To put it bluntly, it is the Empress Dowager of the Ampera Empire... Does the sequelae of the simulated Ressa thinking still jump out for a while?

"No, you two must make it clear!"

Princess L77 suddenly looked over vigilantly:

"The free one is the most expensive, I don't worry if I don't make it clear!"

Fujimiya & My Dream:  …

It's time to confess, the two light of the earth looked at each other tacitly, and said:



When she really understood the moment when the chanting flashed across her mind, she almost couldn't breathe, and was out of breath:

"You, you, you, don't talk nonsense!

My old lady is still a big girl with yellow flowers, where did I get such a son?

Impossible, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible! ! ! "

87 The first battle of the land of new light! 6K three-in-one

"Go away, go away, go away!"

The irascible female voice passing by the ears did not shake the two Lights of Earth.

But Fujimiya was very interested...Emotional intelligence pulled the little friend who was at a loss because of the sudden anger of the senior mother away from Bailaimi——

Give the L77 princess a little personal space who seems a little hard to accept the fact for a while!

But she obviously didn't have that kind of thought, or maybe she deliberately didn't think about it——

Seeing that the two lights of the earth were going away for a while, Princess L77 waved to the ministers who had been waiting for a while.

The monarchs and ministers met and communicated quickly and efficiently.

The two stood on the edge of the wide and dilapidated palace square where they were, looking up into the distance.

I was brought here all of a sudden, and I just caught a glimpse of it on the way.

I dreamed to look up to the sky, and unsurprisingly, I saw a group of buildings bulging at the end of the horizon, inlaid on the warped wall.

It’s another closed underground space similar to the huge egg-shaped one before, it’s like a duck’s egg—

All the buildings are attached to the inner surface of the eggshell under the action of the gravity control facility!

The old underground royal court where the two lived stood in the center of the raised hills on the inner wall of the duck egg, and the majestic castle, which was somewhat similar to the Victorian style, was integrated with the flat-topped mountains that carried it.

The Light of the Ocean is not interested in the similar parts he has seen, and the sequelae of simulating the thinking of friends has not completely disappeared, but this may not be a bad thing——

The line of sight swept downward instinctively, and the wide spiral ramp was divided into five and spun down to different places.

The high and low buildings on both sides of the ramp are mostly people's residences, and it can be seen that the planning is very scientific and reasonable.

Over the residential area, there are surprisingly thick metal pillars hanging high in the sky, radiating out criss-crossing metal rails, pipes and cables like a spider web.

Some of the thick or slender steel rails are bent and stretched towards the industrial area with steam and faint smoke, and some extend along the terrain to the huge circular gap at the end of the horizon——

Probably leading to another similar egg-shaped space?

There are four such ring gaps in the event horizon, and they should lead to different human settlements.

For some reason, there is no mixed living model here, and each race seems to live in groups... It is also possible that the human side is special! ?

Although there are also weird cosmic beings coming and going on the street, most of them look nervous and hurry, and most of them are workers here.

To say the least, there are dozens of trains that make a slight noise...Let’s count those strange postures, which seem to be loaded with something running along the track. They are trains——

The light of the ocean saw busy people through the portholes of those trains!

An economical industrial transportation system, this is Fujimiya's first impression based on the premise that the L77 under the Lone Star system will inevitably run out of resources.

The advantage is saving, the disadvantage is that it's not very efficient.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with it. Under a lone star system, there is no possibility of sustainable resource circulation system.

The people who built this system obviously took this into consideration and consciously saved energy consumption.


Ocean's Light frowned at the cargo on a moving train....

It is understandable for infrastructure equipment, food and various industrial products. Is it necessary to manufacture weapons on a large scale under such circumstances! ?

Fujimiya didn't think about the possibility of deception——

As long as the eyes are not blind, Princess L77 can catch a glimpse of what is on the trains that pass by her eyes every day, especially she still has the same temperament as Lei.

Judging from the previous busy back and forth to prevent the expansion of the war, she is obviously opposed to the people in the universe below attacking each other.

Fujimiya vaguely realized something was wrong, and said:

Who are the weapons in the train for, and who are they going to hit...

"Sorry for keeping you waiting."

After quickly handling some affairs, the remaining ministers who were waiting were temporarily dismissed by the persistently violent 'Lionheart Emperor', and there were only three of them left here.


With the help of dealing with affairs to calm down her mood, the L77 princess looked hesitantly towards the light of the ocean, who was usually dressed in black——

She can clearly see which of the two is dominant:

"I have a son in the parallel world?"

"That's right."

Fujimiya nodded without hesitation. It is not surprising that she can understand the concept of "parallel universe"——

If the Lei Xu in front of her is really from Story0's L77, then the L77 star under her feet is the best evidence!

"Sorry, I can't tell you too much here for now."

The light of the ocean glanced at the two officials who were waiting far away at some point:

"But you know, that mysterious guy."

Fujimiya stopped, and the princess of L77 fell silent.

She couldn't help but think of one of the two terms of the deal proposed by the terrifying existence that oppressed her.

It turned out that the person that guy said he was close to was... her son?

Oh no, it's true that he is a son in name, but strictly speaking he is his own child in the parallel world.

At the very least, she has a place, but whether she actually recognizes it or not depends on the wishes of the 'son' himself.

But even if she knew it, Princess L77 couldn't help but diverge her thoughts——

Even such a guy has to make demands on him through himself as an 'outsider', how powerful her son is! ?

Princess L77 is not clear about how powerful the cheap and big children from next door are, but what she knows is that this planet has finally ushered in the dawn.

The PDA in Light of the Earth received a communication signal.

Hearing that this planet is L77, the Priestess of Light immediately had no objections, and the Gentleman Demon responded at the speed of light——

"Mr. Fujimiya, it will take half a day for the calculation of the chaotic system to produce results, but the placement star has been prepared in advance, and the evacuation of personnel can continue."

Mephilas in the communication projection mentioned the current progress, and then went straight to the topic:

"The first engineering and logistics fleet has set off, please prepare in advance to guide the landing area and arrange evacuation——

There is a modular military phase transfer unit of the Ampera Empire on the logistics ship. The preliminary plan is to use both surface landing and space transmission, so that the most can be evacuated in the shortest time..."

"and many more."

The Light of the Ocean, who was communicating with the gentleman and the devil, didn't notice the slight change in the face of the L77 princess, let alone that the latter would interrupt suddenly——

"what did you just say?"

The L77 princess stepped into the capture range of the PDA communication image, with a sharp expression:

"Withdraw your fleet, immediately!"


Fujimiya let out a light snort, and Meferas looked at the woman who suddenly entered the communication image because she didn't understand.

The gentleman devil was stunned for a moment, then his eyes quickly locked on the familiar golden ring on the woman's right finger, and he turned his head calmly:

"Mr. Fujimiya, may I ask who is..."

The Light of the Ocean ignored him, and Fujimiya noticed that the L77 princess did not seem to be joking——

"Did you hear?"

Her words were a little anxious:

"Quickly withdraw your fleet, otherwise it will attract..."

"Master Mephilas!"

Before the conversation was settled, it was overshadowed by the hasty report from the communication projection:

"The logistics fleet was attacked during the landing process, and a large number of unknown targets are approaching the Bashoumon. The number... cannot be counted!"


The gentleman devil turned his head in surprise, but didn't react for a while:

"Unable to count!?"

With the average tactical parameters of the Ampera starship AI unit, Mephilas can hardly imagine the number of enemies that can't be counted.


Amid the clear affirmation, the tactical star map was unfolded in front of the gentleman and the devil.

The only tip of the iceberg that the two Light of the Earth and L77 princesses could see in the portable communication projector immediately reflected densely packed red dots representing the enemy.

It doesn't matter if you can't see clearly in the communication image, the two lights of the earth raised their heads at the same time.

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