Bashermon captures the planet directly!


"Mephilas, you GZZ!"

This time, it was the turn of the new commander of the Star of Light to curse back:

"Chaos system, can you fucking hurry up?"

The interior of the Bashermon is filled with tens of thousands of planets, large and small.

Just the delicate gravitational balance is a complex project, which cannot be easily moved.

Without waiting for the best result calculated by the chaotic system, there is a high probability that L77 will be torn apart by the intricate gravity if it enters rashly, and even the existing gravitational structure inside the Bashermon may be destroyed.

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't worry."

The cruel silver's yelling soon ushered in the response of the gentleman and the devil. Mephilas, who also vaguely sensed the danger, stared at the progress bar of less than 60% in front of him and sweated:

"Wait a minute, let me hurry!"

Beria:  …


Cruel Silver's eyes darkened.

Got it!

As soon as these words came out, Beria understood that there was nothing to count on for the time being... Wait what is that?

The line of sight that has never left the insect swarm vaguely caught a bit of dim gray and unusual cold reflections, especially striking in the darkness with almost no variegated colors.

The brutal silver eyes are condensed slightly, replaying and exporting memory quanta, extracting key quanta and quickly optimizing with the advanced photon compilation tool of the photon database...

There is nothing difficult about the long-lost management and cameo research on the battlefield.

A few seconds later, Beria stared at the gray metal pyramid on the light screen in front of him.

No matter what, let's go to this episode first, that's right!

"Mr. Beria, Mr. Mephilas, can you hear me?"

While raising his hand and ordering the two celestial suppression weapons to switch their firepower, the communication passing by his ear drew the attention of Cruel Silver.

"The brains of these bug insects are divided into three layers, with each layer comprising separate left and right hemispheres."

The voice of the Light of the Earth is echoing on the tactical channel:

"That is to say, they can do three things at the same time... These bugs are highly intelligent creatures, but they don't have the same ethics and thinking as us.

Also, since it is a family member, it can be speculated that it has the ability to summon superior family members and even the incarnation of the real name evil god.

According to the records of the imperial database, this kind of dependent race that takes civilization as its system is generally religious in nature——

The requisites are rituals such as offering altars and prayers, I presume..."

"Busy now."

What time is this and such a long speech, Beria subconsciously became a little angry, he interrupted coldly:

"Please get to the point!"

"......Feel sorry."

The other end of the communication was silent for a long time, and then the voice of the innocent boy sounded again:

"If sacrifices cannot be obtained through killing, then these bugs themselves are sacrifices—

Therefore, the greater their casualties, the more likely they are to summon other family members or real name evil gods. I am afraid that this place is not far from the chaotic universe...

Hello, Mr. Beria, are you listening?Hey Hey hey......"

In fact, Cruel Silver had already reacted when he heard half of it.

Beria instinctively raised his head, looking in the direction of the previous gray pyramid——

The two celestial body suppression weapons just completed a round of focused fire, and the pitch-black insect swarm was burned in the sweeping grating, completely exposing the slightly shiny gray pyramid.

No, no no no no!

The moment he saw the pyramid and the suddenly quiet sea of ​​worms, Cruel Silver suddenly realized that he might have mistaken the cause and effect relationship.

It wasn't because the swarm had been cleared that he saw the pyramid.

It was the pyramid that took the initiative to pass over the guarding insect swarm, so that I could clearly see its whole picture!

In the next moment, the pyramid finally had a new movement.

Beria could see the dusty pyramids unfolding like raised mountains——

The fierce battle was still endless for several hours, and the swarm of insects that seemed to have not diminished in the slightest was used as the background behind the pyramid, like a turbulent chaotic darkness.

It flew across the battlefield quickly, and the entire field of vision seemed to slow down.

During this period, the pyramids were quickly reorganized into a huge arch.

Immediately afterwards, a huge and terrifying thing——

The creepy and indescribable existence of constantly expanding and shrinking wriggling, slowly wriggling countless pairs of soft and shapeless limbs invaded the horizon...

When seeing this scene, Cruelty Silver's consciousness was almost frozen there.

A terrible feeling of dizziness and consciousness being corroded and infused quickly surged up...

The next moment, Beria suddenly regained consciousness.

Before he had time to pay attention to the reason and who was helping him, Cruel Silver almost instinctively glanced across the audience.

While raising his hand to wipe off the timer, at some point in the hands of the Grand Commander of the Kingdom of New Light, a strange-shaped firearm with a sci-fi and exaggerated appearance appeared——

There is a crystal clear crystal inlaid in the middle of the gun body strangely, and a small and exquisite golden fireball is floating in it, and there are wonderful stars shining faintly around it...

During this process, Beria noticed the group of bugs that suddenly stopped all movements and neighed in unison——

Just the sound waves resonating regularly formed ripples visible to the naked eye in the 'ocean', sweeping over at an extremely fast speed.

If Silver of Cruelty had the same style of Otto as Cub of Light, he might be able to understand the name that the Sea of ​​Swarms was calling devoutly in aria style:

【Ah~, the blind proto-nucleus of chaos, the incarnation of a great existence descends here, Sada Hegra...】

The deep and dark hyperspace background is rippling layer upon layer in the event horizon, and Belia knows very well that there is a terrifying existence that they are absolutely invincible to, trying to come here from a distant universe beyond.

The number floating on the surface of the strange-shaped gun in his hand is 100% of scarlet, the final safety has lost its function when the silent dial is activated, and the final lock has been completed silently.

Wait, wait, Beria warned himself.

Launching an attack at this time is nothing more than destroying a portal, which is the most stupid behavior!

If possible, the commander of the new light star hopes to destroy the opponent with one blow.

However, considering that this is an evil god whose real name they have never known before, the power of the brat's gun may not be guaranteed to be eliminated.

For the sake of stability, Cruelty Silver decided to launch an attack when it came out halfway——

Be sure to hit the enemy hard!

Beria didn't know it until after the update of "Light of the Earth".

After replaying the replay, he wished he could travel through time and come to the present, grabbing his own neck and cursing:

[Why do you want to shrink your eggs at this time, you stinky fool! ? 】

...It's a pity that I can't scold you.


Cruel Silver looked at the tip of the suspected hydra-like tentacles that seemed to be slowly but really quickly protruding out of the giant door in the field of vision and held his breath.

At this moment, Beria can even clearly capture the one hidden in the darkness inside the shell——

It was in a flowing state like an unformed embryo, and also like a dark existence like a pool of melted meat.

Immediately afterwards, an unspeakable, terrifying and brutal mouthless face came into view...

It's now!

Beria pulled the trigger in his hand without hesitation——

A shadow-like silver light and shadow drew a crack in front of the cruel silver, and it disappeared without a trace.

In the next moment, the crack suddenly jumped to the front of the huge door.

The golden fireball flashing bright and dazzling energy arcs and mysterious starlight broke through the crack silently, illuminating that terrifying and dark face head-on——

Belia saw a pair of deep-set eyes. Among the countless black hairs reflecting the shimmer, there was an uncontrollable astonishment in the dark and deep eyes.

He... No, it realized something almost instantly, and stretched out a group of chaotic tentacles in a rage——

It's too late!

Smelly silly treasure!

Cruelty Silver was smiling, smiling at the pair of dark eyes that stared at him at some point.

[Eat your grandpa and shoot me. 】

Anyway, it was all torn apart, and Belia simply became a little more mad, and the madness that belonged exclusively to the silver of cruelty surged up proudly——

[Come on, come and chase your grandpa and me. 】

Under the horrified gaze of the gentlemen and demons in the distance and all the high-level officials of the Kingdom of New Light present, the commander of the Star of New Light casually glanced at the dark gaze that brought a terrible sense of suffocation, and said contemptuously:

【Catch up with grandpa and give you hehehe...】

In the next moment, Xinghui & Lieyangsheng released magnificent red lotuses...

PS: Many people asked about the cover image, I will post it below, just refresh it in a while~





that's all!

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