In the next instant, Superman's vision penetrated the strata and atmosphere to the surface of the dark, embers that seemed to boil.

Through the no-existent atmosphere of L77, the sight in front of me is terrifying.

The churning cosmic embers were already glowing with disturbing darkness, and the smoky 'sea surface' was surging visible to the naked eye at this moment, as if it was setting off a hurricane, bringing continuous and huge waves to stir the entire horizon.

There is only one direction... a circle of dim light is slightly reflected on the outline of the Bashermon——

Ups and downs in this surging 'ocean', like a flat boat.

And in this oppressive field of vision, the two Lights of the Ocean can capture the massive... bugs that are approaching the Bashermon under the cover of 'sea water'?

The body is small and about the size of a pigeon, and the eyeballs without eyelids are completely exposed, showing a kind of eerie black.

The segmented tendrils on the body surface twisted in an inexplicable and strange rhythm, giving people a feeling of dizziness.

The five pairs of folded legs that could not be seen clearly were black and shiny, and the near-round wings flapped swiftly and rushed towards the Ampera logistics fleet that had just sailed out of the Bashoumon.

The shimmering light of dozens of starship shields lit up part of the darkness, and the Ampera logistics fleet also had a certain degree of counterattack capability——

At this moment, this fleet is launching an indiscriminate energy attack on the swarming insect swarm, and from time to time, a dazzling stream of light streaks across the sky and disappears into the dark embers.

But they were immediately drowned in the surging darkness—

There are just too many bugs!

Judging by the appearance alone, those are definitely bugs.

At a glance, the Light of the Two Earths even thought that Dreaming back to the final episode of "Gaia" TV was facing the swarm of destructive demon insects.

Although they have never actually faced the swarm of shattered demon insects, the two of them felt uneasy in their hearts——

The disillusioned body can't make the two of them arouse such emotions now!

Even if I dare not say that it can be compared to Gaia Super SV and Agu Ru Chao V2 in the final episode of "Gaia" TV, the Light of the Two Earths is confident that it will not lose much.

But now, just standing on the ground and observing these bugs with their eyesight, the restlessness in their hearts disturbed the two of them.

It feels kind of familiar, like...

"Sorry, Fujimiya-san."

Despite the urgency of the battle, Mephilas still took the time to bow gracefully to the communication projection:

"Excuse me."

After speaking, let the communication be maintained and walk to the command position at the same time, and quickly switch to the battle posture that was once the king of darkness, and the voice is already sharp:

"Boys of Ampera, do you want to review how to fight?"

Apparently, the Gentleman Demon made up his mind to meet this unknown group of enemies.

Since "Light of the Earth" updated His Majesty Reza's plans and ideas of "hunting the outer gods", the entire Ampera Empire "reluctantly" turned at the speed of light——

With the old rulers, the incarnations of the outer gods and their derivatives and believers as imaginary enemies, the war preparation system of the entire Ampera Empire is fully adapted.

To put it in an easy-to-understand way:

Comprehensive replacement, combat readiness upgrade!

It is no exaggeration to say that even if it is the gang of the planet of light... Sun Thief brought a group of the largest Jadons in history, and Meferas dared to touch them head-on!


This order is obviously very much in line with the wishes of the killers in the Ampera Empire, and a neat response came from the fast-going tactical channel——

Except for being crushed unilaterally and foreseeing being crushed, the killers of the Ampera Empire have never been afraid of any other form of war!

"Those weapons are prepared for these things?"

The gentlemen and demons over there are busy, and the light of the ocean here immediately thinks of the unknown weapons in the train. Fujimiya can't help but look back at the L77 princess and frown:

"Who is the enemy?"

Why not say so in advance! ? "

"do not know."

The L77 princess shook her head irritably:

"You can't say either."

"What do you mean?"

If you change your patience, you are almost afraid that you will turn your face, but the light of the ocean can detect that the words of the L77 princess are serious——

She is not being angry!

"literal meaning."

L77 Wang Nu spoke very fast, and she tried to tell the whole story to the two of them in the language she could describe:

"We don't know where these monsters came from or what their purpose is, but they appear to be highly intelligent."

"Highly intelligent?"

I was startled by the dream:

"you sure!?"

"It should be... don't interrupt and listen to me!"

Crack~, Princess L77 flicked her tall ponytail irritably, and slapped the innocent boy on the shoulder, making Light of the Earth grin her teeth in pain:

"It can't be said that if too many people know about their existence, they will be attracted!"

"Bring it in?"

The Light of the Ocean froze for a moment, then reacted at the speed of light:

"you sure?"


This time, Princess L77 nodded affirmatively:

"We have done many experiments to determine the number of insiders who will not attract these things on a large scale, but even if this is the case, bugs will fly to the ground from time to time.

So I organized a cleaning team, and most of the team members didn't know what they were playing——

All they know is that I hate bugs! "

Fujimiya ignored her.

In fact, the tirade behind the L77 queen is not important, at least not in the eyes of the light of the ocean.

"I dream!"

Fujimiya called out without end:

"This characteristic, is it that?"

"Hey, that's the only thing left."

The light of the light of the earth did not leave the fierce battle above for a moment, and the voice used to respond was very dignified:

"Knowing is attracting, this group of bugs has the characteristics of those guys."

"Knowing is attracting?"

Princess L77 was chewing on this simple and precise summary, and she suddenly realized something, and her heroic Danfeng eyes immediately stared into a beautiful arc:

"Do you know what these monsters are?"

"do not know."

Fujimiya Hikaru denies:

"We are talking about a certain type of monster... the commonality of real name monsters, these things must be related to those existences!"

Yes, until this time, the two light of the earth did not realize where the restless feeling and the dizziness brought by the vision came from——

That's the side effect of hard-to-decipher fragments of information washing over the brain!

Those bugs are definitely related to the real-name monsters, in other words, some old ruler or outer god!

"A real monster?"

L77 Princess Perseverance.

"I don't have time to explain to you now."

The light of the ocean looked up again, and the meaning of the words was unclear:

"And... these things are not for me to decide whether to tell you or not."

The Old Ones, Outer Gods, this kind of related information should not be spread, knowing that attracting is not a joke——

The greater the amount of information known and the size of those who know, the more likely it is to attract the attention of these terrifying existences!

What's more, in front of him is a close friend...the parallel universe counterpart of the mother of the Cub of Light, Fujimiya doesn't think he is qualified to make this decision.

In the ocean of cosmic embers, this unexpected war has reached a fever pitch in a very short period of time.

The embers around the Bashermont... no, those aren't embers anymore—

The vicinity of the subspace giant ship the size of the moon was already filled with dense darkness, and the endless dark insects formed almost indescribable blurred shadows.

The turbulent and dark 'Ocean' is rolling with appalling and monstrous waves, whistling and attacking with a terrifying momentum that wants to destroy everything.

The Gentleman Demon unleashed a large number of Ampera fleets, nailed them to the side of the Bashermon without giving an inch, and poured out overwhelming firepower to clean up the incoming insect swarm without stopping.

The exit of the subspace starship is still in a state of expansion, and countless floating cannons and armed drones, as well as many Ampera starships are emerging from it.

The unmanned drone swarm that can't be seen at a glance is cleverly protected by the shield of the nearby starship, and shoots at the tide-like swarm of insects——

Their number continues to increase!

Mostly drones...bugs too, both.

In short, the Bashermon...for the first time after the founding of the Kingdom of New Light, it showed its own terrifying war stance.

If the Cubs of Light were present, I'm afraid they would joke that some people would not be able to sleep (referring to the old days)......

And, this is just an appetizer——

There are too many types of other combat forces, such as human special space planes, various biological weapons and robots of the Ampera Empire, the Peerless Iron God Legion as the main force, and the Ultra fighters of the Star of Light who are in the Bashoumon None participated in the battle!

The main thing is that the Bashoumon only takes up an area as small as the moon, so it would be impossible to deploy the whole army.

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