this case, it would be useless to put any shackles on the Cub of Light.

What's more, Reza has already proved that he not only possesses powerful power, but also has the rationality and control ability to control this power!

Taking another ten thousand steps, judging from the enemies that the Cubs of Light face every day...

One thing to say, there is really no need to say anything moral to those guys——

I'm afraid that the power of the skills is not enough!


There was another unspeakable silence, so long that Lei Xu would look up at the top of his head every few seconds, causing Qi Ye's family to also look up frequently.

"Guest, may I ask..."

Opening without warning, suddenly without warning, makes people puzzled.

Seven looked at Kiganto's mother strangely, and raised his eyes according to the direction of her eyes...

Looking at the tall female treant who suddenly raised her body with a horrified face, Lei Xu was convinced that he felt the high-energy reaction that was getting closer to the former one step too late.

Frowning slightly, between the fingers, the golden lion's pupils almost burst into iridescence——

The Cub of Light is hesitating whether to transform himself or not!

But there was a person who was faster than Lei Xu——

"give me!"

When the sight caught the moment of the terrifying high energy coming from the flying attack, Seven almost reflexively snatched the Otto glasses Pinru version from his childhood sweetheart, raised his hand and put it in front of his eyes——


In the next moment, dragon-like azure blue rainbow lights intertwined, broke through the ceiling and the outer wall in an instant, and soared upwards.

Alfonou:  …

Lei Xu: ...

Zhu Xingtuan transforms into Silo with Ultra glasses, why do I have such a dream! ?


In the depths of hyperspace, a distorted spherical existence, as if it did not exist, briskly passed a lifeless cosmic sphere, and once again sank into the endless cosmic embers emitting residual heat...

【Strange. 】

The azure giant observed the outside world through a layer of shallow and distorted light film, thinking aloud:

【Have we really not turned back!? ? 】

【How could it be, Fujimiya. 】

The magenta glowing pendant manifested a giant representing the earth, and I dreamed of getting close to the light eyes like a little friend, carefully examining the dancing dark red lightning with an ominous color——

[The hyperspace-time coordinate axis observation system shows that we have been moving, right? 】

The Light of the Earth peeked into the commander of the Star of Light who accompanied them here:

【Hey, Beriasan thinks so too! ? 】

【Well~. 】

Cruel Yin held his chest, resolutely refusing to admit that he didn't understand:

【I guess so. 】

Yes, my dream was right!

Theoretically, this is the case, of course the Light of the Ocean knows, but...

In the past period of time, with the help of Noah's Wings, the Bashermon has crossed a distance that everyone can hardly imagine.

As described in "Light of the Earth"——

The exact number is about 8414 times that of the huge void area of ​​the universe cluster from the Kingdom of Light to Redigai.

From the vibrant cosmic forest to the devastated, dark embers of a cosmic graveyard.

Break through the hellish cosmic cemetery, and then come to this place that looks like Shura's purgatory and gives people the most intuitive sense of uncertainty.

From the moment it arrived in this space, the space-time artifact from the savior of light appeared abrupt and dark as if it had completed its mission——

Petrochemical's space-time wings are very familiar with finding a geomantic treasure on Earth 3, buried himself there, and stopped moving.

Now, the Bashomon is relying on its own power to move through the majestic and frighteningly dark smoke and dust.

As far as Sanao can see, there are only endless dust hazes that look like smoke when the dead universe disintegrates.

Everything corresponds one-to-one with the characteristics of the drawings and pictures on "Light of the Earth" and the dictation of the cubs of light.

No, to be correct, those pictures and monotonous dictation can't restore the horror of this purgatory at all.

Along the way, disintegrated and broken stars, like cosmic corpses being eaten by something, and——

Those who have been following behind faintly, but have never launched an attack on them...

【No, not right! 】

The Light of the Ocean shook his head and denied the previous confirmation of his friends:

[The Bashermont has been wandering around here for several days, that guy hasn't traveled so far, we can't circle around in it... look back! 】

"Light of the Earth" made it very clear that with the speed of the cubs of light, it took only half a day to lure the flesh and blood monster that transformed the Ultra warrior inside, and found the destination within a few minutes.

【Eh? 】

I dreamed for a moment:

【Fujimiya, are you sure! ? 】

Cruel Yin also couldn't help casting a thoughtful gaze.

It is simple to correct the course of the Bashermont, but if their direction is wrong, then the real trouble will be——

How big is a universe?

What is here now is the sea of ​​corpses left after the destruction of countless universes!

In this darkness where you can't reach your fingers, look for an intact universe...

This matter is definitely not as simple as finding the solar system without the star map and reference objects!

Ocean Light nodded without saying a word.

[No, Fujimiya! 】

Seeing that my little friend didn’t seem like a joke, my dream also became serious at the same time:

[We have to have a direction... Do you have an idea? 】

Fujimiya has never been aimless, and being able to say the words of looking back means that he already has a new direction.

【Um! 】

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