To put it bluntly, it will not cause irreversible mutations in the body and a series of related terrible effects just by looking directly at them to receive information.

At the same time, after experiencing information radiation once, the thinking instinct of the creature will produce a corresponding threat processing mechanism——

When receiving again, these incomprehensible useless information will be directly filtered out!

This makes this information radiation more like a judgment:

Miscellaneous fish judgment!

The unbearable ones have no influence, the unbearable ones are bound to die/injury/crazy——

Look at the specific affordability!

By the way, due to its negative characteristics, most of the knowledge/rituals/spells/spells related to it require additional payment from the user in addition to the necessary energy consumption, including but not limited to:

Physical disability, mental alienation, related catalysts, and all other possible self-destructive costs.

At the same time, in the process of use, there is a very uncertain probability of triggering the attention of the relevant upper family members and even the corresponding existence and other non-corresponding but related old days/outer gods.

In short, anyone who sees these materials in the imperial database will subconsciously raise an idea:

Anyone who uses these things to specify is crazy... not light!

The above summary information is just that.

But to be honest, these descriptions can't help but remind Ocean Light of the Cubs of Light——

Except that there is no physical alienation, no matter how you look at it, I feel that the guy's words and thinking overflow when he is one mind are so similar to these weird things...

"Fujimiya, Fujimiya!" The distant call seemed to come from the horizon.

Well, now is not the time to think about-

In the next second, Ocean Light raised his eyes from the busy dissection to his little partner, and asked:


"Look at the top!"

The Light of the Earth had stopped studying the bug specimens on the test bench at some point, looking up at the intensely intense battlefield.

Fujimiya raised his head subconsciously, and was taken aback.

On the dark ocean of cosmic embers, a strange swarm storm was visible to the naked eye.

Not only is the shape weird and terrifying, but even the direction it's moving forward is also making people's faces change——

Go straight to L77!

While his complexion changed drastically, Fujimiya instinctively remembered the description of these bugs by Princess L77:

Highly intelligent!

Now it seems that this judgment is probably correct——

Seeing that the Bashermon is a tough nut to crack, combined with the first batch of trips, the Ampera logistics fleet that has not successfully landed so far:

These bugs probably guessed that their purpose is this planet, and they are undoubtedly using this method to put more pressure on the Bashermon!

"How to do?"

I dream a little anxiously:

"If this goes on, the two billion people on this planet will..."

Needless to say, the chaotic information radiation that these bugs carry is a powerful mental blow.

It’s okay to be separated by a layer of observation media. It’s hard to say how many of these 20 billion people can withstand the swarm. At least few of the 1.2 million humans can withstand the impact of such chaotic information fragments.

"Fujimiya, do you want to..."

The Light of the Earth is about to move, I Meng never admit that I have a million points and want to play the real Gaia form of my predecessors, but this proposal has been intuitively denied by the Light of the Ocean——

"Need not."

Fujimiya narrowed his eyes and stared at the battlefield:

"They already have measures in place."

I dream:  …

Even the two Lights of Earth who have not participated in the battle below can see that the people on the Bashermon can only wait faster——

Not asking for help proves that there is still hold!

Unexpectedly, the next thing that catches my eyes is not the reinforcements pulled out from the Bashermont, but the dazzling rainbow light that soars up from the rough and dark land——

The volley manifests the posture of the character version of Reza!


The giant of light, Baloo, wanted to join the battle, but now he just froze on the spot holding his pincers.

A group of people in the Bashoumon almost fell into a somersault.

The Witch of Light looked inexplicable, Ju Jianhui's eyes went dark, and the grandparents and grandchildren who spanned 3000 million years were silent.

The members of XIG and TPC headed by Kajio and Xincheng were stunned for a moment, and a strange feeling suddenly rose in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, the posture of the female version of the muscular Reza is not only not hot, but also looks good...

"Belia, you bastard, hurry up!"

While staring at the 'female version of Her Majesty Reza' with wide eyes in shock, the gentleman demon couldn't help but shouted in the tactical channel:

"His Royal Highness is slightly injured, and I will fight you desperately!!!"

Just because of this appearance, someone has to believe that it has nothing to do with His Majesty Reza.

The identity of the female version of Reza was basically confirmed instantly in the presence——

L77 Princess!

Or the sister/sister of His Majesty Reza!

"Belia, you GZZ!"

The gentleman devil is getting more and more anxious:

"Are you fucking going to crawl to the site?"

Don't even think about it, if this hurts His Majesty Leisa's relatives, he will be skinned by His Majesty the Emperor later!


From the communication channel came a familiar, but not tempered, response from the Cruel Silver:

"Come on, don't make noise!"

There is one thing to say, Gumbelia subconsciously hilariously and was startled at the same time, at the moment I feel very guilty——

If that stinky brat knew that his mother was injured because he was too grumpy, he would probably be able to fight someone behind him to the end of time!

The Cruel Silver is familiar with ignoring the fact that the current self will definitely not be able to defeat the Cub of Light...

In the next instant, a black and yellow sphere quickly escaped from the open door of the Bashermon——

The arc of light across the light silver color instantly came to the side of the female version of Reza who was already in a battle posture, and swirled to cover the sky and the sun.


Princess L77 raised her eyes in doubt, looking at the majestic existence that seemed to be accumulating energy and protecting herself behind her, she let out a surprise.


Accompanied by the regular electronic sound and the low chant-like roll call, the magnificent anti-celestial body annihilation weapon lightly shoots a golden flame ball that has just accumulated a phantom at the roaring insect swarm...

Princess L77 didn't know why, so she followed the fireworks that gave her a feeling of suffocation, and looked ahead——

In the next moment, in the gloomy and chaotic dark embers, the swarm of insects that vaguely cast a magnificent mottled shadow instantly dyed through and turned into a sea of ​​extremely dazzling light...

Fujimiya, who was watching the whole scene from below, also noticed the state of his best friend's mother at the moment, and the last residual sequelae broke out——

Looking at the L77 princess who was almost petrified in a daze, the light of the ocean flashed:

Ehehe~, give Lesa a fucking little Jayton shock.jpg

89 Catch up with you hehehe~ 6K [-] in [-]

In the eyes of the current leader of the Star of the New Light, Silver Beria of Cruelty——

As long as there are no buildings and glass of the Kurt team, as well as the big and small human monkeys, there is nothing that cannot be solved by a real mega fireball.

If there is, then come to Yifa again.

——Belia especially likes this slang term used by the people of Rabbit Country on Earth Reza!

Of course, it's not that Cruel Silver is really that cruel...well, Beria is really that cruel, but the choice to crush it with the celestial body Zedon wasn't entirely intentional.

Cruel Silver thinks so, and does the same:

Another 5 black and yellow spheres came to the battlefield through the jump launch port of the Bashermont——

The front, back, left, and right sides of the L77, up and down, in all directions!

The six celestial body suppression weapons standing here are the indestructible wall of sighing, which makes all the bugs who intend to rush to the planet below sigh.

Although it is impossible to really use the power to make the space within a diameter of 200 light-years disappear, Belia still adjusted the output power and various parameters to the highest controllable range——

Weapons for suppression of celestial bodies · Normal maximum power!

So next, this group of insect family members of unknown origin fell into bad luck.

The overwhelming pale grating barrage was just a prelude, and the infinitely gathered scarlet light spears projected and splashed out the golden and bone-destroying plasma flames.

The monotonous and flowing electronic sound and the "Jie~Dun~" that flowed through the ear and heart together constituted the prelude to a war called "Crushing".

At the same time, the micro-charged mega-degree fireball system still has a very good damage radius.

Although it is impossible to achieve the power of 200 light years when it is fully charged, it is always possible to ignite a vast sea of ​​light across the horizon without any suspense in the dark ocean without any suspense.

So at this moment, the whole L77 is lit up like a shadowless lamp, and every angle in all directions is a scorching to fierce dazzling white——

Those insects quickly melted away in this terrifying sea of ​​light that seemed to ignite the entire hyperspace...

This scene not only made the 77 billion people on the L20 star terrified, but also made those who were almost standing in the best viewing position——

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