It's no wonder that the little friend recognized the wrong person all of a sudden, the light of the ocean saw clearly——

She is basically the female counterpart of Reza!

In the end, Fujimiya took the time to look at the source of the metal falling sound that had been ringing in his ears from the very beginning:

All kinds of weapons scattered all over the place...

In the next moment, the red rainbow traversed the sky——

she left!

That direction seemed to be another point of conflict, and Fujimiya frowned immediately.

I didn’t care about it for the time being, I was surprised and quickly started to track the whereabouts of the female version of Reza. The light of the ocean carefully glanced at the two groups of anti-gravity Godra and Tiny Boll who were still fighting for life just now. Star camp.

Fujimiya discovered that, just as the female version of Reza who claimed to be the Lionheart Ars announced——

Everyone on both sides of the war has obediently put down their weapons, and the war is over!

That guy has so much prestige here?

Ocean Light is somewhat uncanny.

The brutality of the battle just now is obvious to all. Both sides in the battlefield had their own casualties, and the number was by no means a small number.

Regardless of those wounded and moaning, the corpses on the field alone have reasons for both sides to die endlessly.

But these two groups of rebellious cosmic people put down their arms unconditionally when that 'Ars' arrived, without any pleading or dissatisfaction, and there was no look of complaint on their faces.

This situation is as if, as if both sides of the battlefield have long been prepared——

They knew that she would come to stop them, and she also knew that they would carry out her order to stop... at least temporarily, so they left quickly with confidence.

"Fuji Palace."

Looking back, my dream also found this incredible situation. He raised his hand to show his friend the PDI that had been analyzed and was being tracked, and asked in a low voice with a slight frown:

"How is this going?"

Somehow, the light energy characteristics of the female version of Reza are also similar to the energy characteristics of Lei Xu's predecessor to a certain extent... although the proportion is not much.

"do not know."

There was confusion in Fujimiya's eyes, which is extremely rare for Ocean Light:

"But I guess why we took this planet—

The star L77 is recognized as the earth! "


The Light of the Earth paused when he heard the sound, and the chanting just now flashed across his mind again, and he immediately realized what:

"It's because we mistook our feeling for Reza's Earth as the Earth!?"

"If this planet is really L77..."

Fujimiya looked at the PDI in his friend's hand with a thoughtful look.

The light spot above that represents the tracking position has already completed the back and forth in more than a dozen places, and finally stopped at a place not far from here:

"The us who have maintained communication with Earth 3 for a long time, it is reasonable to mistake L77 for Earth."

No one knows if this was intentional by the mothers of the earth, anyway, during this period of time, it happened to be the mother of the earth, Resa, who was working in the land of the new light——

The former princess of L77 is now the planetary will of Reza Earth!

Now that this is said, there is one thing that must be mentioned in particular:

As the absolute core of the current multi-Earth system, the original EVA Earth, the avatar of the Earth mother on the mobile Austrian Universe 3, and now the main control unit recognized by the will of all planets in the Bashermon, executes a shift system——

The classes will be led by earth mothers from Didaigai Cosmic Cluster, who are so busy that they are covered with little people!

By the way, this time it was a collective dispatch from the Kingdom of New Light, and people on the three earths including Rediga provided support.

The TPC of Didi Earth, the XIG and Alchemy Star of Gaia Earth.

As for the hometown of the cubs of light, it is amazing, directly supporting a Ressa Earth (referring to Ressa's mother who is working on the shift)!

Hearing the sound, I was stunned for a few seconds, and my face suddenly revealed.

It is probably due to the high-frequency and long-term communication with the senior mothers during this period of time, so that their perception of the "earth" has a little deviation.

Probably... mistakenly mistook the L77 part of Reza-senpai's mother as a feature of the earth! ?

"Then what about that senior Reza just now?"

No matter what, this kind of thing is not important at the moment, the Light of the Earth scratched his head:

"Fujimiya, do you have an idea?"

Just based on the appearance and the light of the two earths, I can be sure that the female version of Reza just now is definitely inseparable from the Cubs of Light.

"No...but we'll find out soon."


I Meng gave a surprised look and cast a puzzled look. He noticed that my little friend was a little too sensitive recently:

"Fujimiya, you discovered again..."

Drip drip...

As soon as the words were spoken, they were interrupted by a series of hasty electronic sounds. The Light of the Earth subconsciously looked down at the PDI in his hand, and then stared at the tracking light spot on the floating screen that quickly came to the origin of the coordinate system and coincided with it. .

Ocean Light instinctively tilted his head slightly, squinting his eyes at the rainbow light that fell behind the two of them at some point.

The next moment, a young woman dressed in a strong suit with a high ponytail stepped out of the dissipated rainbow light, with a heroic brow, like a young woman who has more generals than kings.

"So you guys are here to help?"

The young woman's eyes were sharp, and her eyes lit up immediately when she saw the two handsome men dressed in eclectic clothes, and definitely not what they should look like on this planet.

She walked vigorously in front of the two of them, reaching out her hand very familiarly——

A huge force that could not be resisted suddenly came from the neck, and before the light of the two earths could react, the bewildered two had already bumped into their respective biceps.

Hiss~, so hard!

The Light of the Earth & Sea came up with the same idea at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, there was a strong slap on the shoulder, and hearty laughter rang directly in the ears of the two——

"Hahahaha, why did you come here, I miss you all!"

In the continuous ignorance of the lights of the two earths, the golden ring on the woman's finger shone brightly, and her voice was resounding:

"Come, come, you are tired from the long journey, come to my house to have a rest——

Don't look at me like this, my house is actually quite big..."

Fujimiya & I Dream: ? ? ?

In the next moment, the rainbow light soared across the sky...


Kiganto Star itself is an incomparably huge plant, and this just-acquired realization shocked almost everyone present.

The reason is almost...

The Cub of Light wasn't surprised at all—

This kind of plot is not uncommon in the web articles that Lei has absorbed, which are known as the essence of human entertainment sewers!

But so.jpg

"So, Kiganto's mother."

It was still the commanding tower, Lei Xu looked directly at the cloudy green eyes of the old female Treant:

"You still stick to your previous decision?

in this case! ? "

Tree People:  …

"Mother, mother?"

There is a Kiganto star, Kepa with a small red flower growing on his head, hesitantly said:

"I, we..."

The Kiganto people were scared, they were really scared.

The Interstellar Alliance, a terrifying organization that is so powerful beyond the understanding of the Kiganto people, is showing malice towards this planet and all the creatures on it.

Although the majestic star-destroying light did not actually fall on the planet, it just passed by and caused Kiganto to lose more than [-]% of its atmosphere.

Now, the strong ultraviolet rays from the two freshly baked atmospheric holes and the Yanshun hole reaching the ground are making the Kiganto people in them feel painful.

Death is not scary. Feeling that death has passed by, the survival of the rest of the catastrophe prompts the Kiganto star to instinctively want to grab the straw.

Lei Xu thought about it, although he didn't know why Kiganto's mother knew so much about the Kingdom of Light.

However, the fact that she deliberately emphasized that the "Otts do not interfere in the internal affairs of other civilizations" made the Cubs of Light acutely aware of a problem:

It is true that the current Kiganto star is entirely derived from her, but before! ?

Vegetative people... or carbon-based plant species are not the same as the creatures in human understanding.

Theoretically, since the environment of Kiganto star supports the vegetative people to gain consciousness.

And with the diversity and inclusiveness of plant put it bluntly, promiscuity—

How could there be only one type of vegetable on this planet?

But this is exactly the status quo on Kiganto!

From this, the Cubs of Light are associated with the principle of 'no contact with aliens' that the Kiganto people have always adhered to.

The phrase "you can't live without fighting" and the attitude of resisting the Ultra clan are enough for Lei Xu to think boldly——

As the planet itself, Mother Giganto is the absolute master, but that may not have been the case in the first place.

Deliberately emphasizing that 'the Otts do not interfere in the internal affairs of other civilizations' may be behind the appearance——

Afraid of meddling Ultra Clan intervening!

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