Ocean Light nodded as expected, and pondered for a moment:

[Noah's Wings should have sent us directly to the Story0 universe, but it didn't—

I suspect that we have come to the side of the chaotic universe group, so there is no...]

Fujimiya did not finish, there is no need to finish—

The two Olympics present can fully understand what he means!

[Little devil! 】

Beria explored the thick chaos between the eye membranes in horror:

【You mean we have left the so-called ordered universe now? 】

Order and chaos are not detailed in "Light of the Earth", but only exist in the "settings" dictated by the Cubs of Light and Tiga.

The order under the protection of the legends, the chaos ruled by the outer gods.

The outer gods must restrain their edge when they come to the orderly universe. Similarly, the legends come to chaos... oh no.

It is precisely because there is only a pair of Noah's wings here, so it must be self-obscuring to avoid being noticed.

[Then what should we do? 】My dream instinctively asked.

Without the guidance of Noah's Wings, finding a universe in this hyperspace is tantamount to searching for water molecules in a haystack... It's even worse than this!

【If there is really no other way...】

Ocean Light pondered for a moment:

[Maybe that guy is willing to help. 】

【That guy? 】

Cruel Silver chewed on this word, and jumped up in the next second:

[Smelly brat, are you crazy? 】

Sure enough, the guy who can play with that stinky brat is not a fuel-efficient lamp!

Beria cursed in her heart.

The guy that Ocean Light spoke of was definitely Naia, the messenger who came to talk to them and asked for a safe introduction to the stinky brat!

That's right, since Zhonghui is going to introduce the Cubs of Light, Naia must be behind the Baxiumon!

or go one step further -

They might come face-to-face with the 'ultimate fun guy' that Tiga called as soon as they go out!

That is a foreign god whose nature is unknown, but who can really openly fight with Ti Jia!

When he was in the mobile Austrian universe, the thought left by this guy could override the personal will of the great emperor of the dark universe.

It's hard to imagine what kind of power Ruonaia will have if she is here at the moment.

Modifying people's self-awareness may only be done between thoughts...


Fujimiya's words were not polite at all:

[If you can find a better way, I'm all ears. 】

Beria:  …

【That's it! 】

Seeing that Cruel Silver could not offer more constructive suggestions, Ocean Light made a final decision——

【Let me contact Naia. 】

Fujimiya has obviously thought it through carefully, and does not intend to leave this matter to others:

【Based on my relationship with Reza, that guy won't attack me easily as long as he asks for something! 】

【no! 】

My eyes widened in dream:

【It's me too...】

The words of the Light of the Earth suddenly stopped, and then, the two Lights of the Earth turned around and faced the same direction——

[Fujimiya, do you feel it? 】

I stared at the thick darkness beyond the light film boundary without looking back.

【Hey, this familiar feeling is...】

The light of the ocean read with a dignified voice, and spoke slowly:

【land!ball! 】

Cruel Silver looked over in horror again, followed by casting his gaze with a slight mockery in his heart:

This is not within the universe, where did it come from... the earth is here! ?

As if responding to what they said, the next moment——

Beria looked at the majestic and majestic arc-shaped outline rising from the thick dust haze like seeing a ghost...

brain.exe, not responding.


Story0·Dark Universe, Kiganto Galaxy——

Sai Luo (text) stood quietly above the dark green planet's atmosphere, looking far into the distance at the apex that was bursting in the dark universe.

The superhuman vision of the Ott family is enough to overcome the shackles of the speed of light, let alone the current body...

Sai Luo (wen) clenched his fist, feeling the terrifying power contained in his body, and his confidence doubled unconsciously.

【Hey, can you do it, Seven? 】

Of course, it would be even better if his big brother didn't harass him in his head!

[I think it's safer to switch to Reza. 】

Sai Luo looked at the approaching dazzling brilliance in the shared field of vision, and even by visual inspection, he was sure that the piercing beam of light was probably thicker than the diameter of Giganto star behind him.

The uninterrupted, palpitating sense of crisis repeatedly stimulated the few remaining conscious senses.

Sero has no doubt that if he or Reza is not here, Kiganto planet will be completely vaporized today!

[Since you insist on this, then listen carefully! 】

After all, the Ultra youth chose to obey his old father... Bah, young father:

[That fellow Reza gave me a lot of energy, my plasma spark cut should be able to...]

【To shut up! 】


Sai Luo slowly played one?

【Did you just say something...】

【Shut up and watch! 】

Saiwen said calmly:

【I am very angry now, the consequences...】

Sai Luo didn't hear the second half of this sentence, and the Alt youth felt the somewhat familiar violent light energy in his body like seeing a ghost, and shot 7 in a row?

No, you are serious! ?


The red flames that suddenly appeared on the body surface of the red and blue Ultra giant were the best response. The giant who did not know when it changed into a pure red slowly raised his hand, and took off the dumb...two horses...ice... ax.

Note: a handful!

In the next moment, it was thrown out lightly, unpretentiously meeting the huge beam of light that came from the depths of the universe, enough to engulf the planets behind it.

If there is no accident, it is in "Light of the Earth"——

The history of Zirnia, the home planet of the cicadas, repeats itself!

At this moment, the star-killing beam is so close that the extremely sensitive Otto sense organs can already hear the deep roar of energy.

The dazzling white light whizzed forward with such a destructive momentum that the rapidly enlarging silver cold light was inconspicuous at all.

But in the next second, this huge roaring beam of light separated from the two sides in the middle——

The pale crescent moon like a waterfall is more magnificent than the diameter of this star-killing light stream, like an indestructible sharp blade that precisely splits the beam of light, making it whizzing past the atmosphere on both sides of the dark green planet...

In this majestic light and shadow, the single-tailed Ultra giant turned to face the dark green without warning——

Altec vision, start at full power!

this is......

Seven (Luo) widened his eyes in shock——

Looking at the majestic and bloated root system curled up under the ground, both father and son of the Sai family fell silent.

brain.exe, not responding...

84 is Reza-senpai...but a girl!? 5K [-]-in-[-]


In the floating projection in the center of the bridge, the three-dimensional planetary structure exuding blue shimmer is slowly rotating, and the light green scanning line is still persistently pulling through layers, and the male voice with a little puzzlement continues to give the final result. in conclusion:

"This planet should not be Earth."

Only a handful of scanning systems functioned across the Bashermont's warp membrane.

"Not Earth?"

Beria got up in surprise, and looked at the two lights of the earth together with the gentleman demon and the priestess of light who rushed to the scene immediately upon hearing the incident:

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