So far, the deepest drilling depth recorded by humans is only 12345 meters!

To put it bluntly, even the outermost layer of dead skin of Mother Earth has not been able to break through.

It's not that I don't want to, it's that I really don't have the ability!

There is no need to list the detailed data, the core reason is that the pressure of the geological structure is too large.

It is only necessary to know that in the geological structure, the average pressure at a depth of 5.5 meters is [-] times the standard water pressure.

To put it simply, if human beings are in this kind of place, each square centimeter of skin needs to bear about 5.5 tons of force.

The deeper it goes, the stronger this force becomes.

The pressure of this intensity has been acting on rocks, soil and formations for a long time (the earth is 46 billion years), causing the formations to become denser and denser.

At a depth of 12345 meters, the high temperature and increasingly hard formations can make even the hardest drill bits that humans can make unable to meet the demand——

The people of Gaia and Didi Earth are facing similar dilemmas!


I Meng nodded to affirm my friend's judgment, locked my eyes in a certain direction and raised my finger:

"It doesn't look like it was made by humans. Anyway, let's go down first...there is a battlefield."

The two of them didn't release their transformations. In the Ultra form, they can still actively shield the air that is too humid and hot, which is likely to come from the surrounding geothermal factors——

For every 33 meters deep underground, the ambient temperature rises by an average of 1°C, and the depth of 300 meters is about [-]°C.

As for this place, although it is the mantle layer, there are only about... a few hundred! ?

Not surprisingly, geothermal is a source of energy that can be harnessed.

Under the environment of a lone star, more than 20 billion people on this planet must consume a large amount of energy inside the star to survive.

Standing up to really devote themselves to patrolling this dilapidated place, the two Lights of Earth really felt how cramped and terrible this space is.

Under Otto's vision, the dilapidated city can be seen at a glance.

The outer wall of the square building is already mottled, and the buildings relying on the layered structure of the stratum are overcrowded, and an ugly abscess bulges intermittently.

Other places are of course not much better, but the architectural style changes from time to time——

Dilapidated gray-black buildings and crooked towers, countless buildings have exposed uneven metal structures inside, casting almost unrecognizable black shadows under the intermittent interspersed hanging light source.

As far as the field of vision goes, the eyes are dilapidated.

——This description is absolutely no exaggeration!

But there is one thing that makes the two Lights of the Earth feel relieved——

As they advance, dense crowds can be seen between the stacked buildings from time to time, including familiar humans and unfamiliar cosmic beings.

Clouds of white smoke rose from the buildings in these areas of human activities, and there was the roar of mechanical operation in the suspected factory area.

Shouts in an unknown language that people were talking about echoed fiercely in my ears, bringing a little noisy anger.

[No, they seem to! 】

The Light of the Earth has no time to decipher the unknown language used by humans here, and he has been able to capture the tragic battlefield with his naked eyes.

The two light of the earth conditionedly reflect the light and walk, and instantly fall into the shadow of the building complex, showing the posture of human beings.

Fujimiya took the time to analyze the air composition, and he could barely breathe——

Photon Filter is a useful life skill!

With the deepening of contact with the Star of Light and the Ultra family, the two Austrian scientists who insisted not to mount the photon database relied on quick learning to fill in the relevant knowledge filling and the basic part of their own photon capabilities.

In the words of Cubs of Light, they gradually began to switch from Austrian scientists to Ultra scientists, and they became more and more inappropriate!

For this evaluation, Ocean Light’s real name despises——

A reckless man is a reckless man, even if he is forcibly stuffed with a bunch of things such as the superstar cluster gravitational chaos algorithm and structure by the big cosmic prophet, the reckless man in his bones will never change!

——By Fujimiya Hiroya who is studying "Star Cluster Chaos Algorithm Quick Solution Lei Xu (copy)".

Without the intention of rushing out immediately, the two looked out from the shadow area, and were immediately shocked by the sight that caught their eyes——

Hundreds of thousands of fully armed...anti-gravity cosmic beings Godra are fighting fiercely with a group of tiny cosmic beings with an average height of less than 33 centimeters.

The anti-gravity city in front of it was instantly explained, and the unusual ambient temperature was probably the masterpiece of the tiny cosmic man Boer who could control the cold current.

On the battlefield, people from the anti-gravity universe stretched out their hands like crab claws, and the spiral shock wave beam of the Godra gun and the liquid anti-gravity spray scattered in all directions.

However, it is difficult to pose a substantial threat to the tiny aliens whose average height is less than 1/3 meter, and the Boer aliens gradually occupy a dominant position under the cold current.


Looking at this unusual scene, Fujimiya skillfully imitated that guy...Lessa's thinking, the cubs of light are always easy to use in this respect.

First of all, the usual trash talk...Tucao and commentary time:

If Lei Xu had been present, he would have extracted the TVs of these two groups for the first time:

"Otter Saiwen"

Aguru's eyes are suddenly subtle——

The anti-gravity cosmic man Godra, the most eye-catching part of his first appearance is that he mimicked a woman, attacked the star clusters and took away the Ultra glasses.

It’s not surprising that the tiny cosmic man Boer’s first appearance is nothing, but the star clusters who are the protagonists also temporarily lost their Otto glasses in this episode.

This one, this one belongs to Qiye Happy Game.

Fujimiya couldn't laugh or cry for a moment.

Go, go, drive away all the irrelevant thoughts in your mind, and the light of the ocean pays attention to the two sides that are fighting——

This battle was undoubtedly tragic, and people on both sides continued to fall.

The brutal shooting battle was only staged locally, and in more areas, both sides brandished shiny metal weapons, roaring and screaming, fighting brutally with each other.

Remnants of limbs and broken arms were flying in all directions, and the strange smell of blood that was not in the category of photons and filters made the two light of the earth, who were born in civilization, frown.


The Light of the Earth looked at his little friend, although he didn't know the specific reason, but the simple big boy I Meng really couldn't bear to see this war continue.

"Wait!" Ocean Light raised his hand to stop the little partner who wanted to intervene.


I don't quite understand why this is.

"Something is coming."

Fujimiya raised his head abruptly, and he felt a familiar yet unfamiliar energy touch rapidly approaching.


Hearing the sound, my dream raised my head in confusion.

At the moment when the light of the earth shifted its line of sight to the corresponding direction, a blazing rainbow light like a swimming dragon descended from the sky into the center of the battlefield.

And with that comes...

[On my home, the eternal emerald of Leo · L77, put down your weapons! 】

A majestic female voice carried through the entire battlefield:

[Kneel before me, the king of L77, the lion-heart king Als, the war is over! 】

Fujimiya & My Dream:  …



Of course the two Lights of Earth knew who Ars was, but it was precisely because they knew...

Crackling~... Amidst the sound of metal hitting and colliding on the ground, the dragon-like brilliance gradually faded away.

In the next moment, a figure of a red giant that made the two Light of Earth's minds stagnate appeared in front of everyone.

"Ray, in front of Reza...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~."

I lost my voice in the dream and was held down by my friend——

Aguru blocked Gaia's mouth from behind, leaned close to his ear and let out a vicious voice:

[Look clearly, that is not your senior Reza——

She is a female Austrian! ! ! 】

Under the reminder of his little friend, the Light of the Earth finally saw the exaggerated curvature of the red giant's chest... Although it was not as good as himself in the SV state, it was already an absolutely exaggerated scale.

I dream:  …

It's Reza-senpai...but girl! ?


85 Anyway, I don’t need money, just trust me~ 6K three-in-one

On the silver head, the bright yellow eyes shone with bright yellow light, and the sharp-edged features were softer.

The pure crimson body surface, the chain-link armor at the diamond-shaped inner corners are woven from the back to the obvious arc of the female emblem, and the sphere exuding azure blue light is like a brooch gem hanging down.

The crimson metal-like skin reflected a shimmer, and slender and toned muscle lines spread all over the body.

In the middle and lower abdomen where the waistcoat lines and abdominal muscles are faintly protruding, the Canyin taboo text is clearly a modified version of 'Lesa'.

The red giant of light stands tall on the ground!

[On my home, the eternal emerald of Leo · L77, lay down your weapons. 】

The voice of calm and prestige... is not so much a statement, but more like an undisputed order, sweeping across the battlefield:

[Kneel before me, the king of L77, the lion-heart king Als, the war is over! 】

The female version of Ressa who appeared abruptly declared so.

Then she tilted her head and looked in another direction, seemingly holding her forehead helplessly.

Fujimiya's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he pressed and pressed the open-mouthed Light of the Earth in time to remind him.

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