"To be clear, what does not Earth mean?

You two can be wrong! ? "

"literal meaning."

Seemingly feeling that what he said was really outrageous, Fujimiya pondered for a few seconds and added:

"All the evidence at hand suggests it's not Earth, at least not quite."

Ocean Light paused.

"But I and I dream about feeling..."

Fujimiya didn't finish his sentence, but everyone present knew the meaning of the light of the two earths, and it was suddenly surprising.

It is really strange that the reaction of the earth is not the earth, but——

Even if the atmosphere of the planet outside Baxiu has been completely lost, the water on the surface has almost evaporated, exposing a large black and gray seabed and ugly ravines, which are almost beyond recognition.

But the mountains, rivers, deep valleys and trenches it once had, and the main structure of the continental support are still intact.

The accompanying alchemy star geologist and TPC related researchers slapped the table and quarreled with the two lights of the earth for a long time, and jointly came up with a judgment that there is almost no probability of error——

The planet in front of us is definitely not the structure that the earth should have in any geological evolution period since the past 46 billion years! ·

To be honest, the group of people from Alchemy Star were euphemistic enough, the scientist from TPC almost said by name:

If the thing outside is really the earth, he will dip it in sauce and eat it!

"Okay, none of this matters now."

Captain Victory, who was also on the scene, crossed his hands, frowning, and looked at the floating interface in front of him with another scanning mode:

"What are we going to do?

To leave or to continue! ? "

The moment the voice settled, the audience was silent.

Leaving or continuing, this is a question that does not need to be considered at all.

Everyone knows how low the probability of the Bashermont encountering a planet by chance is, but it just happened.

Coupled with the fact that it is very similar to the earth in the senses of the light of the two earths and was rejected, this planet is almost engraved on the face of 'I have a problem'.

Leaving aside the harsh environment outside and the dangers that may be hidden in it, the mere fact that 'the messenger Naia is following' is enough to make people hesitate.

"Since it's not the earth, then I don't agree with extravagance."

The voice of the Miko of Light is ethereal:

"How long before we get to the Story0 universe!?"

"Feel sorry."

My dream quickly spit out an apology, and recounted the summary of the previous discussion with my friends in as concise a language as possible.

"This means that....."

Mephilas' eyes flickered:

"We can't find the destination now, and we don't know how long it will take to arrive!?"

The two Lights of Earth couldn't help but be impressed.

The gentleman devil's wording is euphemistic, but the matter is actually far more serious than this——

After Noah's Wings converged, the control of Bashermon's forward movement has always been with the two of them who are in charge of communicating with Earth No. [-].

To put it bluntly, since it sailed beyond the predetermined distance, the Bashomon has actually been lost in this vast and dark embers.

God knows how many universes this darkness has, and the consequences of any starship sailing into this darkness are highly likely to be irreparable.

Of course, the Bashermont was not among them—

The subspace giant ship itself is a small universe, and it can last for tens of millions of years just relying on the energy provided by the planets inside! ?

In short, it is a long time scale that does not need to be considered.

But this is definitely not the measure they should take——

The Kingdom of New Light is here to support the Cubs of Light, not to wait for someone from Lei to rescue them!

Of course, strictly speaking, it is not reasonable to completely blame the Light of the Two Earths—

After all, both of them are indirect control, and it is also possible that Resa Mother Earth is a road idiot!

"We are ready to make contact with Naia."

Fujimiya once again threw out his plan:

"There should be no accidents..."

[Confirmed the life response, identification feature: human being, and the automatic tracking program is being executed. 】

Before the faces of the people present changed, the cold voice of the shipboard AI interrupted and crossed the scene, gathering the attention of the audience in an instant——

"Human life response?"

I almost didn't jump up in my dream:

"How is it possible in this environment!?"

That's what I said, but in fact this kind of thing has already happened——

Fujimiya quickly adjusted and shared several parameters, so that more Ampera starships that were approaching could jointly scan and solve.

In the suspended projection, the three-dimensional planetary structure is quickly enlarged to the point that even the complex geological structure inside is also displayed and quickly imaged.

Not long after, the light blue astral projection actually flickered with green lights representing the characteristics of human life.

"so much?"

Cruel Silver stared at the green lights that kept flashing on the interface and ate a whale.

But this is just the beginning!

As the scan deepened, other types of life responses quickly flashed on the interface, and quickly developed to the upper limit of the types of colors that the human visual system can recognize—


A small part of them can be found in the database of the Ampera Empire, and most of them cannot be recognized!

After the calculation was completed, everyone could no longer find the light blue that represented the planetary structure itself in the suspended projection.

The star points representing the characteristics of life are densely displayed in it, which will definitely make any panic patient perform a miracle doctor on the spot.

[The calculation is completed, 20 billion74144111 life responses are confirmed, multiple locations are suspected to be in conflict——]

The cold report of the shipboard AI swept across the audience again, and several places in the floating projection dimmed a few times, barely visible to the naked eye:

【Correction, 20, correction, 74143101, correction, correction, correction...】

"How to do?"

Ju Jianhui asked the same question again, but the response was two magenta and azure blue that galloped out one after another...


The sadistic silver who first learned about the plans of the two light-of-the-earth brats narrowed his cold eyes slightly:

"Get ready, we might have something to do."

Whether it is to prevent possible dangers in this space, or what is happening on this unusual planet, this will be a test for the entire Kingdom of New Light——

"I just want to say-"

Beria crossed his arms and swept across the audience coldly:

"Nation of New Light, all prepare for battle!"


At least for now, the destination is clear——

The azure and magenta penetrate the diffuse chaos, and the two light of the earth easily break through the stratum in the form of light quantization.

【Fujimiya! 】

【Um. 】

The brief dialogue of voices contains an extraordinary tacit understanding that does not require communication. The moment the two brilliance settle down, they manifest a body-like posture, turning around and looking back.

What is in front of you is a huge and dense underground space that is beyond the reach of human eyesight.

Under Superman's eyesight, what instantly paves and catches the eye is an abandoned three-dimensional city that is endless, dilapidated and dizzy at a glance.

The reason for saying this is because in this magnificent underground space that looks like the inner wall of a spherical shell, even the curved walls and the upside-down crust are lined with buildings.

Looking up at the sky, the upside-down 'building' also brings the illusion that upside down seems within reach.

No, in some places this is not an illusion——

The two Lights of Earth can see that the tops of several overhanging buildings are almost sticking together!

Obviously, the space utilization here is very high.

"There is no stable antigravity."

Taking back the sight on the upside-down building and getting rid of the upside-down illusion from my mind, Ocean Light would like to make a judgment based on my own understanding:

"This space was created using the existing geological structure, and this depth is probably already below the mantle...It's not easy!"

Most people probably don't have a concrete idea of ​​the difficulty behind terms like 'mantle' and what it stands for—

The terrestrial planet basically has a similar concentric ring structure, which is the surface crust, the middle mantle, and the deeper part is the star core.

The outer core is high-density flowing magma, and the inner core is where the molten iron in the earth's core is located.

That is, the place where Reza, the Light of the Earth, often went to find her mother——

Heart of the Earth!

As for the difficulty...

Take Ressa Earth as an example again——

The average thickness of the earth's crust is 30KM, compared to the overall structure of the earth is just a thin layer of 'egg shell'.

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