An unknown fragment hit Kiganto, causing the planet to come to an end in a very short time.

The stars crumbled, fell apart.

As vegetatives, the people on Kiganto have very tenacious vitality, and their resistance to various harsh environments is also unusually high.

It may also be related to the fact that the things that hit them were not very dangerous. In short, the Kiganto people did not die instantly.

Survival is an instinct.

Even if they know rationally that they are bound to die, this does not affect the active self-help and mutual assistance of the Kiganto people in the face of destruction.

At the moment of destruction facing the end of the universe, the Gigantos showed unprecedented selflessness and enthusiasm.

It doesn't matter if it's not you who survives, even if only one can survive.

Countless compatriots of the Davidia involucrata tree use their bodies as the ropes and anchor points to keep the connection, and work together to barely maintain a continent without collapse, drifting into the aftermath of the destruction of the universe...

The metal trees with steel and iron bones are willing to donate the hardest bones in their bodies to serve as the outermost layer of protection for the shelter.

And their hard bodies are cut and disassembled into appropriate shapes, which are directly used as materials for building shelters.

The densely branched giant banyan trees and ivy sedges check for leaks and make up for the gaps, and try their best to seal the leaky gaps.

A few species of algae vines struggle to maintain their metabolism, emitting and maintaining the levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen in their shelters.

The old plant people silently refuse to accept and absorb resources.

Some of them voluntarily set themselves on fire to maintain the carbon dioxide that is greatly lacking compared to the oxygen content, while others secretly use some kind of bacteria to decompose their bodies and make them into nutrients that can be absorbed and reused.

These and other things are constantly happening in this fragile sanctuary continent maintained by selflessness and sacrifice...  

Hearing this, as well as Sai Shao who was reading the words, there were constant emotional feedbacks.

The Ultra youth obviously wanted to do something...Unfortunately, he was ruthlessly suppressed by the Cubs of Light——

So in protest, Sai turned over in his glasses.

Then I found out that Lei Xu would block the recitation...and turned back.

Cough, to get down to business——

After all, this is the destruction of the universe. What the Kiganto people have experienced is not the end, but the beginning.

Speaking of how long he had persisted, the old tree man bluntly said that he had no memory of it.

In short, after that, disasters continued to befall this surviving fragile continent.

There are understandable and incomprehensible.

From the perspective of Kiganto's mother who was still a child at that time—

During that time, the uncles, aunts and grandparents who were once familiar disappeared silently and never returned.

In the successive disasters, areas of the Sanctuary Continent were continuously broken down.

The continental structure maintained by the corpses of the Davidia involucratas gradually disintegrated, and the shelters created by the sacrifices of the iron trees continued to be damaged.

Every time this kind of incident happens, there will be surviving vegetative people who stand up bravely and use the natural ability of vegetative people to seal the gap.

In some places, even the Cubs of Light who were used to such things could not help but be moved by the dry-sounding narrations of Giganto's mother:

The people on Kiganto are all vegetative, and their vitality is generally very tenacious.

Therefore, most of these plant people who used their bodies to block the shelter actually greeted the death of themselves and their companions slowly and helplessly—

In the incomprehensible environment, use your own body to block and block such as electric shock knife cutting, fire blow, gravity distortion, space-time chaos and other understandable and incomprehensible disasters.

At the same time, these disasters are not the only things that the Kiganto people have to face.

In the process of drifting, the people of Kiganto encountered and carefully guarded against aliens from other civilizations. Several unexpected battles took away a large number of lives...

The Cubs of Light couldn't help but think of the Kiganto's development principle of 'not intersecting with any aliens'.

At that time, the Kiganto people were really fighting against the sky, the earth, and the people...

But even so, after persisting for a short period of time, the fragile shelter has already reached the brink of destruction.

Kiganto's mother was lucky. She was ignorant at the time and didn't have any strength to struggle in the face of such a disaster as the destruction of the universe.

It was the relay assistance of her compatriots, as well as a little bit of luck in the dark, that kept her from dying.

When the final moment of the Sanctuary came, she was the only Kiganto who was not injured.

Although at that time, there were less than ten Kiganto people who were still alive and present.

She was the only child, which is why Kiganto's mother never sacrificed.

It's not that she doesn't want to, it's that other compatriots don't allow it!

At that time, Kiganto's mother was no longer an orphan—

All the dead Kigantos who rescued her were her parents...

【and then? 】

It's not that the cubs of light are cold-blooded, Lei Xu just wants to avoid these parts that make people's nose sore:

【How do you know that this universe was destroyed and revived? 】

[I saw it. 】

Kiganto's mother was very calm.


The Cub of Light stared at her incredulously.

【At that time, I thought I was going to die, those were all hallucinations. 】

Recalling this part again now, the chanting voice of Kiganto's mother is somewhat dreamlike and unreal:

【The world fades, the universe is created, the stars return to their place, everything is like a dream to me...】

In the words of Kiganto's mother, she couldn't tell whether the pictures in her memory were dreams or real.

She heard someone frantically beating a terrifying drum, accompanied by a sickening, monotonous flute.

Amidst the headache-ridden howls from the unknown beings, something with a great sense of oppression arrived.

In fact, at that moment she had lost her sense of self.

Everything that is being explained to Lei Xu now is an upside-down and illogical description.

Kiganto's mother used the words 'can't tell' and 'can't describe' many times.

You know, this is in the reading language constructed by the cubs of light without any obstacles in communication.

Lei Xu was convinced that she was not just playing herself off, but that she was truly indescribable.

So starting from here, Kiganto's mother just vaguely described the fragmented and indescribable memory pictures in her mind.

The mysterious interlacing suspected to be the glow of the sun, overwhelming the sky and the sky seems to be entirely caused by some kind of terrible insects bursting out and casting muddy silhouettes.

Immediately afterwards, the unprovoked terrifying and brutal Mouthless Face pursued...

Behind these things, there seems to be a bubbling, undetermined figure, a creepy chaotic existence flashing with suffocating power for a moment.

The next second—

The universe is restarted, and the stars are recreated.

Is all this going back in time, or there is a great power to reshape the universe, or it is Zhuang Zhou dreaming of a butterfly, a butterfly dreaming of Zhuang Zhou.

Kiganto's mother didn't know.

She has and only knows one thing:

Kiganto star was in front of her eyes!

The Cub of Light noticed that the old tree man sighed and stopped talking, and realized——

That's all she knows about this woman who survived the destruction of the universe in the last era...


On the surface of the ocean, the dark embers of the destruction of the universe, the horrible insects burst out endlessly and cast muddy silhouettes.

In a trance, it was as if countless tentacles spread up from the depths of the dark and chaotic sea, entangled with the dim silhouette that seemed to be overturned at any time, desperately struggling——


And... yes, dependents!

No matter the two are on L77, they have already dissected several 'specimens' of the light of the earth.

Or the Ampera Empire Fleet that has been battling endless worms for a long time, the gentleman demon who commanded the battle in the Bashoumon, and other people present in the Kingdom of New Light.

At this moment, all those in the know are convinced that these inexplicably gushing insect monsters are none other than the descendants of an old/outer god, whose real name is the evil god!

Moreover, unlike the Reaper sect and its believers who were passively born during the time when the Reaper was raging in Didai's universe, these bugs are the followers of the evil god in the true sense!

The reason for saying this...

The relevant information recorded in the Empire's "Old Days Database" has a very clear definition of the existence of the "Old Days & Dependents of Outer Gods":

Believe in and worship the old/outer gods, or be actively targeted by the latter?

Get the gaze/acknowledgment of the corresponding existence?

Directly/indirectly affected by the radiation of its power?

Obtained the qualifications to contact it, acquired relevant knowledge/rituals/methods?

Creatures, races, or civilizations that initially possess some similar qualities.

That's right, in the empire's database, there are records of the existence of civilized family members!

Among these family members, the most typical and common traits are...

Disorderly radiation and indoctrination of chaotic information!

In other words, it was the light of the ocean and the soldiers and officers of the Ampera Empire Legion who were fighting with it on the battlefield before, and they were dizzy when they first saw these terrifying family members.

Fortunately, the information and radiation capabilities carried by this kind of dependents are far inferior to the real old days and outer gods.

The soldiers and officers of the Ampera Empire who were fighting at the same time were far from ordinary people. At least the information radiated from the bugs in front of them could not make them lose their fighting power.

Moreover, this kind of information radiation does not carry the influence of the power radiation corresponding to the old days/outer gods.

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