It was an inexplicable state of mind, and Princess L77 couldn't describe it clearly.

In short, it's a bit like the companions are asking her for help——

In the second after she gave a 'yes' response, she came to the present planet!

It is none other than the L77 people on this planet who are asking her for help.

The L77 people were lucky. They were still in the feudal period at that time, but they couldn't understand those grotesque scenes, let alone understand that the universe was being destroyed.

In the beginning, the L77 people just discovered the small... big event that the sun will never rise again.

It wasn't until the first batch of survivors in the spaceship landed on this planet that L77 gradually got a piece of information from communicating with the other party.

The original survivors were few in number, just a few hundred.

So it is correct to say that they have actually become functionally extinct, and have lost the necessary conditions for inheriting civilization.

In fact it was no longer a civilization—

Except for the language used for communication and the technical data kept on the spacecraft, everything else that can prove the existence of its civilization has been wiped out along with the universe.

The survivors did not choose to turn against the L77, there is no need.

Some of them thought that they could not stay on this planet, so this part of the survivors drove the spaceship to leave the planet after sufficient supplies, and fell into the darkness again.

Fujimiya knew their ending——


This dark ember is not an area that can be crossed by a single ship or two, or even a fleet.

Even the Bashermon dare not say that it can sail out 100%, these brave survivors will only sail to despair.

As for the rest of the survivors... they just want to live on this planet until they die a natural death, that's all.

After confirming that the L77 people were willing to permanently preserve the only remaining civilization information for them, the first batch of survivors adopted a posture of unreserved cooperation.

Fujimiya once again recalled the similar request made by Karno's cat-eared girls who were destroyed by the Kirialods in "Light of the Earth" and...

The kingdom of light/star has always insisted on doing something:

Record and preserve messages and relics of destroyed civilizations!

It is said that it is a certain instinct of intelligent creatures and civilizations to leave their own information and traces of their past existence...

The sun will not rise again, and the L77 people have learned a lot from the survivors who landed on this planet—

Some technical data and an industrial system that was quickly prepared and established!

The Zenith star-like technological explosion immediately drives the population explosion. Population is an eternal productive force. The L77 people quickly determined the direction of development——


The surface deteriorated so rapidly that it was difficult to survive, and the L77 had to develop underground under the guidance of the survivors.

So much happened during this period that it is neither necessary nor interesting to repeat them all.

In short, when the princess of L77 traveled here——

Including the L77 people, the underground of this planet is already filled with a population of 20 billion+!

At that time, the planet was experiencing an unprecedented chaos.

The fuse was just a trivial matter, but it successfully detonated the conflict that had been brewing and suppressed for a long time, and then evolved into a tragic battle for living space.

The arrival of the L77 princess quelled the chaos, and Fujimiya was a little curious about how she did it, but she didn't interrupt the narrative rashly——

These things can be known at any time, the most important thing now is the possible reasons behind the destruction of the universe!

But soon, the Light of the Ocean found that this kind of aimless information collection was too inefficient.

The princess of L77 has been here for more than 200 years, and only for more than 200 years.

It seems long, but it is actually not worth mentioning compared to the long history of exile on this planet.

6K+ civilizations each have their own records.

Since she doesn't know the cause and effect, it is also difficult for Fujimiya herself to analyze the reason behind it based on the story of Princess L77.

This is probably a relatively large project, requiring a large number of people to search and analyze the information and databases left by various civilizations on this L77 to find some clues.

Whether it is to let the Bashermon take over the planet, or to send a large number of people to land and transfer, all of these need to be prepared in advance.

In other words, it takes time.

"Tell me about that guy."

The Light of the Ocean, who came to a conclusion, immediately changed his mind.Looking at the puzzled face of L77 Princess, Fujimiya reminded:

"The mysterious man who asked you."

I, who had finally finished the communication, also visited Mengwensheng curiously, but did not make a sound.

The Light of the Earth has already shared the situation here with the Bashermon. The Kingdom of New Light has received 20 billion+ refugees who need to be evacuated and resettled, and is urgently discussing the implementation plan.

Looking back, this side actually needs overall notification and preparation.

The main reason is that neither Unikin nor the cubs are there, and no one knows whether Resa Earth Mother can control the Bashermon to open a large enough space storage port.

Secondly, the chaotic gravitational structure inside the Bashermon is currently stable, but no one knows whether it has an extra L77 redundancy——

Only the cubs of light can tell at a glance whether it's okay or not!

Speaking of which, if Senior Lei Xu was here, he wouldn't need to worry at all, and that's fine too.

Fortunately, both of them did their homework when they were studying "Quick Solution to Chaos Gravity"——

Made a barely usable computing model!

Although simple and bloated, it is the first set of chaotic gravity structure calculation tools that can operate independently from Senior Lei Xu.

Optical Quantum Computer and PAI are urgently scanning the various data of L77 and substituting them into the model calculation, and I believe that the answers to many of the above questions will be obtained soon.

"Oh, you mean that guy."

The L77 princess looked stunned, and she was suspicious again:

"Do you know?"


This time, Ocean Light nodded without hesitation:

"That is an extremely dangerous fellow, our enemy."

"Oh, that's it."

Princess L77 obviously can't understand the logic of this, but so far she can't understand much... At least the two in front of her are very friendly, so they don't get entangled——

"That guy didn't show his face the whole time, and he was wearing black clothes that couldn't see his face clearly."

She tilted her head to recall—

"At first I thought it was coming from the outside again, and I thought I would first convince myself before talking."

Princess L77 is a little embarrassed:

"It turned out that I didn't fight, isn't it embarrassing?"

Fujimiya & My Dream:  …


You call this embarrassing?

The lights of the two earths looked at her strangely——

Do you want to hear what you are saying! ?

That is a legendary real-name evil god, the kind that can face Di Jia face to face!

Do you know that it's all thanks to your cheapness that you are alive now! ?

Under the watchful eyes of the light of the two earths, the heroine of the female middle school probably talked about her glorious record of losing three hundred rounds with the messenger Naia.

Oh yes, this record is a disgrace to the L77 princess.

After knowing the details about the 'mysterious man', the two of them basically confirmed that it was the messenger Naia.

This ultimate fun child is in such a hurry, the situation on the side of the chaotic universe may be worse than imagined.

The two Lights of Earth unconsciously felt heavy.

The worse it is on the other side of the chaotic universe, it means that the outer gods represented by Naia are more likely to use unscrupulous means——

Cubs of Light are dangerous!

"I have cooperated with you for so long."

After roughly finishing talking about "Mysterious Man", Princess L77 tapped her toes on the ground and changed the subject:

"Can we talk about the price?

What price do we need to pay to save L77 and all civilizations and creatures on this planet? "


I smiled and shook my head:

"No, it's really nothing to us."

Fujimiya nodded slightly in agreement.

In fact, it's just a waste of energy...

You can't use the energy consumption bill of the Bashermon to ask the commander of the Kingdom of New Light for fucking money, right?

"don't want?"

She turned her head in surprise:


"No why."

Fujimiya rarely showed a smile, he was happy that Lei Xu's mother...even the same body was alive:

"If you insist, you actually have something to do with us."

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