The old treant seemed to be thinking about something. She stretched out a dark green branch and dragged a chair and sat down slowly. Her eyes that were no longer muddy swept across the children and the three Cubs of Light in turn— —

"But for the sake of protecting my family just now..."

The trembling under her feet disappeared at some point, and she lovingly stroked the tender red flowers on the slender green branches on Kepa's head, and her old but still powerful voice crossed the audience:

"This universe has been destroyed, and I am the only survivor of Kiganto——

So, there will only be me and my children on this planet..."

Seven & Alforno:  …


When the brain actually processed and understood that sentence, Qi Ye and his wife couldn't help but doubt it.

Kepa... Kiganto Stars stared at their 'mother' in surprise, too shocked to speak.

As for the only two present who know the external situation of Story0...

【"You mean to say..."】

Cubs of Light and Sai Luo Qiqi in the glasses noticed the key words in this sentence, and suddenly widened their eyes and looked over in disbelief:

【"It is this universe that is destroyed!?"】


When the sentence was full of grooves, and the echo that he had to admit was indeed reasonable was settled, the two Lights of the Earth agreed on one thing——

The L77 princess in front of her who admitted her identity is undoubtedly the real mother of that guy/Senior Lei Xu!

Of course, this mother is not that mother, but an undoubted parallel universe peer.

In addition, the two of them finally knew whose generation Lei was passing on——

This day, it is like a thunderbolt, and someone has to believe that it is not the mother and the child.

The Light of the Ocean, which was simulated by someone in Lei's mind, couldn't hold back, and his thoughts suddenly went astray——

In "Light of the Earth", the light cub and L77's will recalled the scene, gentle and strong, the good mother of the universe who was worshiped by countless netizens on multiple earths turned out to be such a character.

Tsk, I don't know how many sand sculpture netizens will break their defenses after the next update of "Light of the Earth"...

Cough cough, the above are not the focus of attention of the two Lights of the Earth at present.

"Cough um."

Ocean Light coughed lightly, and quickly pulled back the wandering thoughts:

"The universe is destroyed, can you talk about it?"


Princess L77 nodded cheerfully:


It was said to be an exchange of questions, but in fact, after getting the answer of 'no problem', the conversation completely turned into the communication mode of two curious babies.

As the guests who came to help, the two Lights of Earth were immediately warmly entertained by the princess of L77, whom they both should call 'Auntie'.

However, given the current situation of this planet, the so-called hospitality is nothing more than a plate of seemingly inconspicuous snacks and two cups of strangely colored tea——

If that cup of colorful black water can be called tea!

During this process, she patiently answered the questions of the two 'strangers', and even a few officials who seemed to come to report were left aside.

Soon, the two tentatively had a basic understanding of the current situation of this planet and the past of those cosmic beings.

First of all, the planet under your feet is indeed L77 star.

Secondly, it is about the destruction of the universe that the L77 princess said.

According to her, the 77K+ different types living underground on this L6 star, with a total number of more than 20 billion people of various colors in the universe, are all survivors from the destroyed universe!

Meanwhile... yes, these cosmic beings come from multiple universes.

This is not surprising, both of them are very aware of the situation outside -

The destruction of one or two universes is absolutely impossible to create cosmic embers of this scale!

If it is possible for normal creatures or civilizations to survive the destruction of the universe, then judging from the size of the cosmic embers in this hyperspace along the way, the number of people who have successfully escaped is bound to be an astronomical number.

Among the cosmic beings on this planet, many witnessed the destruction of their own universe and survived it!

No, don't get me wrong, it's not about trying to survive on your own.

All the survivors on this planet have one and only one thing in common——


Unparalleled luck!

In fact, very few civilizations and individuals can resist such a terrible disaster as the destruction of the universe by themselves, at least not here.

Judging from the expression of the L77 princess, all survivors here have witnessed the universe disintegrating in front of them——

Most of them were on their own ship/immigration ship, or found cover in time and were lucky to get out and find the ship in time to board.


Then they did nothing.

Countless stars died before their eyes, and the bustling star network was full of screams and then permanently disconnected.

Phenomena beyond ordinary people's understanding passed by one after another, but they could not be left in the brains of creatures that could be explained in detail. Princess L77 used the phrase "no way to describe" many times in her narration.

That's right, even the process of the destruction of the universe is not something that ordinary creatures can understand with their simple information-gathering organs——

This is also an indescribable form!

Fujimiya couldn't help but outline the scene at that time in his mind:

The rational spatial structure disintegrates in front of your eyes, the dimensions in the universe are peeled off layer by layer, and the glittering crystal wall system is dim and broken...

In the next moment, the universe itself brings all the existence in it to the end——

All this came without warning!

Only a lucky few will survive this final catastrophe.

They carefully calculated the material reserves, drove the spaceship with despair, and flew into the tombs of this universe aimlessly...

Compared to all other civilizations, L77 is the luckiest one——

Its entire planet survived with the L77 people on it!

On the planet L77, except for the local surviving L77 aliens, the other cosmonauts are the survivors that this planet has encountered and accepted one after another during the process of wandering in this dark embers.

It is said that there are similarities and differences between these universes, and the evidence is that many cosmic beings claim not to have seen each other.

But both are skeptical of that conclusion.

A single universe is also vast—

Counting the development spans of different universes at different times, even in parallel universes, it is normal for these surviving cosmic beings not to discover the existence of each other throughout their entire civilization.

This is actually not important. After a quick overview of the situation, the two Lights of Earth looked at each other tacitly.

"Fuji Palace."

The light of the earth called out.

"Well, you can contact over there, I'll come here."

Under the amazed gaze of L77 Queen, I made eye contact with my friends. My dream stretched the PDI in my hand and supplemented it with optical quantum operation to amplify the signal to search for the link. Ocean Light responded to the former:

"When and how did you cross?"

Yes, Fujimiya is now convinced——

The L77 princess in front of her is not an aborigine of the L77 star under her feet, but most likely a traveler who came here unexpectedly from the Story0 universe!

Hearing the sound, the 'Lionheart Emperor' frowned immediately.

"You guys seem to know quite a bit about me and us."

Princess L77 stared at the two 'strangers' with confusion on her brows:

"I never said that I came here through time travel."

"We have our own channels of information."

The Light of the Ocean nodded irresistibly, remembering the previous agreement of asking for another question, and added another sentence:

"Sorry, I can't tell you the specifics at the moment."

A planet drifting in the chaos of dark embers, hosts a group of desperate survivors who have seen their own universe destroyed, trapped in never-ending darkness.

Don't think about their state, it must be an extremely bad situation!

Judging from the mental state shown by Princess L77 before, she doesn't seem to have stayed on this desperate planet for a long time.

Fujimiya was a little curious about the reason why she was able to gain everyone's support in such a short period of time.

Not to mention that she has also ruled this planet, and seems to have organized production in the name of the king of L77, Lionheart Ars... Did she give hope to these cosmic beings?

To be honest, there are more than 6000 different kinds of cosmic beings, and the fact that this planet still exists is magical enough.

According to common sense, if there is no absolutely strong force to contain it, the star L77 should have been destroyed by the mutual competition and attack of these 20 billion cosmic beings.

"......All right."

After a short stalemate, the L77 princess voluntarily surrendered:

"Probably more than 200 years ago..."

With an unusual performance, Fujimiya's eyes moved slightly.

This is definitely not her character's reaction to a 'strange strange guy', unless...

Speaking of which, isn't the speed at which Princess L77 found the two of them a little too fast?

For the time being, press some of these, glance at the little partner who is communicating, and the light of the ocean listens attentively to her narration.

The time point was about 200 years ago, when the L77 princess was looking for her missing companion on the mother star.

The reason for the disappearance of the specific companion is not important, what is important is that she said that she was suddenly summoned.

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