At this moment, the space is full of criss-crossing streamer trajectories, and this scene deeply shocked everyone present——

The above is so lively, there are more than 77 kinds in L6, and there are more than 20 billion people in the universe who are not blind!

The cosmic beings who can be on this L77 basically don't have a technological level that is too weak.

There are still three catties of nails in a rotten ship, and it is not particularly difficult to observe the external situation.

At this moment, almost half of the people in the universe have directly seen the shocking scene that is happening above their heads through various channels.

An unknown fleet of terrible civilizations is at war with another unknown.

Regardless of the war itself, this incident alone is enough to bring hope to the many civilizations and people in the universe who are waiting to decay on this planet——

There are civilizations and fleets that can break through this boundless darkness, and they have the hope of continuing!

An unprecedented undercurrent is surging...

Ocean Light didn't have the energy to pay attention to these for the time being, Fujimiya was still staring at the battlefield, he had a bad feeling.

The Ampera Fleet's attack was very effective, but the bugs' side was not bad either.

They're not just fearless—

It is not so much a limb, but more like the light whip of some small technological weapon turned dense and slender, and the trembling pale light rained down on the shield of the Ampera starship, causing the latter to crumble.

not good!

Looking at the battlefield, the light of the earth suddenly changed expression.

In my dream, I seemed to see a group of bugs broke through the shield of an Ampera starship without any warning, and broke through the outer hull of the entity like a ghost.

Soon, the innocent boy was convinced that he read right——

The Ambella starship suddenly turned its muzzle and opened fire on the friendly forces...  

The ability just now is a bit like semi-phasing, with some non-physical properties.


The Light of the Ocean also sensed that something was wrong, and immediately withdrew his gaze and grabbed the L77 princess who was also looking up at the sky... the battlefield:

"You said that you have defeated these bugs, do you have any corpse samples?"

My dream also looked over at the same time, eyes full of anticipation.

The number of enemies may be endless, and it is not an option to consume them like this.

The two Lights of Earth coincidentally remembered their old profession——


Only a reckless man will rush forward to fight and kill the enemy without thinking when he sees the enemy. Scientists have a scientist's solution.

As for the two Lights of Earth who are about to become 'Ultra Scientists' in the definition of a Cub of Light...

It's easy to study astrobiology for a while, and find weaknesses by the it difficult! ?


Princess L77 withdrew her gaze, stunned for a while before waking up from the shock of witnessing, and led the way:

"......follow me!"


Story0 Kingdom of Light, Science and Technology Development Bureau——


Xi, the number one swordsman in the universe, Ka Scientist, Li glanced at the ups and downs in the life-support warehouse, with a hideous posture of the flesh and blood monster, and then stared at the freshly released analysis results and tilted his head:

"Sustaining the electromagnetic wave frequency of a certain stellar sunlight for a long time?

Why is this effect! ? "


88 The little Jayton Shocked by 6.5 million points.jpg [-]K [-] in [-]

This universe was once destroyed.

At first, the Cub of Light instinctively wanted to deny this impossible thing in his opinion.

If the Story 0 universe was destroyed, as Kiganto's mother said, she did not come from another universe.

Doesn't that mean that the Mother of Kiganto has survived from the beginning of the Story130 universe more than 0 billion years ago to the present?

Lei Xu confessed his doubts.

In view of the potential danger behind this sensitive topic and the spread of confidential information, the Cubs of Light directly had a private chat——

This situation is too important, Lei Xu needs to use Otto to confirm the authenticity!

Although it is only possible to discern whether the mother of Giganto has subjective lies and concealment, it is enough.

The Kiganto stars who were present were dispersed, and Qiye and his wife lost their son in a bewildered look at the same time.

The product that was snatched by someone from Lei, such as the version of Otto glasses, Sai Luo!

Sai Aotian was subtly displeased with the fact that he was being robbed by cheap parents and idols, and seemed to criticize him.

But for the Cubs of Light, his opinion against someone has never been very important.

One look from someone Lei can remind Sai Shao of his exclusive emoji:

This secret I will eat you forever.jpg

The legendary Ultra warrior of the future silently puts on the mask of pain.

[You don't know either? 】

Cub of Light held Sai Shao and thought for a while:

[What is the specific performance?

I mean the process of you surviving from the destruction of the universe, do you have any memories of your companions? 】

【not many. 】

The facial features of the old tree man's dark green wooden structure did not show any change, but the uninterrupted sad emotional response in the reading revealed the fact that she was unwilling to recall the past.

At the same time, Kiganto's mother was unaware that Lei Xu had already caught a glimpse of her reservations through the words:

【The destruction came very suddenly. I was still young at that time, so I don't know the specific reason.

At that time, countless branches and leaves held me up——

My fellow citizens sacrificed everything to keep me alive...]

When these painful memories were over, Lei Xu spoke to testify:

There are concealments, but not much.

This information may be the kind that Giganto's mother herself is not very sure about. It is normal that she did not provide specific explanations. The Cub of Light did not care at this time.

The proof of "Light of the Earth", which was updated after the event and fully replayed——

It is a small omission of Lei's person not to question Kiganto's mother accordingly!

This directly caused the Cubs of Light to gradually begin to clarify the truth behind the Story0 universe until the Bashermon arrived and brought a lot of information...

At least for now, the old tree man spoke sincerely and did not lie.

Lei Xu lowered his head and frowned, thinking about the information he just got.

According to Kiganto's mother, the Cubs of Light tentatively call the present of the Story0 universe this era, and the previous generation is called the last era.

When the universe was destroyed in the last era, Giganto's mother was just a little tree-man who was ignorant and half-grown.

Lei Xu understood and calculated, it is about twelve or thirteen years old.

Without father and mother, he is an orphan.

Thanks to the age I can remember, the communication with the teachers in the orphanage and the lectures of the companions, the good impression of the Ott family has been preserved.

Well, that's not the point.

In her memory, Kiganto was once very lively.

But one day, destruction comes without warning.

According to Kiganto's mother, it is an amazing feeling to witness the destruction of the universe.

The moment she saw that scene, she knew that the universe was being destroyed——

Even before this, the ignorant little tree man didn't understand the concept of 'universe destruction' at all!

At that time, all the Kiganto people seemed to have the same cognition, and they started to save themselves very actively.

The spacecraft took off quickly, and all the shelters were opened.

Most of the Kiganto planets who had no time to board the spacecraft to escape put their roots in the ground, curled up and shivered, hoping for a miracle to come.

It's a pity that 99.99% of our efforts end in failure——

That's the universe itself collapsing!

Spaceships flying into the universe cannot escape the broken cosmic structure and various phenomena beyond common sense such as space-time chaos and failure of some physical laws.

The simple scanners on those spaceships can't even see those broken dimensions and spatial structures, so naturally they can't avoid all kinds of traceable and unreasonable collateral effects brought about by that situation...

Unless it is really lucky, when the universe is destroyed, no debris hits, no energy spreads, no space-time chaos, gravity disorder, and physical law invalidation...

The description of 9 to the power of 100 zeros is omitted.

This is the conclusion reached by the Cub of Light based on his in-depth understanding of the universe itself after his short visit to the legend——

It is only for the sake of metaphysics that one can survive the destruction of the universe!

One thing to say, there really must be such a group of guys.

To buy lottery tickets, the person in charge of the Welfare Lottery probably owes the first prize of 80 billion bets!

This is no longer a question of luck or luck, it has to be luck that the little bitch stays with you every step of the way and has a fever facing you all the time.

For the Kiganto people who stayed on their home planet, the miracle did not come after all.

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