For example...

For herself who destroyed all competing species and life, and occupied and exclusively enjoyed the entire Kiganto planet!

"I'm not interested in you and the past of this planet."

The Cub of Light didn't mean to say it explicitly, but started an encrypted call with Mother Kiganto in front of everyone:

"Not needing to abide by the principles of the Kingdom of Light does not mean that we have no bottom line——

I have nothing to do with the internal affairs of Kiganto, we just hope that you can give me an answer after I come back. "

As Kiganto's mother emphasized, this is the internal affairs of Kiganto itself.

Survival of the fittest and the survival of the fittest are the natural laws of the universe that have prevailed to this day, and there is no need for self-interference.

Humanity itself also occupies an absolutely dominant position on the surface of the earth, but it is not as extreme as the mother of Kiganto, but the nature itself is the same.

"About our going or staying, and..."

Lei Xu stared fixedly at the mother of Kiganto who suddenly fell into confusion, and uttered the last sentence:

"The future of this planet."


"and many more!"

The one who reacted first was Sai Wen who had just manifested himself in front of Boda, and had just returned from his transformation:


Where are you going! ? "

"The first time I shot, I deliberately let one go."

Now it's the turn of the Cubs of Light to be strange:

"You didn't see it?"

Seven & Alforno:  …

Who would notice in this situation!

The couple complained in their hearts.

It's all here, Lei Xu thought about it early in the morning to severely damage the logistics of the Star Alliance.

Finding the Remnant, starship maintenance is a highly professional project, and the whereabouts of that starship is actually not much.

Meanwhile, if the Cubs of Light recall correctly, the Star Alliance Ayianrox was born on a planet called Gorgnium.

It was the plot bug of "Story0" that was mentioned earlier, the Zarabians occupied this planet, and captured the place where mules, horses and kneelers from all over the universe were digging.

Now that Story0 has come true at this moment, this so-called BUG may have a reason for it, and the Cub of Light is very curious about it.

Of course, curiosity is not the main reason and purpose of someone Lei doing this——

Destroying the production base of the Interstellar Alliance and taking down Gorgnium is the only way!

Needless to say, the logistics of annihilating the enemy, but for Lei Xu, the latter is actually more important.

If you want to ask why...

According to the description of "Sotry0", there is an ore with the same name on the planet Gorgnium——

The gorgonium energy extracted from it has the power to destroy the universe and create it again!

Tsk tsk tsk, every time I see this outrageous 'setting' the Cubs of Light feel aggrieved for the universe.

No, why?

A mere planet born in the universe, the energy contained in the ore on it can destroy the universe itself...

You don’t even talk about reason and physics!

Universe: Numb.

"That's how it is."

The cub of light turned his gaze, implying something:

"Qiye, pretend again?"


Pretend to be a wave or something, isn't it a bit ugly?

He admits that transforming into Si Luo is far better than himself, but there is one thing to say, the wave just now was actually a bit cool.

Superman Seven is in a tangle.

【What are you waiting for? 】

In Ott's glasses, Sai Luo who reacted was more anxious than Daddy Cheap:

[Let's go, let's go! 】

Seven was silent for a second before making a decision——

Now that 'son' has said so, then...

"Did you do something wrong?"

The sullen old female voice once again drew the audience's attention, and the Cub of Light looked back, and once again met those cloudy green eyes——

"What do you mean by what you said before, that you suspect that I have wiped out all other compatriots?"

"......Is not it?"

Lei Xu blurted out that this is the most reasonable conclusion he got based on the current situation.

"of course not!"

She was so enraged by this simple question that the whole tree trembled.

That anger directly affected the body buried deep under the earth's crust, so the ground under everyone's feet began to vibrate regularly.

"What do you know?"

The suddenly widened green eyes of Kiganto's mother were no longer cloudy, but revealing a breathtaking depression and sadness that anyone could easily perceive:

"What kind of situation do you think I survived from?

How much do you think my compatriots paid for me to survive?

Do you think you can survive the destruction of the universe?Um! ? "

At that moment, the audience was silent.

Even Sai Luo in Otto's glasses was silent.

The destruction of the universe?

What Mother Kiganto means by this is that she survived the destruction of the universe! ?

How can it be?

The Cub of Light remembered the countless destroyed universes he met on the road.

When the Story 0 universe was first glimpsed from the embers of that universe's ruined, dark chaos, it floated there alone like a silent tombstone.

"......Feel sorry."

After a long silence, the Cub of Light lowered his head slightly:

"It's my fault for saying such things without knowing anything, I'm sorry."

Giganto's mother was taken aback by getting an apology so easily, but Lei Xu immediately changed the topic——

"But while you may not believe it, surviving cosmic destruction... um."

Cubs of Light is an understatement:

"Just have a hand."

Kiganto's Mother:  …



The female version of Reza is right, her house is indeed quite big.

Looking at the unprecedentedly magnificent and dilapidated building in front of them, which is more like a castle than a city, and the people who are rushing in and out of this building complex, the eyes of the two lights of the earth shone with surprise.

There is no doubt that these are human beings.

According to the scan results of the Ampera starship, there are about 1.2 million humans on this planet.

This is definitely a very large number on this planet with a total population of only 20 billion+ but with 6000 different types of characteristics.

Unlike the anti-gravity aliens and micro-astronoids, the humans here seem to be... safe?

Along the way, the two Lights of Earth did not capture too much fear and anxiety on people's faces, which was different from the general expressions of the Godra and Boer stars seen in the destroyed city when they came.

It's a pity that the two of them had no time to look at them too much, so they were forcibly dragged into a wide palace square.

"I didn't expect you to come here."

The heroic woman winked at them:

"So how are you going to help?"

Fujimiya & My Dream:  …

"Feel sorry."

Ocean Light frowned:

"Have we met before?"


After she readily gave an answer, she tilted her head and thought for a while, then suddenly:

"Oh, it's self-introduction, right? You guys are pretty particular."

"Then call me Als."

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